Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4

  • Patch Notes - 1.1.4

    Ahoy pirates!

    This week introduces the second Bilge Rat Adventure – Gunpowder Skeletons – and ends the Skeleton Thrones adventure. Those time-limited cosmetic and Doubloon rewards are now at an end, but for anyone who earned Doubloons during the event, they will remain in your wallet. The Skeleton Thrones themselves will also remain part of the world, along with both the Commendations and Titles, so if you encounter a new pirate to the world of Sea of Thieves don’t forget to point at the Thrones and let them know how many attempts it took you to reach Marauder’s Arch!

    Patch 1.1.4 also brings with it multiple improvements to the mechanics of gunpowder kegs, skeleton aim changes, key performance improvements and fixes for known issues.

    Bilge Rats Adventure - Gunpowder Skeletons

    Vigilance, a loaded gun and your best running shoes are all critical for this explosive Bilge Rats Adventure!

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    • Gunpowder Skeletons Event – Carrying a gunpowder keg, skeletons can now rush towards you, light their fuse and... BOOM, off to the Ferry you go! The Bilge Rats are challenging all brave pirates to defeat them in various ways, some less conventional than others! Keep an ear perked for a burning fuse, and a finger on the trigger... good luck!
    • Explosive Force - When detonated, gunpowder kegs now have the force to rock and push ships.
    • Fuses - When holding a gunpowder keg, players can now light a five-second fuse by pressing the primary action button (Right Trigger on controller or left click on mouse).
    • Bilge Rat Doubloons – Each Gunpowder Skeleton Commendation on the progress screen details the number of Bilge Rat Doubloons it rewards. Players have until the 10th of July to complete the Commendations and earn up to 150 Bilge Rat Doubloons.
    • Bilge Rat Cosmetics – The Bone Crusher Sword, Pistol, Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach, priced at 15 Doubloons per item, are available until the 10th of July.
    • Letters of Recommendation – Letters of Recommendation now grant a full level in the chosen Trading Company. Opting to spend your hard-earned Doubloons on reputation with the Trading Companies? This just got better!
    • Bilge Rat Titles – Completing the Gunpowder Skeletons Commendations will unlock two new Pirate Titles. These titles will unlock straight into your Vanity Chest for maximum bragging rights.
    • Legendary Commendations - Earn an additional 50 Doubloons by taking on the challenge of the Legendary Commendations.
      These Legendary Commendations have been added based on player feedback requesting longer-term goals and replayability.


    • Megalodon - Megalodon behaviours have been updated and improved.
    • Skeleton Accuracy - Skeletons wielding a blunderbuss or pistol have had their accuracy reduced.
      This was tweaked due to player feedback.
    • Joinable Status - Players can now make themselves unjoinable from the new Crew Management tab within Settings. This will mean that even friends can no longer join your session.
    • Bilge Rat UI - The reputation summary and icon have been updated with improved visuals.

    Performance Improvements

    • Reduced client memory usage on PC.
    • Improved network bandwidth usage which may in turn reduce latency experienced by players in busy scenarios.
    • Improved server performance which will reduce latency for all players.
    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • The turning speed on the Galleon has been corrected.
    • Being poisoned by a snake no longer shows the VFX a second time.
    • Large button prompts no longer overlap.
    • Some hairstyles no longer appear under tucked into jackets collars.
    • Megalodons will no longer collide with islands when following a ship.
    • Skeletons at a Fort no longer lose their textures once the Captain is killed.
    • Majestic Sovereign Trousers no longer visually tear.

    Known Issues

    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Bilge Rat Doubloons have not been correctly rewarded to a number of players who earned them through the Skeleton Thrones event.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • The Hungering Deep rewards were not received by a number of players who earned them.
      We are currently rolling out a fix for this issue which will award missing rewards from The Hungering Deep. This will take some time, so keep an eye on the weekly patch notes to see when the rollout is complete.
    • Resource barrels on ships will periodically re-stock if they are below the default level of stock.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • Good job Rare on keeping the thrones and commendations in for new players!

  • Wooo hoooo!

    This event is going to be explosive! I love it.

    Some awesome bug fixes too.. you guys and gals never fail to deliver.

    The bone weapons look awesome!

  • @musicmee

    Have you seen this?!

    Skeleton kegs

  • Wait. What?!

    Skeletons carrying GUNPOWDER?!


    wow I can already see all the fun with the gunpowder improvements! Nice additions again, thank you Rare!

