What's Your Pirate's Outfit?

  • Title says it all! What cosmetics (personal or ship) have been your favorite, and/or what are some of the duds you regret buying?

    I personally deck myself out with the Sea Dog coat, Admiral waistcoat, and Hunter hat and weapons. My ship is mostly Grand Admiral.

    Edit: feel free (read: encouraged) to post pics!

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  • @vorondil1 OK, for ship, that changes almost daily. But I will list my two favorites.

    • The entire bone crusher ensemble is awesome.
    • The new merc ship with the legendary wheel, capstan, anchor, with the shark figure head. That is a pretty sweet looking ship.

    For my pirate, he has amazing pecks and cannons for arms and loves to show them to every maiden out there. So, he goes shirtless. That and why cover up the complimentary tattoos? lol. He wears hunter pants, boots, belt and hat. He wears a sea dog eye patch and hook. For weapons he has the hunter cutlass and Ebon Flint Lock

  • @nofears-fun more than a wee bit jealous over that Ebony Flintlock...And do you mean the new Mercenary ship? I honestly thought it didn't look good, waste of doubloons. Should I go take another look?

  • @vorondil1 it depends on which ship you sail with. On a brig or galleon it is a very nice look. On a sloop, the boat is decent, but you need to pair it with different sails unless you don't mind all white sails.

  • @vorondil1 said in What's Your Pirate's Outfit?:

    @nofears-fun more than a wee bit jealous over that Ebony Flintlock...And do you mean the new Mercenary ship? I honestly thought it didn't look good, waste of doubloons. Should I go take another look?

    It is a good shade of red and green. Sails have a nice textured looked. You get back doubloons for the voyage and the stuff so far is cheap. Hopefully we will get a scorpion figurehead, cannons, wheel, and capstan to go with the set with the added Merc voyages. My spouse does call it the pizza box look, it it really is not bad and like I said it is cheap compared to other sets.

  • @vorondil1 Been using this beautiful set of mixed items for quite some time now, it is inspired from a reddit post. If you want a detailed list of the items I can come with an edit to this post. And for the ship, its the Scurvy Bilge Rat hull, Overachiever sails and Sovereign wheel capstan and cannons. Enjoy!

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  • I can't help but constantly change my pirate's cosmetic get-up. But, for a while I've kept my ship in it's boring sailor get-up. I recently started playing with it and become very fond of having the Ghost Helm with Over achiever sails on the Forsaken Shores Hull. So many bragging rights :D

    @Biostructr Looking good! We should change this to a selfie thread!

  • @boomtownboss Hah, would be awesome!

  • @boomtownboss OP edited to encourage pics :) If the thread is still half-way active by the time I get home, I'll send my own

  • @biostructr I run that same ship set every now and then.

    My favorite is the wailing barnacle set with the hungering one figurehead, or I'll go with shark hunter livery, black sails, kraken wheel and cannons, bone crusher capstan, and either the bone crusher or ghost figurehead.

    My pirate has the shirtless look showing off the scars from the hungering deep and the tattoos from the cursed sails. His clothes are black dog with the ghost hook and day one patch. Black dog sword and either the hunter blunderbuss or flintlock, or the wailing barnacle eye of reach. All of his gear is black dog or obsidian except for the lantern, watch, and speaking trumpet since I don't have those yet. For those pieces I use the legend watch, order of souls lantern, and kraken speaking trumpet.

    I'd like to finish out getting all the obsidian pieces and would love to see a black dog ship set.

  • @testakleze Sounds awesome! Hope you'll get all black dog items soon enough!

  • I change my outfit and ship all the time

    This is me today

  • I can change the ship frequently depending on what we set sail for that night and mood. Currently the ship has been Ghost Hull, Unicorn Figurehead, Rogue Sea Dog Sails, Admiral Wheel, Admiral Cannons, and Admiral Capstan. Like Bone Crusher wheel, cannons, and capstan a lot, but the wheel currently has the graphical glitches.

    My pirate typically wears Forsaken Ashes Hat, Bilge Rate Shirt, Scurvy Bilge Rat Gloves, Rogue Sea Dog Jacket, Ghost Belt, Forsaken Ashes Trousers, Sea Dog Boots, Forsaken Ashes Peg Leg, and Executive Admiral Eyepatch. I use the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass, Ebon Flintlock Pistol, Kraken Blunderbuss, Rogue Sea Dog EoR, Grand Admiral Compass, and Sovereign Pocket watch regularly.


  • Spent many a week getting all the Foresaken Ashes gear when that event dropped. Had that for a while until I unlocked the Ocean Crawler set. Probably gonna keep that until a new event comes out

  • I'll be honest... a little jealous of all the people that have tons of ship parts and cosmetics... cause as much as I grind, I literally only have a pair of pants (sovereign) a lantern (hunter) a new flintlock (hunter), hunter boots, bilge rat cutlass, and a sovereign belt... I have no ship parts at all... barely any cosmetics, and I just grind grind gring and it feels like I get nowhere...

  • For my character I use Black Dog with a mix of Athena Ghost (I alternate between the day 1 and the Athena PL eye patch); for the ship I use Founder Sails, Hunter Hull, Athena Wheel, Capstan and Cannons, Killer Instinct Spinal Tap Figurehead and since its been added the Mercenary Flag (would alternate between Reapers Mark and Jolly Roger before).

