Favorite part of sea of thieves

  • There are a lot of negative posts right now so I wanted to make another positive one. What's your favorite thing about sea of thieves? It can be something you did or a part of the game you experienced regularly. My favorite thing to do used to be meg surfing behind my boat, but it seems to have been fixed. I used to have a clip of boarding another ship using meg surfing to jump in the back of another sloop when it was bitten.

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  • @bronzeinquiztor
    My Dear wellmeaning Pirate , there are so many ,fun, Beautiful and thrilling things to do or to experience that naming just one as my favorite would put all the other things in the shadow... And if you should insist on just selecting one favorite thing ,then i will fail in doing so...This is just one of the very few games i've ever played that is just too hard to dissect in parts...So no favourite thing but if i may add one little thing: i like to play with Friends in this game but talking focussing , fighting , searching treasure just uses alot of brainpower so sometimes i miss keypieces of the Music ...So ,sometimes i just like to sail Solo to concentrate on the Beautiful Music while watching the world around me evolve, the coloring of the skies while hours pass by, the storms , the sunflares , while experiencing all this , it has been happened frequently that i'm being ambushed because i had completely forgotten i was still in the game... This game ,combined with it's graphics and Music can take you to places in yer mind where you ,as one get's older , hardly travel towards...

    That is one of the favourist things i have in this game , but there is so many of them that i can't put it on first spot...Sorry , Sir.

  • @bronzeinquiztor I did the same thing!
    Only that in my incident i had a mega barrel in my hands while i surfed on the meg to the enemy ship.

  • My favourite thing to do is get the satisfaction of finnaly killing a skeleton lord at an undisturbed fort.
    Meg surfing is something I love as well though.

    Happy sailing!

  • My absolute favorite thing about Sea of Thieves is simply the feeling of freedom you get from being a pirate on the open seas. The game world is beautiful and immersive and draws me in every time I play. I never get tired of it.

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