
  • Tenho certeza de que todos estamos cansados de ver hackers nos mares do nosso amado Sea of Thieves, eu mesmo, ja encontrei vários que arruinaram a minha experiência de jogo, honestamente, os Devs precisam urgentemente melhorar ou criar um Anticheat que detecta se o jogador está ou não utilizando hacks, até porque você lembrar do nick do hacker pra denunciar depois não vale a pena e muitas vezes não resolve nada, já que com o Anticheat o ban vem automático

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    1. There is an anti cheat for the game.
    2. Anti cheats can only detect cheats IT KNOWS ABOUT. This is why player reports are so important; The developers can't spend 24 hours a day scouring the internet for known cheating programs. But thousands of players using the report system is the equivalent of hundreds of hours looking for cheat programs.
    3. Cheating programs are made by people. This means that, when one is found and registered to the anti-cheat; The cheat makers just find a new way to make their cheats work.
    4. Because of the above points, no anti-cheat is 100% flawless. Nor can it detect new cheats without being updated.
      Anti-cheat programs are not intelligent things that can make deterministic judgement calls. They are programs that can only do what their programming says. So new cheats are effectively invisible until players report the people using them & the anti-cheat gets updated.
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