Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.

  • @combatxkitty said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:

    @ghostpaw right. He said its not for "me" keyword being ME.

    True, but I am lumping thier thread title and original post in there as well where they claim the place was a bad idea and that Rare’s data would support that assertion.

  • Love the devils Roar. Best place to Athena run.... I play 90% of the time in the roar.

    So many players dont like to enter it....Which equals free money for me.

    All the sneaky players have a hard time hide'n below deck with boiling water and constant lava rocks hitting upper makes it hard to hide on top deck or in my crows nest.

  • I'm going to have to agree with a number of the responses....I love the Devil's Roar. If you look at from a time/gold ratio perspective it's the best zone in the game for these reasons:

    • Barely any PvP and the ships are more passive when you do see them
    • Way less distance to travel relative to other voyages. You're at any island from another one in 5 minutes max.
    • Tons of small islands, and the big islands are much easier to navigate due to being effectively smaller than other big islands in the game (since the volcanoes take up half the island and aren't walkable)
    • Can easily use geysers to kill skeletons. If you need OoS rep, NOTHING beats the Devil's Roar for efficiency.
    • I've never been Krakened in the DR, not sure if this is a thing or not
    • Skelly Ships are much easier to kite/kill due to the abundance of rock formations
    • Due to the lack of players in the area, there is more random loot to be found in my experience (in the water, on the small islands, etc)

    Even if I don't include the double value of loot, I bet I would make more in an hour from the Devil's Roar than another solo sloop would outside of it. Rowboats are an easy answer to the volcanoes. Park your boat far enough away from the volcano, and row in. You can get to a mermaid quickly in an emergency. But yes, you cannot just push through the volcanoes in a solo need to play around them. One big boulder and it's all over. But considering the volcanoes are the only real hindrance compared to the massive list of positives I just's a great area.

    Honestly what annoys me is that you can't choose where you spawn when you first log in. There have been multiple times where I've logged in as far North West as you can be, and it's at least 20 minutes to get across the map depending on the wind.

  • I'd be sailing the roar if skull forts weren't popping every 5 minutes.

  • It is undoubtedly a high risk - high reward area.

    People who want the extra challenge go there and reap its rewards. More money, better loot, extra obstacles on both land & sea. The harsh environment is made to be that way, the sea can't always be sunshine & rainbows!

    Fortunately, small tips and time spent around the area will help alleviate a lot of the factors in play. Try to time the volcano eruptions. As soon as one ends, get in there, get your stuff and get out. Or anchor your ship at a safe distance near a rock/island formation with decent amount of cover if you can. This should solve the volcano demolishing of your ship issue for the most part. To piggyback on that statement; you're going to need your supplies in order. Plenty of bananas, planks, the works. Some people like to use their ship as weaponry. Cannon the waves of skeletons, but at the risk of your ship if a volcano erupts. Use explosive barrels, just be careful a skeleton doesn't get you before you get them. Another good idea is to rowboat in so that way you have access to easy in, easy out especially if it erupts and you have to throw your loot on the rowboat quick and not get hit or burned by the scolding waters. You get a good warning if the volcano is about to erupt; take the signals seriously. The geysers do a pretty good job at killing off the skeletons as well. Also in my experience, players out in that area are just looking to do their business. Met a solo (sloop) guy out there with no intentions of fighting (PvP) and was chill. That can't always be the case but just from my time out there, I've never had any other PvP trouble. Don't waste time when you're out there. Go for what you came for, supply up if there's time and head out. Lurking out there will inevitably give you a hard time. Ghost ships and Megs will spawn, but if you have your tactics and supplies in order then it should be a feasible task to manage. Take into consideration the ship you have and its advantages amongst the others. Whether that be speed or strength. Use those winds for speed, use those islands for evasion. Use those cannons and fire away. To each their own but again, risk & reward - like pirates! In my opinion it's a great place in terms of lore, loot, and gambling! Best of luck!

  • Tank all the islands by stacking up on plenty of planks. Keep one person bottom deck at all times and the rest of your crew completing the map. It's not too bad. The loot is completely worth it. Ashen Athenas especially.

  • Me and my crew go into the Roar so much we sometimes drop a normal athena's just for fun.

    See the Roar is for Experienced crews. Yeah for sure it's not going to attract those casual pirates who don't like a challenge and that's fine.

    I've never had a problem with the roar myself because I'm with a good crew.
    I know you base your idea on the fact that you're solo but there are plenty of people who sail in a galleon and in a galleon it's a lot easier. We don't even run from erupting vulcanoes because it will damage the top deck 90% of the time and the other 10% is quickly repaired.

    Advantages the roar provides:

    1. Less players bothing you.
    2. Tighter packed area for a single athena's
    3. More gold per chest/ skull etc
    4. Skeleton quests are easy with all the geisers that kill them
    5. Box of Wonderous secrets for 25.000 is great.
  • There are a lot of valid points and good advice here. I think that @CaptainKashus makes a valid point though. Accessing the barrels in the sloop or a brig even currently while taking damage is an issue. Since the devs fixed the issue with the equipment wheel locking open and taking any damage (locking open until you die), you simply cannot access barrels while taking any damage. Don't believe me? Try opening a barrel while drowning on a shipwreck. This will keep you from taking more planks from your supply barrels while sitting in boiling water, assuming that there is some water in the bottom of your boat.

  • @amberowo a lot of people are saying DR is tame for PvP, but I always keep a sharp eye out for targets and get into plenty of fights there. Is it me? Am I the bad guy?

  • @ghostpaw they already nerfed it (when in my opinion it shouldn't have been because it's supposed to be hard) so if you're still having issues sailing in this area maybe change up your playstyle when you enter the Roar. Because I'm pretty sure the difficulty won't be decreased again.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:

    @ghostpaw they already nerfed it (when in my opinion it shouldn't have been because it's supposed to be hard) so if you're still having issues sailing in this area maybe change up your playstyle when you enter the Roar. Because I'm pretty sure the difficulty won't be decreased again.

    What are you talking about? I never wanted it nerfed. Right now I’m currently halfway through soloing an Athena voyage in DR and doing just fine. You might want to reread my posts.

    EDIT: Finished the voyage solo while dealing with a Kraken, a meg, and a lot of firey boulders falling about. I see no need to nerf the place and have never asked for it.

  • @conal-cuan This is very helpful. Thank you.

  • I agree, and all you get is worthless loot. 5 maps in devil's roar died cup does a times and walked out with ashen marauders chest, which doesn't even sell for that much more than a regular marauders. The loot is not worth the hassle. And I'm a level 40 in hold hoarders. Devils roar as trash

  • @orangehalodemon 6 month necro.
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  • Did you play the Roar when it first came out? If you hate it now, you would have loathed it then.
    DR is now seriously turned down to what it was. I sailed my sloop into an exploding volcano the other night and didn't once get hit. I felt cheated.

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