Servers Today....

  • Be interesting to see how populated the world will be today now that a certain game has been released.

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  • @aclassali

    Ahoy there,

    Thankfully the way in which the servers for Sea of Thieves are managed, you should always encounter other ships on the seas, via merging or being placed on servers with a population which ensures you're not sailing alone.

  • Lesser spotted drunken couch bears the world over have been reported to have suddenly gone into hibernation mode, ordered pizza, bought beers and retired to their natural environment - the couch.

    One drunken couch bear, who did not wish to be named, made the following comment to reporters, while firing an imaginary pistol in the air.


  • I doubt we'll see a difference, since the servers always try to maintain population in each shard.

  • @aclassali ...... there are OTHER games?? 😮

  • Well lad , i know what you mean and wich game you have put your aim on. i played a bit myself for a hour and a half and i admit to the fullest that this is a great game and has a great story and maybe many options but during that hour and half , wich is some kind of tutorial i even haven't finished , i had the feeling that somebody was guiding my adventure ...And it's strange, i have been playing more than a year of SOT, Alpha's included , and hadn't played anything else but now i really feel friction when i can't play the game how i want it...If i want to enjoy the game you hint at , at the fullest ,then i fear i will have to lose an addiction of a certain Pirate game before i can enjoy " guided " games again...But to swear off the most addictive game since many years ? i don't know wich Monk will want to give a year or more of it's iron patience in order to reform me...The servers will still be habited by an old Clumsy fool , that's for sure...

  • I'll be on the seas. there simply is nothing else like SoT. the games coming out are just more of the same, only prettier.

    edit: there is one game I still play that reminds me of SoT- elite dangerous. another game that just keeps getting better.

  • @clumsy-george im so with you on this, i paid £25 for another game last week (not the one discussed here however) got as far as the loading screen and switched back to Sot. And the reason is, i dont want to be told that i have to do x,y,z in this mission etc. I dont think there are any other games like sot.

  • Me and my wife playing it right now in this second, she’s playing and I’m watching, so and where iam now? On my beloved SoT Forums :) It’s a great Game yes, it has breathtaking graphics yes, but people it’s an open world offline game, you’re playing an Rockstar scripted character, I’m loving my own Pirate more, because she is unique and I’m telling her story, this scurvy Bilge Rat :D

    I like no I love SoT more no game can draw me away from Rares Masterpiece!

    And btw I saw enough Ships today :)

  • @king-deka Yeah, I mean, I've spent a few hours, it's a masterpiece. But it's not going to scratch the same itch as SoT. Once online mode is released I'll have a look, but I can't see how it would in any way satisfy my teamwork/sailing urges. It's beautiful, but in a different way to how SoT is beautiful.

    It's fun, but a different sort of fun to SoT.

    Both games nail immersion.

    I'm happy, because there's room in my life for two amazing games that scratch different itches. Sorry Elite Dangerous beta, you've been relegated.

    Terrible time to be a player of vidya games though right?

  • pretty much populated, had a lot of battles. This certain game annoyed me quite fast, can't find out how to repare my horse, had no planks, though.

  • We had a fair bit of lag and disconnects last night and treasure wasn’t giving reputation.

    I played RDR2 for half an hour and then went back to SoT.

  • Saw the trailer in the cinema last night. Gotta say it was really underwelming, surprised they didn't do a cinematic epic

  • I'm willing to bet that if I sail later there will be five other ships in there with me.

  • I’ve never gotten the impression that you cannot name another game on these forums. Why all the sudden vague references?

    Let’s test it... Red Dead Redemption 2.

    There are enough gamers to go around.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar On Xbox so no beta for me. Chapter 4 will be here soon enough.

  • Well, I'm a PC only guy, so RDR is not going to impact my swashbuckling much :/

    @marsmayflower hyped for the beta next week as well.

    Wowowow, it didn't realize it was so soon! Hyped to clean the dust off of my other (space) ships :D

  • Between SoT and Stardew Valley, I gots no time fer them cowboy folk.

    Also, with it being Rockstar, I'm going to wait and find out how it ends first. I was going to play Redemption until I found out how it ended.

    Not saying it's a bad story, just not my cup o' tea. I'm a romantic, upbeat kinda guy, so sue me. =P

  • im also lost in the wild west,what not means i will not come back to sot when im done with red dead redemption,that was just an awesome year for a gamer,two masterpieces came out sot and rdr2.btw sometimes they sing some decent shantys in rdr 2 and the butcher from the royalnavy tell some decent storys,how he got chased by 50 sharks :D

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in Servers Today....:

    @marsmayflower hyped for the beta next week as well.

    I'm gonna wait the Ch 4. beta out. I'm looking forward to the changes but I've got too much stuff to do in RDR and SoT.

    Really think it might be a good idea to save up some gold before ship customisation comes in, something tells me those Kraken cannons won't be free.

  • @boxcar-squidy sagte in Servers Today....:

    @mr-dragon-raaar said in Servers Today....:

    @marsmayflower hyped for the beta next week as well.

    I'm gonna wait the Ch 4. beta out. I'm looking forward to the changes but I've got too much stuff to do in RDR and SoT.

    Really think it might be a good idea to save up some gold before ship customisation comes in, something tells me those Kraken cannons won't be free.

    Save your money bro, nobody knows what’s coming besides Ship Customization!

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