Known Issues Sunken Curse Patch 1.1.6 [Updated: July 17th 10:50AM BST]

  • Ahoy there mateys,

    It seems there's a pretty big round of issues going on at the moment. While we wait for an official word from Rare, I figured I'd create a topic dedicated to the issues at hand just so everyone knows what's been said.

    Feel free to comment on this topic if you experience the same things or found something else that hasn't been listed here. This topic will be updated accordingly.

    As always, if you encounter an issue / bug make sure to submit a support ticket.

    (Image by @Furious4fame posted here)

    Order of Souls
    FIX INCOMING: Over the course of July 12 (BST) a hot-fix will be applied with an all-clear expected on July 13 (BST)

    It seems the Skeletons have taken a break and are now on a well deserved holiday. This is rather annoying for anyone doing Order of Souls or Athena's Fortune voyages.

    Addition: Apparently the issue is only there for Athena's Fortune voyages.

    Pirate Details
    FIX INCOMING: A fix will be applied during the maintenance schedule on Wednesday July 18
    UPDATE ON FIX (July 17th 10:50am BST): Unfortunately the scheduled maintenance has been pushed back. Will have more info soon.

    Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.

    Here's an update from Rare for the above two (Athena and Pirate Details) issues:

    Update July 12th 1:29PM BST:

    Update July 13th 10:45AM BST:

    Update July 17th 10:50AM BST:
    Unfortunately the previously scheduled maintenance where the Pirate details would be fixed has been pushed back.

    [FIXED] CoffeeBeard error upon joining
    There are reports of some players not being able to join with the following error message:

    Failed to connect to sea of thieves server. Please check your connection and try again. (Coffeebeard)

    Rare is aware of the situation and are working on a fix.

    UPDATE July 13th 15:22pm BST:
    CoffeeBeard has been defeated. Players should no longer be experiencing matchmaking issues.

    (Image by @skumlerboy posted here)

    "Legendary Skeleton Exploder" Title
    It appears that the previously earned commendations aren't being counted towards the total of 120 to be able to earn the new title.

    There are reports of players being able to equip the title even though they haven't completed all three 'Legendary' Commendations yet.

    If you have actually completed all commendations for the event you can still purchase the title for 0 Doubloons from Duke even though that particular commendation appears bugged at the moment. (Thanks for the mention @CptnPotBeard )

    Stacked washed up items
    Several items that can be found washed up ashore can be stacked together in large numbers. This includes 'Message in a Bottle', relics, skulls, chests and goods.

    Pirate Avatar issues
    The UI and pirates in the 'Select Your Pirate' carousel may not be visible for some players.

    Update on this issue:
    There are some reports of pirate avatars not appearing in the main menu. According to @Micro666, who filed a bug report and got a reply, the test team is aware of the issue and are working on a solution. Expect it to be resolved in a future update!

    Mermaid hitbox vs damage distance
    There are reports of players being able to attack the Mermaid Statues without being damaged by the statues. It appears this is only possible at certain angles, though.

    Random game crashes
    There are reports of players who's game crashes at random moments. Unsure of the cause, but a fix might be to reinstall the game.

    I'll keep you guys up to date!

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  • @murkrage Just FYI to anyone worried about the Legendary Exploder Title. If you have actually completed all commendations for the event you can still purchase the title for 0 doubloons from Duke even though that particular commendation appears bugged at the moment

  • @murkrage cheers for the quick update!

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @murkrage Just FYI to anyone worried about the Legendary Exploder Title. If you have actually completed all commendations for the event you can still purchase the title for 0 doubloons from Duke even though that particular commendation appears bugged at the moment

    Noted and edited the OP :)

  • @murkrage said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @cptnpotbeard said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @murkrage Just FYI to anyone worried about the Legendary Exploder Title. If you have actually completed all commendations for the event you can still purchase the title for 0 doubloons from Duke even though that particular commendation appears bugged at the moment

    Noted and edited the OP :)

    Yeah, No Problem, Happy Hunting!

  • Athena voyages are broken for me, OOS quests come up blank, no captains appear on quest sheet and nothing appears on islands either besides regular skellies.
    Actual OOS quests are fine but when part of athena voyages they're broken, tried on different servers, same thing.

  • @murkrage said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    Order of Souls
    It seems the Skeletons have taken a break and are now on a well deserved holiday. This is rather annoying for anyone doing Order of Souls or Athena's Fortune voyages.

    Honestly do you blame them? They got new buddies who blew them up faster then they could spawn. And all of their other friends suddenly got crosseyed ^_^

  • @murkrage Thanks for this :) Too bad we don't have stickies here. Might be worth posting over on Reddit as well.

    Wouldn't be a SoT update without some bug stow-aways :)

  • Normal OoS voyages seem to work fine, just not the Athena ones.

  • @gooo6 said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    Athena voyages are broken for me, OOS quests come up blank, no captains appear on quest sheet and nothing appears on islands either besides regular skellies.
    Actual OOS quests are fine but when part of athena voyages they're broken, tried on different servers, same thing.

    Can anyone confirm it's JUST Athena? I've seen posts from both Athena and Order of Souls. It might be different per player.

    @hynieth said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @murkrage said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    Order of Souls
    It seems the Skeletons have taken a break and are now on a well deserved holiday. This is rather annoying for anyone doing Order of Souls or Athena's Fortune voyages.

