You did it again!

  • So I just got 6 levels of HG for both sides. Never touched it.
    A friend got close to 5ish? She'd played a couple of rounds before swearing off it.

    I got my Arena hulls like this lol.
    What's up?

  • 7
  • Compensation for hourglass reputation being broken last week.

  • Announcement in the Discord was made by Becky saying the following:

    "Following last week’s issues with rewards, players who engaged in Hourglass battles during the outage will receive a generous amount of Allegiance for each battle fought. Also, all players regardless of Hourglass participation will be boosted by five levels with both Factions."

  • @azxarxa
    Oh. Thought it started at 0.

    Neither of us did HG lol.

    Thanks? Hahaha. .

  • @th3-tater said in You did it again!:

    Oh. Thought it started at 0.

    Yeah you start at 0 but because of a serious issue with gaining reputation within the factions. All players received 5 free levels in each faction.

  • I think it's a good move.

    Hg burns people out more than any content in the game, so when issues happens I think it helps to send out some perks once in a while.

    Might even get a few people to try out hg now that they got a lil' free rep.

    Unfortunate that it happened and took some time to fix but I think they did right by the players on this one overall, imo.

  • Kinda hope it happens again. Wouldn’t mind some more free levels. 😏

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