No skeletons at all

  • Today I did three merchant voyages and visited 12 islands. At no point did a Skeleton appear. Yesterday I couldn't do anything without a Skeleton jumping me every other minute.

    Have you experienced something similar?

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  • @isaac-occam Rare can surely tweak spawn rates in the background, but this sounds like pure luck to me.
    Maybe consider posting those questions to the Game Discussion section, as it isn't really related to guides or tips.

  • @isaac-occam, Merchant missions are one of the few voyages that don't really spawn skellies, I would assume you level is under 30 in that since they don't spawn.

  • @semperletalis yeah I'm 24, but yesterday I simply went from island to island without a voyage and plenty of skellies appeared.

    But good to know about the merchant voyages.

  • @isaac-occam It must have been luck. Today I ran a merchant voyage and encountered skeletons.

  • @isaac-occam, They spawn for sure however they don't spawn all that often compared to say an OoS mission or a GH one. Even when they do spawn they are normally very weak.

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