A true Thief.

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    So, here I am, on a rocky outcrop several miles away from a fortress, holding it's key.


    Well let me explain. I have just had, what I might say is the most fun I've ever had being sneaky in a video game. I was plundering a Fortress solo and had just beaten the Captain, when I heard cannon fire coming from the towers. To anyone who has done a Fortress solo, this is a terrifying sound to hear.

    Just as I beat the captain, a crew of three Pirate Legends rock up in a ship with a full Ghost Ship set, and start talking about how "we just need to find them and they're done" and "We have their ship, we just gotta kill them."

    Well, me being the sneaky S.O.B I am, I decide to hide the Key in a bush, and scuttle my ship. When my ship sinks they seem entertained, but they notice my mermaid is still there, so they keep searching. It's make or break time at this point so I sprint to my hiding place, grab the key, and hear "I found him! Here's here!" from behind me.
    I run as fast as I can holding the key, jump into the ocean and stay below the waves.

    This is where it gets stressful for me. I swam that entire distance you see, holding the key. I fought a single shark, had no bananas and was out of ammo. I was so happy when I finally arrived at the outcrop, and somewhat amused by the fact I was hovering several metres above it (Rare obviously didn't want people to get on those rocks.) But, what to do next?

    Thieves Haven was just a short swim away, and trust me it's name was very true this time. I swam the way to Thieve's Haven (Leaving the key behind) and managed to find a rowboat. I took the rowboat, retrieved the key, and retreated back to Thieve's Haven. Afterwards I watched intently as the ship stayed docked for a whole half hour looking for the key before leaving.

    When they were long gone, I jumped in my rowboat, rowed all the way to the Fortress, and opened the door. And I promise you, regardless of whether the loot despawned or not, I was ecstatic that I pulled this off either way.

    But I was greeted by my reward...

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    That's my little experience c: I know I technically didn't STEAL anything, but there was no way I could defend my hoard so it was practically theirs at that point.

    Whats the furthest you've gone to protect your loot?

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  • That is indeed a very good story and it shows how great an adventure can end , if it seems "lost" during the middle chapters . i loved this story also because you were the underdog , as a Solo Slooper so often is , but were able to ascape and pull it off in the end...

    Really, Sir , i hope that your story may inspire others to go back to the scalliwagging tactics you have just described ... a great story of a great adventure . Thank you for sharing with us.

  • @reavermachete50

    Great story!

    I admit we've done this once before and thought about it yesterday too at a fort with a hostile ship, fantastic luck finding the rowboat and surviving shark attacks!

    Do you want to delete your other thread as it's a duplicate of this one basically?

  • @clumsy-george Thanks! People always think it's all over when you're outgunned, but you can be up against several Galleons and win the day if you're determined and sneaky enough ;D

    @KattTruewalker Thankya! I was TERRIFIED of shark attacks while swimming, I already put in so much effort. And yeah, I posted the other thread/picture cuz I thought it was funny, then things just got better so I had to share it all :P

  • @reavermachete50 Nice tale mate, entertained 10/10

  • That's a good story.

  • Fantastic story. I've had to do the same on a couple of occasions. Even did some long distance theft swims.

  • That's the gameplay we need to focus on, not progression ;-)

  • @reavermachete50 nice mate

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