Forum help! (Images/Links/Text tools) Help guide

  • Hello derrr fellow pirates!!

    I’ve noticed for a while now some crew-munity members have been struggling with a few of the tools of the forum, like uploading pictures, links, enlarging text amongst other things.
    So to try and help, I figured I would make this thread as a basic guide to help you navigate the forum waters.
    I can only do basics, as I’m a pretty basic person myself ;)
    If you feel like my explanations are not good or understandable feel free to let me know and I will try and re-word them better.

    If you wish to practice any of these, feel free to use the comments below. There isn’t really a discussion point to this topic so I would assume the mods will not have an issue with it. I know from first hand experience it can be tricky on other devices which do not have the preview feature. Hence why my posts get edited about a billion times!

    Also if English isn’t your first language I’ll post a link to Google Translate below and hopefully it will be able to be translated easily into your lanaguage of choice :)

    Google Translate Link :)

    So to start, at the top of the comment box you have 6 buttons/images/icons you can click on. We will start from the left to right:


    1) How to make your text BOLD

    To make text bold all you have to do it put two: ** at the beginning and end of the text you wish to be bold.

    If done correctly it should look like this


    2) To make your text italicised

    This is exactly the same as making you text Bold apart from this time all you do is use one: * at the beginning and the end of the text you wish to see italicised.

    If done correctly it should look like this


    3) To make a list/bullet points:

    This is probably one of the easiest ones (Watch me mess it up now)
    To make a list you simply but a * and then your text. After that you go down to the next line and start again untill your list is done:

    • I
    • Love
    • Lists

    Edit: I messed it up! 😂 Make sure to put a space after the “*” or it will just look like this:

    *Bad at

    4) To make your text Striked out:

    This is the same as Bold and Italicsed execept you use these weird things at the beginning and end of the text: ~~


    5) How to post embedded links:

    To post an embedded link, if you click on the chain/link Symbol at the top you will get this pop up:

    [link text](link url)

    You can put the URL in Both brackets and your link will look like this:

    Or if you wish to give your embedded link a title or sentence you can put the link:

    [Whatever you want here](LINK HERE)

    And it should come out like this:
    Whatever you want to write here


    6) How to post images/Gifs

    First I’m going to post a comment which I have hijacked from @KattTruewalker as she can explain this a little bit better than me:

    For anyone who's having trouble adding images, all you need to do is upload the image to something like imgur, pinterest or some other image hosting site, then right click 'copy image address' and paste it straight into the box on here :)

    Images are basically the same as the links above, click on the image icon and this will appear:
    ![alt text](image url)

    After you have got a URL link for your image, you can do this by following Katts instructions above, you paste the link:


    Then your image/Gif should appear like this:


    7) Enlarged Text

    To enlarge any text all you need to do is:
    use --- or === directly underneath the sentence you want to enlarge :)

    So for the title above I wrote it as normal went to the line below and just threw in 3 =

    This can also be combined with BOLD text and italicised text also, you just use the same methods above to bolden your text or italicise your text then put the 3 = below

    Italicised large text rules

    Thanks @KattTruewalker

    Two different headers can be done with === and ---, I prefer to use the # or ##### where you can have a lot more levels:

    Header 1

    Header 2


    Header 5
    # Header 1
    ## Header 2
    ##### Header 5

    Thanks to @Skulliah for the extra information on this section! Your a true PL!

    8) Tables - Thanks @Skulliah

    There are also the tables, perhaps less often used, but it can be very helpful in some threads.

    Column 1 Heading Column 2 Heading
    Some content Other content
    and you do it like that:

    Column 1 Heading Column 2 Heading
    Some content Other content

    and if you want to make a code block you can do it like that:

    # Header 1
    **bold text**


    9) Tagging members and Mods

    This one is probably the easiest out of them all! To do this all you need to do is put an: @ and then start typing the forum users name. You will get a box pop up with various users the more you type.

    E.G @ KnifeLife (No spaces between the @ or forum name)
    It should look like @KnifeLife

    You can also use this to tag:


    10) TO MAKE A LINE

    Select the italicised or bolded text option button, and then place a single * in-between, by holding the shift key and pressing the corresponding numerical key. (mine is number 8)

    A big thank you to @Foxdodge for this addition :)


    Disclaimer!: please only use these if necessary, the mods are all busy working to help the community and if they are constantly being tagged for no reason the tag will be disabled by Rare. It has happened for most of the other ones.


    I hope this helps and I have explained things okay, if not please comment below and tell me where I can improve the explanation, getting words from my head to text has always been difficult for me.

    Also if I have missed anything below feel free to comment and let me know and I will add it to the list with your name next to it.
    (I personally cannot remember how you enlarge text for example)

    Also if any moderators or deckhands notice any irregularities or can better explain/fix anything please feel free to jump in and do so. The purpose of this thread is to help and inform so I have no issue with you guys and gals ninja editing.

    Edit: A big thank you to the awesome crew-munity members who have added and spent time to help make this post as helpful as possible

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  • @KnifeLife

    Yep, the forum editor is using the markdown syntax and while two different headers can be done with === and ---, I prefer to use the # or ##### where you can have a lot more levels:

    Header 1

    Header 2


    Header 5
    # Header 1
    ## Header 2
    ##### Header 5

    There are also the tables, perhaps less often used, but it can be very helpful in some threads.

    Column 1 Heading Column 2 Heading
    Some content Other content

    and you do it like that:

    | Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading |
    | ---------------- | ---------------- |
    | Some content     | Other content    |

    and if you want to make a code block you can do it like that:

    # Header 1
    **bold text**

    But cheers to make this help guide :D

  • @skulliah Woah! That’s all going over my head! Haha

    Thank you skulliah! I’ll try and edit that in later. Or if there is a mod or deckhand around it would be much appreciated.

    It’s a pain in my broadside getting images to work on my phone xD

  • Thanks mate , i'm an old ( *Oow , george , you don't have to say over and over again ...They know you're ancient...moron) Forummember and i still struggle with loading up Gifs and Pictures , i don't hardly try to use Bold and other texts because i always fail ( * Story of your life, moron? ...Look we don't have the time nor the place to write that tearjerker down)

  • @clumsy-george The good thing about your writing style George is you don’t need to decorate it with fancy bolds and italics!

    You have your own legendary style which no help guide could re-create :)

  • @clumsy-george mate as I said your not a moron

  • @knifelife

    I'm going to nudge this one up again, for new pirates coming aboard and if anyone finds it useful would really advise bookmarking it!

  • @knifelife TO MAKE A LINE

    Select the italicised or bolded text option button, and then place a single * in-between, by holding the shift key and pressing the corresponding numerical key. (mine is number 8)

  • @foxdodge I’ll add that on now for you mate! I was wondering how you done that! The one to many cannon balls to the head has done terrible things to my memory xD

  • @knifelife I only found out a couple of months ago by accident.

  • @foxdodge I used to know how to do it but completely forgot haha!

    It was the same as making the text bigger xD
    Either way thanks for the reminder :)

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