Ninja Outfit/Weapons

  • It'd be cool if SoT had ninja clothes and weapons! (e.g. Katanas, Kunai/Throwing stars, Nunchucks, Staffs, Sai, etc.) Who else agrees?


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  • We are pirates mate. We need more pirate stuff

  • I really want a thematic samurai style pirate. A junk skin for the sloop. They should go deep into creative pirate-esque skins.

  • I wouldn't mind some oriental pirate wear, but come on man. Ninjas stayed on land.

  • Absolutely not! No ninja c**p of any kind.

  • I would definitely love cosmetics inspired by Asian piracy, maybe along with a campaign where a pirate crew from that region (or whatever its equivalent is in this universe) comes to the Sea of Thieves and kickstarts an adventure. I imagine ninjas being involved in an April Fool's event of some kind. Like, suddenly it's Ninja Week in the game and you fight off ninjas instead of/in addition to the regular skeletons.

  • @cakerrie Oh gosh, I would die laughing if they threw that in! xD

  • @gloog Ikr I'd love a Samurai outfit and ship skin, too! Also, they should throw in katanas. That'd be so dope. xD

  • ......
    ...Get out....

  • @john-hatter said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    ...Get out....

    LOL Ikr It'd be so cool if they threw this in. xD

  • I'd be okay with Asian pirate themed stuff but not exactly ninja gear. Afterall Ching Shih was one of the most successful pirates of all time.

  • @eatdamuffin said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    I'd be okay with Asian pirate themed stuff but not exactly ninja gear. Afterall Ching Shih was one of the most successful pirates of all time.

    She dressed like a pirate..... Not ninja master samurai. Please no ninja stuff, And this is coming from a fan of ninjas. There is a place for everything and the last thing I want to see boarding my ship is a ninja......
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  • @ninjagamer741 sagte in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    It'd be cool if SoT had ninja clothes and weapons! (e.g. Katanas, Kunai/Throwing stars, Nunchucks, Staffs, Sai, etc.) Who else agrees?


    How about Space Marine cloth?

  • I still want a bow and arrow

  • @samuraijack said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    I wouldn't mind some oriental pirate wear, but come on man. Ninjas stayed on land.

    And pirates never shot themselves out of cannons, fought living skeletons, and rode on ghost ships. Seriously, this IS a fantasy game. Anything can happen here. xD Also, if not that, maybe a full mask, katanas, and the ability to dual wield.


  • Why do people care what cosmetics go into this game? You won't see other people other than for a few minutes. What matters is what the individual likes. More thematic variety in all ways would be awesome and the art team would probably love some more creative freedom.

  • @gloog said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Why do people care what cosmetics go into this game? You won't see other people other than for a few minutes. What matters is what the individual likes. More thematic variety in all ways would be awesome and the art team would probably love some more creative freedom.

    Amen, brother! Just throwing out some ideas! No need to get all angry about it. xD

  • @jonaldinho AK-47 OR IM WALKIN

    They def need some time period asian stuff as mentioned not ninjas haha but they will im sure add asian stuff maybe a rice hat, some typical clothing of the time period shirts with the toggles sandals stuff like that. They should do that with all regions. some tribal clothing and they put in the spanish gold hat chest stuff. im sure itll come just dont know when.

  • Maybe I am in the minority, but I find Pirates significantly more interesting than Ninjas. If the developers decide to go Ninja Cosmetics, than so be it. I can only speak for myself and hope they keep the Pirate theme. I am all for different regions Pirate attire, why stop at Asian.

  • @nabberwar said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Maybe I am in the minority, but I find Pirates significantly more interesting than Ninjas. If the developers decide to go Ninja Cosmetics, than so be it. I can only speak for myself and hope they keep the Pirate theme. I am all for different regions Pirate attire, why stop at Asian.

