I need help getting better at my non naval combat, any tips? (Ps, I’m trying to level up reapers)
Non naval combat
Just gotta practice. Some people are uniquely talented but for the most part a good shot is just a lot of practice mixed with a lot of interest. Good game sense for tdm/deck style fighting is also just practice and interest.
In this game a strong offense is a good defense.
If you get really strong at naval pressure then it opens up more wiggle room for weaker defense in that style.
If they always have pressure on them then it takes some pressure off of you.
In this game you can do everything right and lose and everything wrong and win sometimes, just view it all as practice and not as serious competition and you'll get better as you go along.
We all have the skill ceiling that we have but one thing is for sure, you have strengths that can help you in combat, it just might not be the same as other people's strengths.