    Honestly do you blame them? They got new buddies who blew them up faster then they could spawn. And all of their other friends suddenly got crosseyed ^_^

    They're rallying on their damned Skeleton Galleon. The Cursed Sails are upon us soon!

    @xcalypt0x said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @murkrage Thanks for this :) Too bad we don't have stickies here. Might be worth posting over on Reddit as well.

    Wouldn't be a SoT update without some bug stow-aways :)

    Feel free to post it there.

    @mc-rossco said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    Normal OoS voyages seem to work fine, just not the Athena ones.


  • @murkrage Here you go :)

  • I have the title but mine says 0/120 too

  • Another big issue is with pirate avatars. After the update I no longer have a pirate avatar displayed in the menus, and my in-game avatar is completely different, and i mean completely different i.e. different face, body, clothing etc

  • @micro666 I've reset the PC, and the game in the Store, and it's the same no menu avatar at all, and wrong in-game avatar. I think the in-game avatar looks like it might be a default one

  • @gooo6 dijo en Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    Athena voyages are broken for me, OOS quests come up blank, no captains appear on quest sheet and nothing appears on islands either besides regular skellies.
    Actual OOS quests are fine but when part of athena voyages they're broken, tried on different servers, same thing.

    same here, can't beleive this is happening, every update is a really a mess on this game, never seen nothing like that....

  • @micro666 OK I just got this back in reply to my support ticket I raised regarding the missing avatar on the menu, and the in-game avatar being wrong

    "Ahoy there,

    Our Test team is aware of this issue and are working on a solution. We hope to resolve this in a future update.

    Thank you for your report!

    Sea of Thieves – Player Support"

  • the new pioneers be slacking, someone get the cat o' nine tails!

  • Hope this gets fixed really soon AKA today, cause a week without Athena quests is going to be boring for me....

  • @micro666 said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @micro666 OK I just got this back in reply to my support ticket I raised regarding the missing avatar on the menu, and the in-game avatar being wrong

    "Ahoy there,

    Our Test team is aware of this issue and are working on a solution. We hope to resolve this in a future update.

    Thank you for your report!

    Sea of Thieves – Player Support"

    Thank you, I have included the bug and the reply in the original post.

  • @khaleesibot has updated the original Patch Notes with the above known issues. Read them here:

    Known Issues

    • The 'Gunpowder Plot' Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
      We are investigating a fix for this issue. The time-limited Gunpowder Skeletons event cosmetics will be available again in the future for any players wishing to complete the set.
    • The Hungering Deep rewards were not received by a number of players who earned them.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • Athena's Fortune Bounty Quests are incorrectly blank.
      We are currently investigating a fix for this issue as high priority.
    • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.
      We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to reset your pirate to your original selection. If you have experienced this bug, please ensure you have logged a Support Ticket for this issue.
    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sound after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.
    • The UI and pirates in the 'Select Your Pirate' carousel may not be visible for some players.
      We have reports that the UI and pirates become visible after a few minutes.
  • Hi there @Murkrage! If you check the Patch Notes discussion, the Known Issues and Fixed Issues have been updated!

  • @murkrage Beat me to it!

  • @khaleesibot I'm trying haha.

    I can keep updating this just for up-to-dates sake if more things pop up, if that's not desired then feel free to lock this topic :)

  • My hair color changed to brown from blonde. However I’ve been suffering since launch from being stuck with blonde hair after choosing a pirate with a darker hair color. Needless to say I’m pretty happy with this bug.

  • now we strangly got 1/120 on my crew :S

  • I was so psyched to log in tonight, but now I am worried...
    How prevalent is this avatar-change bug? I don't want my pirate to change...
    What will I do? Patiently wait for a fix or risk it so I can explore the depths and get me that spiffy new hat?

  • @pdt-mindstream The issue is limited to the appearance of your pirate. You can safely start exploring from what I've heard from other players :)


  • Nice one, glad I read this before trying an Athenas, I normally do the skellies last so to find them not spawning after doing everything else previously would have been a bad time.

  • alt text

    alt text

    I can confirm. It just sucks that we did everything else before we got to these. We were pondering the whole time why they would hide what the skeletons were. Thought maybe it would stop some of the quest cheesing. Guess it really was a bug and not a feature!

  • @murkrage said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @pdt-mindstream The issue is limited to the appearance of your pirate. You can safely start exploring from what I've heard from other players :)

    Oh, no, I know... but appearance is everything!! Haha! XD

  • This is happening, the spawn system for bottles, items, supplies and treasures is completely broken, everything is spawning in one place stacked together.

    Also you can outrange statues with a sword, which I believe isn't intentional, if they are suposed to damage pirates attacking it head on why is it that just being slightly off the range negates that mechanic completely?

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    the new pioneers be slacking, someone get the cat o' nine tails!

    How do you even know of the pioneers tested this patch?

  • @urihamrayne I have updated the OP with the stacked items. If more reports come in regarding the hit distance (I'll test it out myself as well) then I'll at that too.

    @pink-geek-chic said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    @awesomecoreusa said in Known Issues Sunken Curse [Patch 1.1.6]:

    the new pioneers be slacking, someone get the cat o' nine tails!

    How do you even know of the pioneers tested this patch?

    Let's keep discussions out of this topic and stay on the matter of known issues / bugs.

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