Downloading issues

  • Hello, first sorry if I'm in the wrong place and sorry for my bad english to :)

    So my problem is I can't download the game on the windows store. Few month ago my game was crashing a lot and so I decided to delete it and to re dl it. But I couldn't (endless downloading). So I waited some few month thinkink their would be a fix. But I tried again this week and still the same problem actually I'm at 40/40 go dl and it keep increasing.

    I tried the wsreset but didn't work. And when I try to launch again the dl it start at 40/40.

    So I'm kinda lost. I really don't know what to do to fix this problem and it's a bit frustrating to can't play at a 70€ game.

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  • @corvalmandar

    Ahoy there, there's a number of possible fixes on the Support site, have you found these?

  • @katttruewalker
    Yes I have already tried that. But I will try again, maybe their is something I did not right. But thank you for the quick answer.

  • @corvalmandar

    I did notice when I had trouble with the download that I needed to go to Apps and Features, scroll all the way to the bottom of the list, where some strange Sea of Thieves installation existed and delete that. It managed to download fine after it was gone.

  • @katttruewalker

    Well I tried again and not working the dl restart at 50/50 now xD

  • @corvalmandar I’m glad you haven’t given up, but I’m also sorry to say I have no real advice for you. Just hope that you will eventually join us in the seas.

  • @weststormborn
    Thank you I appreciate.

  • @corvalmandar no problem

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