New Weekly Event

  • Are we getting a new weekly event this week? I know skeleton Thrones is 2 weeks long but are getting a new one this week? Otherwise the weekly events are slightly mis-named....

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  • @xraylexx Thy current event ends on the 26th of June. I suppose there is no new event before the current one ends. I believe they said something about "biweekly" in a recent interview.

  • @xraylexx as @Crimsonraziel mentioned they said two weeks. Two weeks is a good length of time seeing as there's cooperation required and folks who are willing to cooperate can be hard to find.

    I wonder what's coming next though. If my calculations are correct we should have time for another two biweekly events before Cursed Sails. That's presuming that they will go straight from one event to the next though, I suppose they might have a week or two with no events between events.

  • I'd like to see some sort of pre cursed sails event! Really would add to the world if they build up hype in it

  • @dogsinthepark That would be nice, although I think the cursed sails is the pre event. Just like with Hungering deep an event to introduce the new items/AI.

    It would be cool to gather those orbs seen in the trailers for the order of souls lady before the event.

  • Every weekly event is 2 weeks.

  • So if this is the 2nd week will they be resetting the thrones challenges giving us an opportunity to redo so we can grind more doubloons?

    I don't really care for the outfits so have quite a stash. Now should i be saving these for future updates or spend on XP bundles..?

  • @boxcar-squidy Have to agree. A couple of my mates can only really get a few hours a week in game. As such they managed Meg but haven't managed the multi crew thrones yet. Hopefully the extra week will give them the opportunity.

  • @gizm0nky I would say most likely not. If you don't like the stuff I'd keep the coins for future items in case you don't manage a future event and want the items. The gain for rep spending or gold isn't really worth it. You would gain more spending the time spent on the thrones on voyages.

  • So, are all weekly events going to be 2 weeks long going forward?

    I want some that encourage exploring some of the lovely caves that the islands have.

  • @mad-jack-ketch said in New Weekly Event:

    Every weekly event is 2 weeks.

    Then its not weekly events as they said .. weekly event is each weeks and if all events will be 2 weeks you cant call it weekly.. ah the advertising kicks hard at rares part but when its deliverens time everything suddenly changes

  • @dogsinthepark When Cursed Sails is released, there will be an event... like they did with The Hungering Deep. That’s how they are introducing DLC.

  • The hope here is that whilst Meg brought is the drum and speaking trumpet (and changes to tattoos I suppose), Cursed Sails will provide us with much more in the way of gameplay mechanics (such as new quests).

    I do lament the fact that I more than likely wont ever have glowing shark tattoos again now that Meg has retreated (though retreat is the key word here I suppose)...

  • @boxcar-squidy said in New Weekly Event:

    @xraylexx as @Crimsonraziel mentioned they said two weeks. Two weeks is a good length of time seeing as there's cooperation required and folks who are willing to cooperate can be hard to find.

    I wonder what's coming next though. If my calculations are correct we should have time for another two biweekly events before Cursed Sails. That's presuming that they will go straight from one event to the next though, I suppose they might have a week or two with no events between events.

    Well.... I could be completely wrong on this... But Bajno Kazooie 20th anniversary is on the 26th of June... and there is this guy not in the game yet..

    Id love to see some sort of event celebrating the 20th anniversary

  • @ser-swag-pants Agreed! As long as it is well thought out and the rewards for the completing the events make you feel like you got your time spent was worth it! just hope it's not another go here talk to a guy...go back over here talk to another guy...go here read a book..go here read another book..go back to second guy get a horn and a drum...go here try to kill said beast.

  • @iceman-0007 I didnt mind THD quests and hunting down the books, I agree it could be a lot more polished, but as long as I get rewards for the multiple times I do the event to help out other people so I dont feel like im wasting my time ill be happy

  • Itd be nice to still get a new one every week so theres two going at any given time.

  • yah there is no reason not to put up another quest just cause another one is still active. that would have people doing a few different things at once god forbid haha. they can end them whenver they want. but put out the new events every week like you said you were gona. thats my stance and i will be disappointed if no other event comes by the end of the week.

  • The original plan was Weekly, but RARE said they are weighting the pros and cons (At E3), with longer events risking a lost of interest in the later days, causing players to become unable to do find players who will do coop events with them, and shorter events risking frustrations among those who do not have as much time to play.

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