Emissary quests not showing

  • I've been grinding Gokd Hoarder for commendations and upon getting to grade 5, 2 days in a row ive had no option to collect the quest..

    Something might have changed in where you pick them up? I took a break once and they changed how the sloop sails so, anything is possible - but I haven't seen this anywhere posted yet.. maybe it's me.

    Any ideas to help remedy this for me?

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  • @cdotroach10 Ahoy matey!

    One change that might be catching you out...

    You need to leave your Grade V flag up to keep access to the voyage. If you lower your flag to get to Grade V again then you will lose all your voyages.

  • Reasonable assumption, cause that change is a doozy. I miss stacking an emissary quests on another quest and using them to research grade 5.

    It may have been just a fly by night bug, cause my 3rd grade 5 this week, i was able to collect the mission and saw them in my radial with the flag icon by em.

    I'd be interested to see if it happened to anyone else.

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