December Update - State of Play

  • Hey Everyone,

    It was only a few days ago I was sitting in front of the camera filming our latest Developer Update, and for you folks it's only a few hours old now. However, things move real fast in development and a few days can bring around big change or often in our case - new challenges. Ahead of our game update later this week, I want to share an update following decisions we've made about the upcoming feature set.

    I've shared previously that overhauling processes on a live game the size of Sea of Thieves is just going to take some time. While I've begun sharing some of these process improvements in our recent updates, some features aren't able to truly benefit from them due to how far they are through their production journey.

    I stand by the fact however that something we can do today is be much more pragmatic with our risk assessment of issues and step up to make difficult decisions to hold features that are not meeting our quality bar in order to protect the experience for all of you. Unfortunately we've had to make this very call this week with our latest addition to the Blowpipe's toolset - the Mimic Dart.

    Mimic Dart
    This new addition to the sandbox has had plenty of time with Insiders and we felt confident we could address the issues that had been raised as we began to close down the build for release in December. As we deployed fixes to these remaining issues however, these generated further issues due to the complexity of a shared world multiplayer game like Sea of Thieves.
    When faced with challenges like this, we often can see the light at the end of the tunnel and push on with good intentions and rally to address the issues, however there is a point in the release cycle where we have to take a step back and make an assessment on whether a feature is truly ready to release.
    With our December update especially, the holidays play a big part in our decision-making, to ensure we safeguard the experience for you all while our teams take some time off to be with their families.

    We've assessed the status of the feature this week and while there is only a few issues remaining, when combined together we feel these issues affect the overall quality of the Mimic Dart experience amd pme we are unhappy knowingly releasing.

    We don't take these decisions lightly, and the fact that this feature is one we've shared updates on for a while now isn't at all lost on us. We've however made the difficult call to hold this back from release in December and will continue to work on addressing these quality issues for a future release. Given the challenges we've faced here, we aren't committing this feature to a specific follow-up release but will share more updates on this in the new year.

    While it's disapointing we can't get the Mimic Darts into your hands for the holidays, there's still some great value arriving in our December update later this week, with improvements to the tools launched in Season 14, further fixes to the experience and the changes we've previously shared to Safer Seas.

    Thank you again for your patience, we'll work behind the scenes to get this latest addition brought up to quality and back into your hands as soon as it's ready!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

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  • Christmas is ruined, kids are crying, needed those darts for turning into Santa 😔💔

    In all seriousness, disappointed of course but still excited for whenever it arrives! Hopefully not too long

  • Appreciate the update!

  • Breaks my heart to hear this… I was looking forward to using the mimic dart for the golden scallywag contest to get some mischievous clips.
    Will the contest be delayed again?

  • While it‘s kinda disappointing, and as you said, the timing for us watching the Dev Update only to read this a few hours later, was unfortunate….
    However I‘ll always stand by the fact that a polished release is always the better way than releasing something broken to fix it later. So good call.

  • I already thought that there would be an announcement of the event with the orb, but here there is only bad news :(

  • [Insert rant about Christmas being ruined]

    In all seriousness, while it's a bit of a bad timing to see this so soon after the Dev update, I will always stand by a more polished release over something that will break the game and require it to be taken offline to be reworked on.

    Thank you for the update, for the work you all do, and happy holidays!

  • Good call, I had my concerns that there would be player safety issues with the mimic dart. It would have been a tool for harassment & false reports.

    Will continue my festive SoT fun without it. gg, and happy holidays Drew!

  • This is a feature you want to get right on the first go! Good call delaying it if it still has things that need to be addressed. We'll be here when it's ready. Happy holidays and have a happy New Year!

  • Better to have the update perfected then to have it buggy and broken!

    I'm sure Santa will deliver something else this Christmas! (he better.. )

  • One has to wonder whether early prototyping revealed that the features from this season wouldn't be worth the extensive effort and delays for such little gameplay gains.

  • More than fair enough.
    Sometimes releases must be delayed (I know that from my levels as well). Then these features must be rewritten, retested, rediscussed and everything takes time.
    But in the end it is worth it. The more issues the release has, the most costs a company get solving it, beside early "random"-testing (dynamic tests) can be able, but don't have to detect it, and targetted tests from the community are not always finding these issues.
    So it makes sense to delay releases if it comes to heavy problems that are not on expected levels.

  • I think that it is time to disable the game on the Old Gen Xbox One consoles. I understand this is a critical change but it needs to be done. It's an old hardware and I think that creating a game that can run on that system is giving you a hard time with the releases.

