Welcome to your new General & Off-Topic Forum!

  • Here you can kick back and talk about anything that takes your fancy. Be it other games (wait, there are other games?!) or what you ate for breakfast (if that's your thing).

    The end of the Technical Alpha means we’re going to be doing some general housekeeping in the Forums.

    We noticed that some categories (Technical Alpha and Insider) were used disproportionately more than others making it hard to navigate and find the information you need.

    However, we don't want to forget the amazing time we had in the forums of old and bury those threads forever so we're going to be creating a read-only library with those threads (and their comments) saved for everyone to have a look!

    If there are any threads in this category or this category that you would like to save, please post them below with a reason why and they will be considered for the library.

    Please do not link dump, but instead post one topic (with the reasoning) per comment

    Vote your favourites, as we will be sorting this thread by most votes.

    I can't wait to see what your personal highlights are!

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  • Currently eating some McDonalds.. Informational enough @khaleesibot XD Tis called LazyPirateLife

  • i had chickfila for breakfast and im lost without sea of thieves :(

  • @khaleesibot Nice !! That was a good thing to do ! Never forget why you are a Pirate !!!

  • @khaleesibot I always breakfast milk with cookies . Wait, haven't you asked?

  • I'm going to break the rules straight away and suggest several to keep which are along similar lines but which could be added to and are timeless in their way -


  • And this one too -


    I just think it's a great collection of stories and shows of the creativity of the community!

  • @katttruewalker said in Welcome to your new General & Off-Topic Forum!:

    And this one too -


    I just think it's a great collection of stories and shows of the creativity of the community!

    This might be good to move to "Fan Creations", yes?

  • @jediknightxiii Could definitely be I think!

  • @khaleesibot
    I know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long pugeer. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let @DrBullhammer's pug thread go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will make you love pugs.

  • Had a lot of fun with the game. Would like to be able to ascend and descend in the water without having to look up or down.

  • One more thing, after you sink a ship some barrels should come up with half or less of the supplies that they had. Just a suggestion. Also ran into a bug were chests got frozen under water after we sank a ship.

  • I'd like to selfishly suggest this small thread to be saved as i have yet to find the Person who came up with the Monkey Tower Term.

  • Bummed out now that SoT is over for the year...
    My wife and I as a hobby are testers for a lot of game companies...
    So here is a game that we have been testing on PC, but will also be available for XB1X....
    Warning this is a nightmare before Christmas... We have not had a good night sleep since testing this game...
    It's a Horror Survive game that will leave you jumping at your own shadows and think something is still watching you in the dark long after you log out of the game...
    "Disclaimer" this game is not for anyone under 18 and anyone who already has mental issues lol.

    Have a merry nightmare Christmas lol.

  • Pirates O'Charity (the General Archive)


    Morale Boost Thread (has been given the Red Banner of Death)

    These are intended to be on-going events, dare I say, Tradition post-game release. Due to Work and Personal "issues," I haven't been able to take care of them properly since early December. But by nature, they will be maintained regularly.

    BUT why should these be staples? Here's why. . .

    During a time which members felt neglected, forgotten, and ignored, the Morale Boost Thread was born. The aforementioned thread was the parent thread, and substantial Monthly Threads would be created and thusly closed at the end of each month. For the most part, the mother Morale Thread would help generate ideas and keep tabs on what movies and 'games' were suggested and what was scratched off the list due to when they were featured. Pirate Movie/Party Nite is hosted on rabb.it in the most legit of ways. Those movies not aired on NETFLIX would be rented (aye, rented. No sailing across the 7 seas for some bootstrapped version of some film. Aye, I be a pirate, but I be a woman of my word). Somewhat recently, a COMMUNITY GENERATED CONTEST was made on said Morale Thread and has been sent to a shallow, watery grave. The Contest was proposed very much early in the brainstorming phase, and now with the game release date and #BeMorePIRATE promo in place, there has been no greater time to showcase ones questionable yet somewhat healthy love and fervor for all things Piratey and RARRRE.

