Assume I were to download a mod for my Xbox SoT version (I haven't and I wouldn't). And for sake of argument, let's assume that this mod had neat features like aim-assist (where all I had to do was shoot my gun in an enemy's direction and I would get a hit). And let's further assume that this mod somehow sped my game's reaction time up, increased the render distance for objects, made respawn time much quicker, and generally did other neat things to improve the game quality of life.
If I were to do this, wouldn't Rare/Microsoft be entirely within their rights to permanently ban me? And yet, PC players have all these advantages "built in", and Xbox players are expected to quietly sit back and take it. In fact, every time someone starts a thread about Xbox-only servers, or cross play opt-out in all game modes he/she is instantly shouted down with statements like, "oh look, another opt-out thread", or "Rare never promised opt-out in Adventure mode (even though they did)", or "quit complaining, it's never going to happen", or, "you Xbox players owe how tweakable your game already is to the PC players so quit your griping", or (my all-time favorite), "you just need to get better".
I'd really like those PC types to think how much THEY would be complaining if the roles were reversed. Assume that shooting at someone (even with a blunderbuss) was a 50/50 proposition - because if they happened to move while you press the trigger (no matter how carefully you aimed) you were going to miss. Imagine spending in excess of 120 seconds black screened, because the game hasn't decided where to put you yet (even though you can hear everything happening on your ship). Imagine getting killed and waiting so long to reach the Ship of the Damned that the door is already open when you get there, and then waiting even more time while the game spins endlessly putting you back on your ship. Imagine seeing the opponent hit you with normal sword swings, even though you had your block up. Imagine getting killed with one shot (from full health) as you ran towards a cannon to fire on an enemy - because they happened to aim "towards" you. I know that none of you PC types would stand for it, but since it's YOU that has all these advantages you expect the Xbox crowd to.
Come on Rare - you know you wouldn't allow an Xbox player to mod his/her game to have the benefits you give PC players. At least give us the ability to play against players that have the same basic game instead of having to play with the deck already stacked against us.