Sea of Thieves: Tall Tales - Shores of Gold Cinematic Trailer - Trailer Dialogue

  • There is an island that lies beyond the borders of this world.

    Impossible to reach without great power.

    The Shroud-breaker is that power, and there are many of these seas who seek it.**

    But this adventure belongs to you.

    Follow the clues left by those who came before, and the rewards within your grasp are riches unimaginable.

    If you can face those who guard them.

    [ When trailer shows the Mysterious Stranger speaking ]

    Well, what are you waiting for?

    [ When trailer shows the developer logos and then switches to Madam Olivia ]

    The Skull of a Skeleton Lord!

    Impressive, but you must take care for great danger lies ahead.

    [ When the rest of the trailer is shown ]

    This is the dialogue from the Official Sea of Thieves: Tall Tales - Shores of Gold Cinematic Trailer. The character first announcing the dialogue is the Mysterious Stranger, the person you bring Athena chests to. The second person announcing the dialogue is Madam Olivia who we first saw in the Sea of Thieves: Official E3 2018 Trailer.

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    To let you know: I had copied this text down from ear and the YouTube close captioning system. It does not give me any punctuation (or the correct words). So if it is off I am sorry, I did the best I could.

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