Good Day Pirates,
Who here would like the Devs to finally clear the air on Topics that should be Addressed once and for all.
- Animation Canceling
- Hit Reg
- Smother combat
- Anti Cheat that detects repeated e regular game functions.
- Alt accounts problem causing issues.
Animation Canceling- Hey Joe why is it Animation canceling is not ban-able clearly off setting fair game play. If it’s meant to be in game why does Animation need to exist?
Hit Reg- Hey Joe we know you all are working on this but how actively are you gain ground to a solution? When can we see improvement in the game.
Smother combat- Hey Joe we know there is a blanket statement that states Combat may vary . There is a chance that one day 8 players could experience smooth combat?
Anti Cheat- Hey Joe can we get a 2 point authentication servers? I as player would love it if I could just enjoy the game and report player only because there use of gamer words.
Alt Accounts- Joe 2 point authentication servers stop or slow alt account players. Protect your game, and the Pirates who play it. Is there anything in the works?
Pirate Hats- Joe why are there no Pirate hates in the Rare store?