    As for the Pirates O'Charity thread? I brought up the idea to ask Optical and Emma if we could ever have a Charity Livestream featuring SEA OF THIEVES. Mind you, this was back in ~~ what ~~ October 2016ish (?). PO'C was conceived yet not properly berthed til the Summer of 2017. Player Pirates created and named the group that wold represent the SOT-ForumFAM. They would maintain it. They would show that gaming communities could not, are not toxic places to be. To show that they care about each other and support one another in ways more powerful and more emotional than could be imagined on the digital scale. That they don't keep to themselves but give to others with full hearts, opened arms, and quick-fire fingers. That they help others -- in and outside of this ForumFAM -- the best way they know how... through gaming. They give willingly and selflessly to children and families in need, to grown men and women who are enabled to play through generosity in ways that enrich their hearts and minds, to organizations in any country for any rightful cause.

    These threads represent the best of us. All of Us. Of what we are and will always be.

    When the world beats us down to a bloody pulp, we do not wash away but linger. We shall stay, to rise, and sail together.

  • super mad about the pioneer program. super jealous. super! LOL

  • @mrtrashpandah So you could say you're a Sad Pandah? 😆

    Cheer up matey. The sea beckons us all and soon we shall all set sail.

  • @mrtrashpandah @Wargrym

    We will all be sailing as one again soon! Chin up matey!

    hides pioneer status

  • Wanted to squeeze into this post just to thank the amazing team at RARE for the last year of being able to take part in the insider/Alpha program. From the early days till now the improvements have been astounding and with each content update I could tell you were listening to the feedback of those pirates you let sail the seas. I would list all the wonderful things but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to =) with that being said I cant wait to continue my adventure with you and the rest of the community. Catch you on the horizon!

  • @khaleesibot @Deckhands I need Help !! I can not download the beta on my Xbox since the insider hub can not be downloaded on my Windows 8.1 machine. As a founder the email says I do not need a code but it would sure be handy if I had one so I can put it in manually anyway I can someone see my code or ask someone to mail it to me ?

  • @fariko-velvet Ahoy there! The game itself also requires Windows 10 (Aniversary edition to be precise)... so you will need that for the game to run.

  • @musicmee I want to play it on my Xbox one lol my laptop cant even handle Minecraft xD

  • @musicmee O lol did not know I could download the Insider hub on my Xbox itself XD

  • @fariko-velvet Yes you can :D glad you found it...

  • @musicmee Then the game says im not Authorized to play ? my entire party is getting the same error all founder status ....

  • @fariko-velvet The servers are overloaded:


    We can only wait :)

  • @el-espectro-0 NOOOO!!! and I wanted to be a master pirate :(

  • Question. How do you gain reputation on the forums? its probably a dumb question but i wanna know

  • @spacewalker9012 Post useful or interesting things and people will upvote you. If you see something helpful or interesting, you can upvote others with the up arrow in the top right of the post.

  • @whenkoalasattak Thank you

  • Im kinda new... And i have a single question : Where can I see if I was Invited for the pioneer/insider program and if I am able to play the game?

  • @sixcase12426692 Ahoy there!

    Welcome aboard the forum... There are two places to check, that's under your name here (the badges) or in an easier to read format on your account page (https://www.seaofthieves.com/account)

    I can tell you though, you are not currently an alpha/Founder member or part of the pioneer programme so will have to wait for a future play date before you get a chance to play.

    You can find out more about the groups at the link below:

    Hope to see you out on the high seas soon!

  • @musicmee Thanks for your fast response . I hope i will see you too in the next season ( I hope I`ll be able to take part in the next programme ) :)

  • @sixcase12426692 No worries!

    We may see a beta before launch if we are lucky - hopefully, its open but if not you may need to preorder to take part. Stay tuned for future updates!

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