  • I understand. But please, do make sure these last minute u-turns stop happening moving forward… I’d rather things be announced and added when ready, rather than setting artificial release dates, with completed features being held off until a date, while incomplete features get constantly pushed back the day of release.

    Pretty sad about this one, I was looking forward to hopping on when it came. But if it means it’ll work better, then by all means, take your time.

  • While it's disappointing, it's a good call. Holidays are coming and you don't want to release something that is not polished all the way to let it explode while you are all away. Good luck to the team.

  • Hard to read that when we are so close to the release, but most of us know it's for the best, and that's what we want for the game.

  • Thanks for being upfront. It’s alright, honestly. As long as there are events and incentives to boot up the game, it’s plenty fun a game as it is.

    I just hope the concept doesn’t get watered down like the harpoon gun re boat collisions. Aka please enable us to take the name of the other player, too

    Happy holidays Sonicbob and crew

  • Reasonable

  • Sad news, but a good decision nevertheless. I still think this is a good path - release when ready. Having game stability as a priority ensures us we always have our fun, in this form or another, but it's there for taking. Thanks!

  • Can RARE stop delaying, pls!
    Since of the Season 10, you has "often" delayed updates. The reasons are exactly the same. Either there are bugs or we want to make the content better.
    To put it simply, the new content has not been completed at all, Right?
    Stop lying us!

  • I appreciate you taking the time to make the release of the new content is safe rather than pushing it out prematurely! I hope that you and the team at Rare have a wonderful holiday season!

  • All good performance over buggy mechanics!

  • This is beyond frustrating. In both November and December, they made promises in developer updates only to backtrack the day after. This suggests deep-rooted technical problems that can’t be fixed quickly.

    While they’ve announced a shift to smaller content updates, they’re keeping the seasons and season pass unchanged. This focus on FOMO-driven content feels manipulative, turning gameplay into a chore with time-limited rewards. To make matters worse, the game is in its worst technical state yet, with persistent server problems, visual glitches, and rampant cheaters exploiting unfair advantages. It drains the joy of playing and my motivation to continue.

    Rare needs to fix their communication, deliver on promises, and move away from FOMO tactics before they lose their loyal player base.

  • Disappointed? Yes. Surprised? No.

  • I always assumed implementing new mechanics into a game like this would be difficult, no worries on the delay. I'm sure most players would rather have a new feature added that works as intended, regardless of how negatively they might be reacting right now.
    Keep up the good work, I hope the teams and their families have a wonderful holiday, and things next year go a bit more smoothly for you all!

  • (sigh) That's a bit sad to read. I can understand it, though. Better hold it back than to release it broken, so probably the right choice. It just becomes somewhat frustrating when the "new feature coming next update" is follwed by a "sorry, it's not coming next update" a day later, repeatedly.
    Let's hope going forward this works out better for both sides in the future. ^^
    Happy holidays to everyone, btw!

  • Sounds good to me. After watch the video on ow the mimic dart will work and other videos explaining. Hope some changes come to light to stop any….trolls from ruining it.

  • Step 1: Lock down a build where you no longer have to touch the build (a release candidate).
    Step 2: Do not edit release candidate for 3 weeks to allow for both beta testers ("insiders") and internal QA staff to run their course.
    Step 3: If issues arise, return to step 1 and repeat the process until no more issues arise after the waiting period of step 2.
    Step 4: Only after a release candidate had time to be tested and not altered do you announce a release date. This does not mean you get to edit the release candidate build in this time. Any future edits should be a separate build that would go through the same 4 steps.

    Why is it so hard to follow basic standardize developer ethics/practices? Is microsoft forcing a time crunch or something?

  • thanks for this news

  • @markvental said in December Update - State of Play:

    Step 1: Lock down a build where you no longer have to touch the build (a release candidate).
    Step 2: Do not edit release candidate for 3 weeks to allow for both beta testers ("insiders") and internal QA staff to run their course.
    Step 3: If issues arise, return to step 1 and repeat the process until no more issues arise after the waiting period of step 2.
    Step 4: Only after a release candidate had time to be tested and not altered do you announce a release date. This does not mean you get to edit the release candidate build in this time. Any future edits should be a separate build that would go through the same 4 steps.

    Why is it so hard to follow basic standardize developer ethics/practices? Is microsoft forcing a time crunch or something?

    I've always wondered this myself. It really isn't as difficult or complicated a process as they constantly try to make it out to be. Time consuming and likely tedious, yes, but complicated? Definitely not. Yet, it seems that no real effort has ever been put into following these practices.

  • Hello everyone

  • When is next big update?

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