The Other Half is recruiting (Lvl 362)

  • Ahoy, Fellow Scallywags!

    We are currently looking for more active players to join our guild. Anyone is welcome, be it a new sailor to a seasoned pirate!

    Current Guild Members as of this post: 11/24
    (13 spots up for grabs)

    Requirements :

    Guild Player: Willingness to collaborate and increase the distinction of The Other Half.
    Pledging: Pledge your proud ship to the service of The Other Half and make it prosper with rewards and returns.
    Respect: A positive attitude and respect for all crew members. Toxicity is not the option.
    Discord: Join our discord server once you are approved.

    Ready to join a guild that sails with skill, strategy, and a sense of adventure? Set your sights on The Other Half and let’s make waves together!

    Apply Now: Drop a message here or contact hazard1711 or drazerius on discord for more details.

    Adventure awaits!

    Fair winds and following seas, [Haripilz17 / The Other Half]

  • 10
  • Hey, im pretty active and decent at the game. Could I get an invite?
    IGN: Beef Is Yum

  • @beef-is-yum sure!

  • 9 spots still available

  • Hello!!! I'm a non toxic really chill and great helmsman pirate legend.

  • I'm interested!
    I'm pretty decent and active.
    Xbox - shinyPIN
    Discord - shinypin_

  • Still looking for more pirates

  • Interested in joining, gamertag is same as my display (X0N22), Discord is "exxo0"

  • Could I join?

  • Same GT.

9 / 10