  • @khaleesibot
    Wow, just wow... so many things in this patch that make me happy!

    • Skeleton accuracy fixed
    • Double snake venom fixed
    • Real private crews
    • Replayability of event
  • @khaleesibot I'm not home at the moment, but any word on the patch size? This is the first set of notes where it hasn't been mentioned.

  • fuses will be fun to play with. And that joinable toggle is going to make so many people happy.

  • @murkrage That image looks verryyyy familiar! Like I just posted it seconds ago maybe?

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @murkrage That image looks verryyyy familiar! Like I just posted it seconds ago maybe?

    not true

  • @khaleesibot

  • Oh the skellies! Love em! Mainly from the distant ferry though.

  • This is an excellent patch, probably one of the best, if not THE best yet since release. I hope there is very little to moan about here!

    Can't wait for the legendary commendation!

  • Those Letters of Commendation are looking reallllll nice right about now!

    Looking forward to it!!

    ~Captain Jay
    The Crow’s Nest

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    It's going to be a blast!

  • Yassss now random friends cant hijack my crews!

  • Wooohooo!!
    A ton more features, cosmetics & fixes that should have been in the game from the start!!

  • @ducklol1337 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Yassss now random friends can not hijack my crews!

    Fixed that for you :D

  • @caisterkaos said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    A ton more features, cosmetics & fixes that should have been in the game from the start!!

    Enjoy the new content or don't, but seriously stop crying the same old thing over and over. It's getting old :)

  • What about the brig issue? Are you guys working on a fix on that thing? Was it fixed? Players that randomly spawn in the brig when they are invited into the session is still very problematic in sloop crews, because you can't vote anyone in or out of the brig. Please keep us up to speed on wether or not you guys know about the issue.

  • I'm so bloody excited!

  • Wow this sounds awesome!

    The gunpowder change is also amazing, being able to light the fuse instead of having to hit it.

  • Wait, there is a way to join your friends without invite? HOW?????

  • @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Wait, there is a way to join your friends without invite? HOW?????

    You add them through the xbox app, then go to their profile and you can just 'Join Sea of Thieves'. This has been abused in a few cases. Now you can lock your crew to make sure friends don't randomly join.

  • @guepard4 Ahoy matey!

    Either by using the Xbox App on Windows or the Firends List on the console.

    You can choose a friend that already in game (and has an open space) and click Join Game.

  • @murkrage said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @ducklol1337 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Yassss now random friends can not hijack my crews!

    Fixed that for you :D

    D****t! Thanks

  • Ships rocking when a keg explodes is going to be a game changer!
    As will random boneymen running around with gunpowder! Keep even more of a weather eye out guys and gals!

  • @murkrage dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Wait, there is a way to join your friends without invite? HOW?????

    You add them through the xbox app, then go to their profile and you can just 'Join Sea of Thieves'. This has been abused in a few cases. Now you can lock your crew to make sure friends don't randomly join.

    So, I have to visit their profile? I can't from the friend's list? Maybe that's why I have never seen that option.

    Xbox app sucks :-/

  • @ant-heuser-kush @Musicmee

    We look like the three musketeers. Answering at the same time, all three of us.

  • @guepard4 if you see them online, you can just open their profile options and select "join game" or whatever it's called exactly. If they have space of course.

    edit: i was slower...

  • Love you, Rare. 😍

    So thankful for the update on skeleton pistol accuracy too.

  • @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @murkrage dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Wait, there is a way to join your friends without invite? HOW?????

    You add them through the xbox app, then go to their profile and you can just 'Join Sea of Thieves'. This has been abused in a few cases. Now you can lock your crew to make sure friends don't randomly join.

    So, I have to visit their profile? I can't from the friend's list? Maybe that's why I have never seen that option.

    Xbox app sucks :-/

    Just left-click on their name in your friends list. Visiting their profile isn't the biggest issue with the app, trust me haha.

  • What about pirates that have already spent their doubloons on letters of recommendations? Do we get the extra xp or a refund?

    A bit gutted I spent them now as if I waited I could have had 2 levels instead of almost 1!

  • Replayability ? It says you can earn to s maximum of 150 Doubloons. But ifyou spend them will you be able to go back to 150 or it is a total snd that's it?

  • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.

    How is this not fixed yet? I was flying all over the place when ejected from a moving ship.

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