Revamp guilds

  • I think a great idea would be to add more into guilds like a guild bank add a way bigger ship to accommodate up to 12 which would be half of the guild and add in the option to go fight other guilds either as one of the new hourglass or a completely new function I know this would never happen but I think it would be great to actually do something with the guilds

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  • @jokedog69

    I just want Guild Fleet 3v3 Hourglass

  • @jokedog69

    A 12 man ship? You can't be serious.
    It would be unsinkable. You'd leave 4 open player slots on that server.
    That's, at best, 1 Galleon to fight 12 people doing everything on one ship. And, more likely, you'd end up with 1-2 people on Sloops filling those last 4 slots.

    Imagine a 1-2 man Sloop getting jumped by 12 people on a single ship. People who can:

    1. Steer
    2. 2 people to rapidly Raise/lower Sails
    3. 2 people to Aim/Fire cannons.
    4. 3 people Repairing
    5. 2 people Bailing.
    6. 2 free-roamers to switch out on the cannons when the cannoneers runs out of cannonballs in his inventory. Thereby ensuring the cannons almost never stop firing.

    And let's not forget that boarding said ship would be virtually impossible, because it'd be 12vs1/2/3 people. That's, at best, 4-to-1 odds. And more likely to be 6-to-1 or worse.

    It would be the definition of unsinkable. Never going to happen.

  • @jokedog69 you and all the people who want 4+ players boat, please consider that solo sloop exist. the game is very well balanced, like it's not impossible to sink a galeon with a sloop, even with the numerical inferiority. but i think a 5 or 6 players boat, can break this balancement. So a 12 player ship ? nahhh

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