    I wholeheartedly agree! I'm not forcing ANYONE to wear anything, I just thought it'd be cool to have some new attire/weapons. :)

  • We know where NinjaGamer741 stands on the whole ninjas vs pirates debate hahaha

  • @crimsonraziel said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    @ninjagamer741 sagte in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    It'd be cool if SoT had ninja clothes and weapons! (e.g. Katanas, Kunai/Throwing stars, Nunchucks, Staffs, Sai, etc.) Who else agrees?


    How about Space Marine cloth?

    You know what? This is such a good idea, I'm gonna make it into a separate topic! :D

  • @nabberwar said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Maybe I am in the minority, but I find Pirates significantly more interesting than Ninjas. If the developers decide to go Ninja Cosmetics, than so be it. I can only speak for myself and hope they keep the Pirate theme. I am all for different regions Pirate attire, why stop at Asian.

    We'd be pleasantly surprised what the artists could do with the idea of a thematic pirate ninja cosmetic set. Pirates is a great and easy theme to work with and to stylize.

    I'd love a Nordic theme as well.

  • Leaked footage of the new SoT ninja cloth and ninja themed ship cosmetics!

    Ninjas everywhere

  • @gloog said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    @nabberwar said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Maybe I am in the minority, but I find Pirates significantly more interesting than Ninjas. If the developers decide to go Ninja Cosmetics, than so be it. I can only speak for myself and hope they keep the Pirate theme. I am all for different regions Pirate attire, why stop at Asian.

    We'd be pleasantly surprised what the artists could do with the idea of a thematic pirate ninja cosmetic set. Pirates is a great and easy theme to work with and to stylize.

    Unfortunately that is somewhat of a turn off, I rather enjoy the period esque inspired clothing specifically pirate related. Not necessarily themes turned pirate.

  • @nabberwar like I've said before, it's impact would be extremely low for players that don't want it.

  • @captsubtext420 said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    We know where NinjaGamer741 stands on the whole ninjas vs pirates debate hahaha

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  • @gloog like I've said, what direction Rare goes is their call, and at the end of the day its cosmetic and non-gamebreaking. I'd hope they keep it simple, I would rather not make this game look like Fortnite. This is my opinion alone.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Leaked footage of the new SoT ninja cloth and ninja themed ship cosmetics!

    Ninjas everywhere

    LOL xD

  • @nabberwar said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    @gloog like I've said, what direction Rare goes is their call, and at the end of the day its cosmetic and non-gamebreaking. I'd hope they keep it simple, I would rather not make this game look like Fortnite. This is my opinion alone.

    My observation is that games are trending that way because players like it, artists like it, and well, it sells $$$. Battlefield V being the most recent game seemingly adopting that 'thematic' approach.

    The games beauty and theme is primarily outside of its cosmetics. I don't think it could ever be compared to fortnites style even if we see Nordic etc etc themed cosmetics.

  • Here's the thing, the Japanese were not an ocean voyaging people. All your weabo gear is ruining my pirate vibe.

    We already have Asian and polynesian pirates, but they have to conform to western conventions. This is SoT not Shogun World.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Here's the thing, the Japanese were not an ocean voyaging people. All your weabo gear is ruining my pirate vibe.

    We already have Asian and polynesian pirates, but they have to conform to western conventions. This is SoT not Shogun World.

    LOL First off, I'm not a Weeaboo. I hate anime. xD Second, it's just a suggestion, no need to be triggered by it. Third, even IF they throw it in, no one's forcing you to buy it! Seriously. xD

  • @ninjagamer741

    This why we don't have sliders to configure a pirate, or custom sails and flags. Players will kill the look of the game. On purpose, even.

    Thanks for posting, have a grog.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:

    Here's the thing, the Japanese were not an ocean voyaging people.

    I hate historical back and forths for a video game but Japan was greatly attuned with seafaring.

    @barnabas-seadog said in Ninja Outfit/Weapons:


    This why we don't have sliders to configure a pirate, or custom sails and flags. Players will kill the look of the game. On purpose, even.

    We don't have custom anything because RARE doesn't want to lose its total control over the dangling-candy method of trickling us cosmetics.

    Players see other players for a fraction of their game time. It can't ruin the theme.

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