Level 855 - Black Sails Gang - Console - NA - Adult

  • Hi all - looking for active players, preferably crews, to top out with us for distinction 10/level 1,000.

    We are: mostly console, adult, NA servers.

    Only requirements are: you/crew pledge ships as a primary guild and are on fairly consistently throughout the week/month.

    We have a mix of guys, gals, couples that are newish all the way to gold cursed.

    Hope all is well and good luck!

    Message me direct here if interested. We also have a discord if you’d to join.

    See you out there -Cap

  • 9
  • I’m interested I have black sails I can pledge three boats and will be able to be on everyday and I am on every day and ( probably) can do 2.5 Emmy value 4mil on the high side

  • Hello,

    I'm kinda getting back into the game slowly been out of it for a while now and haven't really joined any guilds before. Woud love to join yours.


  • Xbox and PS5 mostly. Looking for folks that play under the guild when on. We are getting close to 900! Thanks!

  • Hey I’d love to join up can pledge a couple ships I’m online most days

  • Hello i sent you a direct message

  • @el-c4pitano send me a inv! I run guild emissary flag mainly

  • Hi everyone, thanks for reaching out. We are full again with 24/24, but keep an active list if you remain interested.

    Chances are high. Some of the 24 are less active due to life events, so once we courtesy confirm with them, we remove them to make space for new committed members that are active players that plan to join this guild as their primary.

    If you are still interested, please feel free to message me direct - thanks and stay well!

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