    I have a Black Beard look and theme going with my character since I have the entire Black Dog set item skin wise and I call my ship Tis But a Scratch.

    Center ship in this image is mine:

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    edit: I now have obtained the last non one off set and am trailing the use of the merc eyepatch, pants and belt with the rest of my current look just to mix things up.

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  • @vorondil1 Blood thirsty as I may be, I've always favoured the soft touch of a pretty dress.

    It also gives me my more freedom of movement. Those pantaloons always feel... restrictive...

  • Bringing the swag while wearing the Mercenary Outfit.

  • @vorondil1

    Love seeing how different our pirates look, I do tend to switch and change around a lot, my favourite ship outfit is usually the Rogue Sea Dog and here's some of my pirate!

  • @katttruewalker are you impressed I managed to link something without you having to fix it for me? Lol

  • @kitsunelegend69 said in What's Your Pirate's Outfit?:

    I'll be honest... a little jealous of all the people that have tons of ship parts and cosmetics... cause as much as I grind, I literally only have a pair of pants (sovereign) a lantern (hunter) a new flintlock (hunter), hunter boots, bilge rat cutlass, and a sovereign belt... I have no ship parts at all... barely any cosmetics, and I just grind grind gring and it feels like I get nowhere...

    I hear you! The grind can be pretty bad sometimes. Do you tend to sail solo or with a crew? I find that sailing with a crew lets me finish more quests faster, and have more fun besides. Also, forts are a great place to get massive amounts of coin all at once. Feel free to PM me or make a post on the forums if you want someone to sail with!

  • For me, Bilge rat outfit with Legendary eye patch and admiral wooden leg, for my sloop it's the black hull, Founder sail ,Huntress figurehead, kraken wheel and capstan

  • @kitsunelegend69 feelsbadman HMU if u need a plus 1

  • I have purchased every single item in the game and I can never decide what livery or outfit to wear :/

  • Royal Sovereign Jacket worn beltless, Forsaken Ashes Trousers, Ruffian Seadog boots, gloves, and doo rag.

  • @mcgovery said in What's Your Pirate's Outfit?:

    I have purchased every single item in the game and I can never decide what livery or outfit to wear :/

    I have the same issue, so lately I have started using the random option for my clothing and vanity items when I sign in. I then chose the livery that matches my random clothing for the day. This has resulted in some interesting, and sometimes hilarious combinations. This was one such random outfit that was too good not be shared between friends as we "clowned around" on the seas...

    Insane Pirate Posse

  • @reedski said in What's Your Pirate's Outfit?:

    @katttruewalker are you impressed I managed to link something without you having to fix it for me? Lol

    I bet the chicken told you how :P

    Good job, mate!

  • @vorondil1 said in What's Your Pirate's Outfit?:

    I hear you! The grind can be pretty bad sometimes. Do you tend to sail solo or with a crew? I find that sailing with a crew lets me finish more quests faster, and have more fun besides. Also, forts are a great place to get massive amounts of coin all at once. Feel free to PM me or make a post on the forums if you want someone to sail with!

    I tend to sail solo mostly because the majority of my friends dont own this game, or dont like the microsoft store for whatever reason, or dont own a console with the game. That, and for some reason voice chat doesn't seem to work for me (cant figure out whats wrong, tried so any things so far) so I stay away from random crews.

    And the couple times I've tried doing a fort, I was roflstomped by extremely high level crews that came in and just completely owned me. Didn't even try to offer alliance or partnership with me. Just came in, sunk my ship, killed me, and took it all for themselves, even though they clearly didn't need the extra money, given how many higher level cosmetics they had...

  • @vorondil1

    I present to you.... part of the "Craggy Early Spring Collection".
    A fetching ensemble, tailored by Cecil of Golden Sands Outpost.
    The pièce de résistance in my opinion.... me hat.

  • @vorondil1 love cemoail admiral ship and outfit

  • @vorondil1 I usually have the Ferryman hat, belt & hook, black dog gloves & coat, hunter shirt, ghost pants, peg-leg & boots, pirate legend eye patch, skeleton tattoo, shark bite scar, Brave Vanguard title, and halloween event green & black face paint.

    Just the other day I swapped from Ferryman hat to ghost hat just to show off the level 10 athena.

    On my ship I have been using the shark hull (forget the name - it's black with white "teeth"), the Halloween event sail (black with green skeleton thingy), spinal tap figure head, and wailing barnacle cannon, capstan, and wheel. As soon as I complete the bone-crusher ship set I will replace the wailing barnacle pieces.

    I'll append a screen shot later.

  • @piratecraggy daaaarling, those subtle pastel fabric tones ofset your skin foundations in such a complimentary fashion.... and the hat is to die for!! Tell me, who does your make up

  • @nikjw said in What's Your Pirate's Outfit?:

    @piratecraggy daaaarling, those subtle pastel fabric tones ofset your skin foundations in such a complimentary fashion.... and the hat is to die for!! Tell me, who does your make up

    Tina of the Captain's Head tavern ( Golden Sands ).
    She has started a small cosmetics business... I mentioned to her it could be the "foundation" of a great new venture for her.

    I like to support small, local enterprise, and her cruelty free product range is very appealing.
    I suggest you pop along, I believe she doing 20% off on her range during February :)

  • @piratecraggy That fine hat you have is one to die for!

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