Friendly Sparring & Musical Chairs

  • Hello mateys!
    My crew and I often talk about how much we wish that we could spar with one another. Maybe in the future there could be an option to turn on Friendly Fire? This way we could spar with one another in between quests or just create some funny and cool scenarios between ourselves.

    Also, more than anything, we all really want to be able to sit and/or lay down while playing music. Since the first day that we downloaded SoT, we've wanted to sit on deck or on a beach together as the sun sets to our shanties. Nothing would make us happier than having that ability to combine some of the taunts with the instruments. I've mentioned this before, so I am very sorry if I am not supposed to repeat something. I did not see anything in the rules about repeating requests, but I might have just missed it. I deeply apologize if so. Keep up the great work, Rare! See you mateys on the Sea!

just for fungeneral
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