I wish there was a way for Rare to see what's going on with certain accounts rather than relying on us to catch them on film.

  • If you are not streaming or recording every game you are sol and that sucks. Some of us just want to come home and play the game without recording or streaming. I wish Rare could figure a way that when you report someone a capture of that persons activities is logged from 5-10 min before the report.

    I would think Rare can see all the data, like player 1 has shot at this time, then second shot at this time... The server needs to know what's going on. Why couldn't it flag movements or shots that are not possible? Like two shots from the same player that are faster than what it should be, wouldn't you be able to see that info since the server needs to know all this?? Or going from FOTD to a outpost in .00001 seconds?

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  • Absolutely agree

  • I would think Rare can see all the data

    Maybe they can but rules show they need more than just simple data. They need visuals and actual players reporting what they see.

  • @burnbacon

    Maybe they can but rules show they need more than just simple data.

    Rare set the rules, so this is a stretch. Even if that were the case, there’s much more they could be doing than they are now and it’s frustrating they haven’t been proactive in getting those features built in sooner.

  • you mean like the player who sniped me from their ship half a block away while I was below deck at the water barrel at full sail? I'm sure there was no cheating going on there.

  • 1 million percent agree. While I don't know how expensive or resource-related it would take to implement this feature, I'm willing to bet games in the future are probably going to be using some form of this in order to catch/ban cheaters. You also have to remember that Blizzard (a multi-billion dollar company) still has cheaters in their game despite the fact they targetted and successfully sued a cheating software company. It'll always be an ongoing battle as long as people feel the need to cheat since I guess they can't get better at the game themselves.

  • @dominusnic said in I wish there was a way for Rare to see what's going on with certain accounts rather than relying on us to catch them on film.:

    you mean like the player who sniped me from their ship half a block away while I was below deck at the water barrel at full sail? I'm sure there was no cheating going on there.

    Anecdotal "evidence" like this are why Rare Support requires video evidence. You leave out so many details that could be important.

    For instance, if you're on a sloop, there is a chance a lucky snipe could go through the back and hit you at the water barrel.

    Did you hear a gunshot? If so, they were definitely close enough to hit that shot (sniper shots are mute beyond a certain range which is within their range of shot).

    If it happened repeatedly and consistently, that's sus. If their ship was in front or to the side and you can say for certain they hit you through the hull, that's sus. But without actual evidence, it's just your word against theirs.

    For the OP, you don't need to be actively streaming or recording (OBS, for example). If you play on Steam, they recently added a DVR feature which you can enable to run in the background (go to settings on Steam to turn it on). If you play on MS Store/Xbox App, Game Bar can record in the background (though that one is a bit hit or miss). Both console platforms also have DVR features as well.

  • @realstyli said in I wish there was a way for Rare to see what's going on with certain accounts rather than relying on us to catch them on film.:

    @dominusnic said in I wish there was a way for Rare to see what's going on with certain accounts rather than relying on us to catch them on film.:

    you mean like the player who sniped me from their ship half a block away while I was below deck at the water barrel at full sail? I'm sure there was no cheating going on there.

    Anecdotal "evidence" like this are why Rare Support requires video evidence. You leave out so many details that could be important.

    For instance, if you're on a sloop, there is a chance a lucky snipe could go through the back and hit you at the water barrel.

    Did you hear a gunshot? If so, they were definitely close enough to hit that shot (sniper shots are mute beyond a certain range which is within their range of shot).

    If it happened repeatedly and consistently, that's sus. If their ship was in front or to the side and you can say for certain they hit you through the hull, that's sus. But without actual evidence, it's just your word against theirs.

    For the OP, you don't need to be actively streaming or recording (OBS, for example). If you play on Steam, they recently added a DVR feature which you can enable to run in the background (go to settings on Steam to turn it on). If you play on MS Store/Xbox App, Game Bar can record in the background (though that one is a bit hit or miss). Both console platforms also have DVR features as well.

    Unfortunately those can be pretty unreliable. I play on Xbox App because the game locks my steam account so I have to either use a second steam account to connect to or play on Xbox/Game pass, and Game Bar has failed to clip anything so far, requiring me to actually turn on the clipping function ahead of the time.

    Also, it should be on Rare to be able to access video data of their own. Games like Counter Strike 2 is able to record gameplay in-house to be reviewed both by the devs and players, why can't Rare do something similar?

    Moreover, Video evidence CAN be fabricated to falsely accuse an innocent player of cheating and its pretty common for the support team to just take it at face value and immediately banning said player, becoming a cheater's best friend in taking down people they don't like.

    I'm not even joking about this. It happened to a lot of people I know and as early as a few weeks ago.

  • @europa4033
    The game is so game damn cooked beyond belief that they will NEVER implement a system like.
    Cheaters had software where you could free cam around the map, but RARE can't even code in a basic anti-cheat that works, it's a bit embarrassing if you ask me.

  • They do have telemetry and mention using that to set autoban parameters but I think it's for quite specific stuff. When there are exploits that they don't seem to ban for that can launch you about, and even unintentionally sometimes when ship sinks etc you can get spat out at ridiculous speeds.

  • @hiradc said in I wish there was a way for Rare to see what's going on with certain accounts rather than relying on us to catch them on film.:

    They do have telemetry and mention using that to set autoban parameters but I think it's for quite specific stuff. When there are exploits that they don't seem to ban for that can launch you about, and even unintentionally sometimes when ship sinks etc you can get spat out at ridiculous speeds.

    That's what they have been doing as banning cheaters.
    Same for the shipwreck cheat last year before Anti-Cheat, (Where you could repair your ship non stop)
    They had to put a cooldown + Distance parameter on the actual shipwreck to stop that.

  • Totally agree, it seems rather lazy of Rare to just reply with "you need to provide more information" to literally every report. Like when I was playing hourglass and the other sloop player started hurling abuse in chat both on mic and typing like surely Rare could simply pull the chat logs? Why do I have to be recording all the time just in case another player starts calling me a "n****r" or a "ret**d". Like we're making you lot aware the least you can do is take a look....

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