Access to Other Pirate’s Voyage Maps! (Suggestion)

    Board another player’s ship, look at their Voyage on their Quest Table, and hold interact to gain access to their maps.

    The use of this possible feature is both numerous and apparent. An important note though, it’ll play into stealth. Stealth is like the state of the game on release as of now, there are fun tools, but not much to do with them. If you got their voyage maps without them knowing, you could set a trap.

    To balance I’d suggest making it take a long time to gain access. Maybe make the stolen voyage map unusable, but good intel. Like scrappy paper, details, and circled areas where the x may be for example.

    Personally, the game is so much more than its intended content when another player gets involved. I’d like for more pirates to have the opportunity for loose alliances, parlays before conflict, or somewhat cordial interactions. This feature would provide some reward for it, if one of your crew can sneak within such a gathering.

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  • I think this fits in with what sot became.

    When people were doing 3 hour voyages for one good item? no way

    Now sot is flooded with reward and the intensity is way lower than in the past. It would be good to have some long plays for stealth outside of just hiding at an outpost or tucked on a fort.

  • Similar to how scrolls on ships works and that didn’t last long. Nobody spends time on another ship unless they plan to sink it’s

  • @burnbacon becouse there was no reason or tools to go into ship and try to hijack their maps?

    Scroll bundles dosen't offer much of high grade loot, other player maps they do that.

  • This is an awesome idea, but my only gripe would be theres no "counterplay". You could go your whole session unaware you had your maps copied, and then when you get to the island, your digs are completed and you have no way of knowing when, where, and how.
    UNLESS, doing this only gave you access to 1 or two of the dig spots/captains/etc.
    It could be quite funny to be doing a gilded, arrive at an island and majority of your digs are fine, but you go to the next X and find a patch of dug sand, and a crude sign saying "Thanks!" (that could open the door to customisable "calling cards" and messages!)

    It would need to be worked around all forms of quest though, and some would have to be excluded (not stealing someones veil stone is an unspoken rule) so it's cool on paper, but would be very specific to implement!

  • @heyltsmetc so basicly we cloud reuseold principle of voyages funneling folks together.

    Sneaking and peaking (thats sounds worse than i tought) on other maps generate for you map with slice of it loot - not same one but on same Island and is availbe as long as crew didin't finish all they xses/skellies on Island.

    In that way we no one loses stuff.

    @heyltsmetc, in the balance section I mentioned you may not be able to complete other pirates quests for the reason you thought of.

    Yeah, but it’d be lower risk than season 14, and would hopefully come with a rework to the quest board. (To make posted player quests shared between islands, and be visibly on the board, would help to revitalize it. Possible dupe glitch, ik)

    With what I mentioned in the response, if you realize someone is waiting for you, you can change your quest at any point with the quest table changes they’ve already implemented.

    For sharing your ideas with me about this game we care about. I’d like for them to work on older content, but new content is fun to talk about. Thank you everyone. If I don’t respond to everyone’s post, know I am limited, and am sure you all have important contributions to this topic.

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