The Pirate Lord

  • Of all the colorful characters my father described to me, none fired up my young imagination more than the avuncular Pirate Lord. He is a figure that dominates many tall tales and flights of fancy, particularly those told to children, and together they paint a romantic picture of pirate life. He visits colorful islands and stumbles upon magnificent treasure, miraculously emerging unscathed from all his adventures.

    Truth be told, it was the Pirate Lord who first put me in mind of running away with the pirates one day. He was one of the first seafaring rougues to discover the Sea of Thieves - that much the tales can agree on - and if not the most successful, then at least the most renowned. In a region where your reputation is everything, that might well be more important than wealth.

    His skill with blades of all kinds was exemplary, his cunning unparalleled and his knowledge of the workings of the world could not be matched by anyone who dared to cross him. Even in those formative years, the Sea of thieves was rife with secrets - any visitor to the Ancient Isles can attest to the existence of an ancient civilisation whose echoes can still be heard in cursed caves and submerged temples.

    His voyages are so intertwined with almost every facet of life on the Sea of Thieves - from curses to merfolk to the ancient coins themselves - that it seems impossible that they could all be true. Death itself could not quell his l**t for adventure and excitement, and many of the stories I remember most vividly describe him as an emerald phantom, a spirit whose insubstantial nature did nothing to prevent him from enjoying himself.

    I am not so vain as to believe that I will ever meet the Pirate Lord. To one day hold in my hand concrete proof of his existence would validate the dreams of my childhood, and that would be enough for me.

    This is what Captain Flameheart had to say of the Pirate Lord in the Tales From the Sea of Thieves book. The Pirate Lord is also the father of Lesedi and DeMarco Singh, as revealed in the second issue of the Sea of Thieves comics. If you want more info about the Pirate Lord I suggest looking at these posts: Oh Hail, the Pirate Lord! and The Father's Riddle and Letter

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  • Thanks for this matey, i'm a fan of Lore, gives me something to read as i drift off for the night with the sound of creaking sails echoing in my ears

  • @longbeardfellow Not a problem mate!

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