Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?


    I know the items are similar to each other but, Don't just say you're removing them because they "Look similar" Say you're adding in a dye shop so we can make the items we want to look like them.

    This is their response for items to be "Similar to each other" You better remove every item that is similar to each other then and just implement a dye shop and instead of "Removing them from the game" Give us a choice to make our items to look like that.

    DYE Shop: You can change colours on an item as you please or there are options you can pick what that item will look like. There would be a list of things you can already choose.

    Like the clothing shop, There's a list of clothes to buy but in a dye shop, there will be a list of items that rare implemented like the Rogue sea dog cutlass and the Ruffian sea dog cutlass or you have an option to dye and pick what colours you want on a piece of the item.

    Let us DYE Our items and not pay full price for a slight recolour

    Let rare make us dye an item and choose what colours to put on a piece of equipment or just pick from a list, This is rares response about items being too similar, What are they going to remove next because mostly everything is too similar to each other and it's just a recolour.

    All I'm saying to you rare is, Please, Please add in what the community has made and suggested in the past, So many people suggested and made so many concept arts for this game like rewards that you slain the kraken and get a wheel cosmetic or the anchor.

    Rewards for completing a fort will give you an outfit.

    Killing a skeleton with a bandana will rarely drop that colour bandana.

    Putting symbols on your ship/Colouring your flag.

    All im asking is please, Please add in suggestions that would make this game better and more enjoyable because the community can think of really great things that will make this game much more fun.

    Please respond to us and say "Oh hey look we're adding in this brilliant suggestion by (Username) In the game in one of the content updates*

    Just saying it would make this game even more amazing if you guys respond and talk to your community and listen and add in suggestions we made for you guys, We just want to make this game better and the only way to make this game better is the community, The community is what makes a game great.

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  • @theunknownd Yeah you're not alone. A lot of people have expressed the same sentiments.

  • there's a thread discussing it.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    @theunknownd Yeah you're not alone. A lot of people have expressed the same sentiments.

    Yes, Every suggestion we ever made (Even back in the alpha) isn't implemented in the game yet (Don't know if I saw any suggestions added in the game yet) Would be nice if they make daily posts or weekly posts on what suggestion they're adding from the community because it should be in the game.

    @sir-lotus said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    there's a thread discussing it.

    I know.

  • I thought dye shops and tattoo artists were set in stone from the beta.
    Simply because every game that has any sort of customizable characters in the last (insert researched # here) years has had similar options.
    That and the dyes you see outside of the clothing shops...
    Silly me thought seeing a violin and rowboats in the previews and all around meant they'd be in game too. Oh so naive I was..

    This game has taught me so much hahaha

  • @cloudedmonkey said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    I thought dye shops and tattoo artists were set in stone from the beta.
    Simply because every game that has any sort of customizable characters in the last (insert researched # here) years has had similar options.
    That and the dyes you see outside of the clothing shops...
    Silly me thought seeing a violin and rowboats in the previews and all around meant they'd be in game too. Oh so naive I was..

    This game has taught me so much hahaha

    They had like 5 years to make this game, Don't know why they didn't implement this to begin with, and I don't know why we don't have the amazing shark ship from the beta yet.

    I MISS THIS SHIP! D: (I know this ship was in the beta but I have no idea why I never saw this while i was playing in the beta)

  • Eeeeeek so much I could say about rowboats and violins and the like...

    I just wouldn't write them off yet!

  • @theunknownd I wonder if some of these customisations are coming with each of the content updates... it was an epic ship, too epic to be a starter one!

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    @theunknownd I wonder if some of these customisations are coming with each of the content updates... it was an epic ship, too epic to be a starter one!

    It will arrive, Don't know when.

    @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    Eeeeeek so much I could say about rowboats and violins and the like...

    I just wouldn't write them off yet!

    Say what's in your heart's content, I'm sure rare will respond or see it.

    All I know is that they're coming, Don't know when.

    on Reddit someone data minded a lot of stuff that is coming to the game but the post has been removed (I think one of the things were that violin)

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    @theunknownd It was an epic ship, too epic to be a starter one!

    I'd argue that's what players take issue with the most and the biggest evidence they had no meaningful plan in place at all. RARE seemingly ripped out the the best beta/pre-release cosmetics after a quick, 'uh oh, we don't have enough and we can't just give out our best stuff.'

  • @gloog I do see where you are coming from but I never saw any messages saying this will be available at launch/or not... So I never assumed anything.

    At least they haven't (and never will) do what EA did where they put all the beta/alpha stuff behind a paywall and never told players about this said paywall until launch.

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    @gloog I do see where you are coming from but I never saw any messages saying this will be available at launch/or not... So I never assumed anything.

    At least they haven't (and never will) do what EA did where they put all the beta/alpha stuff behind a paywall and never told players about this said paywall until launch.

    Yeah, They didn't say it will be available at launch but it was already in the game, to begin with, Idk why they didn't put it in the release.

    Maybe there is a reason why? Maybe it's a pirate legend cosmetic??

  • @theunknownd I'm assuming all the good stuff is being held back for either a big update... or just being slowly filtered in... you never want to give away ALL the good stuff at the start.

  • @theunknownd cant wait for them to add it!

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    @theunknownd I'm assuming all the good stuff is being held back for either a big update... or just being slowly filtered in... you never want to give away ALL the good stuff at the start.

    True man.

    @roughleech03117 said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    @theunknownd cant wait for them to add it!

    Same! I will still have my admiral ship though because that is dope for my taste!

  • Would have been nice indeed if beta stuff was included, but in my eyes, some type of situation where Microsoft had a gun to Rare’s head screaming, “WE NEED THIS GAME OUT ASAP!” occurred. Which, I think, forced Rare to pick and choose what was added at launch (a laughable amount compared to the content and ideas that were probably being worked on.)I’m really hoping that the intense lull that the current state of the game is in is at its lowest point. It’s tough to hang in there, but I’m sticking around for the smoking pipe. Give me the pipe Rare, please. Please. I saw a leaked picture of it, please let it be real. I made a Rasta pirate specifically for this. Please lawd. Smoking pipe, cooliocam wants the pipe!

  • @cooliocam said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - Is this their response?:

    Would have been nice indeed if beta stuff was included, but in my eyes, some type of situation where Microsoft had a gun to Rare’s head screaming, “WE NEED THIS GAME OUT ASAP!” occurred. Which, I think, forced Rare to pick and choose what was added at launch (a laughable amount compared to the content and ideas that were probably being worked on.)I’m really hoping that the intense lull that the current state of the game is in is at its lowest point. It’s tough to hang in there, but I’m sticking around for the smoking pipe. Give me the pipe Rare, please. Please. I saw a leaked picture of it, please let it be real. I made a Rasta pirate specifically for this. Please lawd. Smoking pipe, cooliocam wants the pipe!

    I am really hoping the stuff that we saw in the trailers and the beta is coming soon but not too soon because we need content and bug fixes first, Yeah I believe Microsoft forced rare to release the game.

    But i keep wondering why they weren't in the full game if they were in the beta?

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