Fishing guide app

  • So for everyone who wants to level up through the Hunter's Call, I made an app that can be used on cell phone or PC. It has pictures of all the different fish, what they are worth, where to find them and what bait to use. Besides that it also has easy to use preset cooking timers for all the different foods. You just download the file from the link below and make sure you have a player installed that can read SWF/flash files.

    It's completely free, does not require any subscription or cookies whatsoever. Just a tool made by a fan of the game for all the other fans to use!

    The guide itself:
    Fishing guide V1.0 (Facebook link)
    [mod removed]

    The players:
    [mod removed]


    alt text alt text alt text

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  • @aod-woutah78 said in Fishing guide app:

    So for everyone who wants to level up through the Hunter's Call, I made an app that can be used on cell phone or PC. It has pictures of all the different fish, what they are worth, where to find them and what bait to use. Besides that it also has easy to use preset cooking timers for all the different foods. You just download the file from the link below and make sure you have a player installed that can read SWF/flash files.

    It's completely free, does not require any subscription or cookies whatsoever. Just a tool made by a fan of the game for all the other fans to use!

    The guide itself:
    Fishing guide V1.0

    The players:
    SWF player (for Andriod)
    Flash player (for PC)


    alt text alt text alt text

    nice people should try it

  • @AOD-Woutah78 I'd love to use this on PC but Flash Player man... It's kind of a huge No-go.

  • @hynieth said in Fishing guide app:

    @AOD-Woutah78 I'd love to use this on PC but Flash Player man... It's kind of a huge No-go.

    I never had any issues with it and I don't know how to make this guide interactive (with working buttons and all) any other way without some serious programming skills.

    it's just a simple swf file now that can be opened locally on your device and doesn't require any internet access for it to work.

  • Um... that link just takes people to a FaceBook login page.

    This looks like a scam. Mods... please remove this trash.

  • @vasduten said in Fishing guide app:

    Um... that link just takes people to a FaceBook login page.

    This looks like a scam. Mods... please remove this trash.

    It's not a scam. I shared the file on facebook, so that's where the link... ehm links to. I didn't realize you have to log into facebook to get it to work. when I tested it, it immediately gives the download popup. Probably because I'm already logged in. the forum here doesn't allow me to offer a direct upload, so I don't know how else to get it to work.

  • @aod-woutah78
    Well, I don't "do" facebook, and I'm not going to chase links through facebook to use your app.

    Usually, a facebook login to an unrelated link is a scam, and since I've seen NO app at your link... I'll assume it's a password theft attempt.

  • @vasduten said in Fishing guide app:

    Well, I don't "do" facebook, and I'm not going to chase links through facebook to use your app.

    Usually, a facebook login to an unrelated link is a scam, and since I've seen NO app at your link... I'll assume it's a password theft attempt.

    Well yeah, if you don't have facebook, then I suppose it doesn't work. If you hover over the link, you will notice that it does link to a facebook download however and it has the name of the SoTFishGuide v1.0.swf in the link.

    If I find another place where I can easily host the file for download that doesn't require facebook, I'll post that link as well.

  • Let's see if this works as well then. I uploaded the app to Gofile, so you can also download it from there:


  • Why is this not an app?

  • @red0demon0 said in Fishing guide app:

    Why is this not an app?

    Because I don't know how to code a proper app ;)

  • @aod-woutah78 said in Fishing guide app:

    @red0demon0 said in Fishing guide app:

    Why is this not an app?

    Because I don't know how to code a proper app ;)

    learn quick matey ;)

  • @aod-woutah78 If one doesn't log in to Facebook, one can't even see the app.

  • @vasduten Good to know. That's why I also uploaded the file on GoFile. Learning as I go here.

  • @aod-woutah78 Yeah I know you don't mean harm. But Flash player is the bane to all security officers in IT.
    Flash Player is full of leaks and can be exploited. These days you'll be hard pressed to find a company that still has it installed or even allows it to be installed on the computers.
    Google Chrome Firefox and Edge are all making changes to disallow flash.

    I love the fact that you made an App and I'd love to use it, it sounds really neat man.

    I hope you can get this working in something like Java, that would make it so I can use it too.

  • @hynieth Condemns Flash because it's insecure, asks for Java. … :D

  • @crimsonraziel Java is code based on C++ I'm not talking about the Java app.

  • @aod-woutah78 said in Fishing guide app:

    @red0demon0 said in Fishing guide app:

    Why is this not an app?

    Because I don't know how to code a proper app ;)

    This is neat little project to learn how to code an app. I'm sure someone from AOD can help you with that.

    I could too, but I'm a lazy piece of {not mod edit}.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Fishing guide app:

    This is neat little project to learn how to code an app. I'm sure someone from AOD can help you with that.

    I could too, but I'm a lazy piece of {not mod edit}.

    I might look into it at some point, but it may take a while.

  • @aod-woutah78 ^^ No pressure. I'm not in the position to demand anything.

  • Both download links are down at this point.

    could they maybe get put back up?

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