Cheating is getting out of control.

  • It has come to a point where me and my crew encounter cheaters every day when we are matchmaking for pvp. Not just suspected cheaters, but fully blatant ones with speedhacks and instant mast repairs and such. We also encountered "legit" players who use 1 alt account on their crew that makes their ship invincible so they avoid bans while farming wins through cheats. Can you please limit matchmaking to pirate legends only as a temporary workaround until we get some anti-cheating software?

  • 59
  • Yeah ran into a 1 day played absolute god on cannon player yesterday. Seems legit.

  • @alienmagi said

    … Can you please limit matchmaking to pirate legends only as a temporary workaround until we get some anti-cheating software?

    I’m not entirely sure I understand how that would fix anything. Please explain.

  • @pumpa-cat Vast majority of cheaters use alt-accounts to evade bans. It would take cheaters a lot longer to get back into matchmaking if they had to get pirate legend after every ban.

  • @alienmagi said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @pumpa-cat Vast majority of cheaters use alt-accounts to evade bans. It would take cheaters a lot longer to get back into matchmaking if they had to get pirate legend after every ban.

    Ah, I see what you’re saying. Thank you for clarifying that. 👍

  • @alienmagi

    Getting to PL might be difficult for legit new players, but experienced players can probably grind their levels in a weekend. I imagine it'd be even easier with cheats.

    A PL requirement might dissuade some cheaters from playing. But I imagine if people are already going out of their way to make new accounts, spoof hardware IDs or IP addresses, they probably won't think of PL as much of an obstacle.

    One negative consequence of this is that newer, inexperienced players who want PvP practice would have to wait till they hit PL, or inefficiently chase PvE players around the map.

    If we're going to add restrictions, maybe it should be to time-played, days-at-sea, or some other metric that would help differentiate inexperienced but active players, from fresh alts who just want to fly kegs onto your ship.

  • It really just amplifies the account selling with stuff like that and within that, botting, if botting is a thing yet here

    my guess (opinion and observation not fact) is that account selling has become more of a thing in the last few months

    I haven't said anything about it until now but a lot of the fairly recent "I played years ago and now all my stuff is gone" can be a sign of account selling gone wrong. That kind of thing could be a random legit issue but is often an indicator of something going on with account selling.

    So if account selling is taking off then it makes it quite a bit more difficult to hit the targets with what you are suggesting and makes it more likely to hit legit players.

  • You can get PL in like 10 minutes with injec......

    Logged in for 15 mins last night since being away for a few weeks.

    Ill check back to the forums every few days to see if they will do something or if this is the end for SOT.

  • @hadtodoit said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    You can get PL in like 10 minutes with injec......

    Logged in for 15 mins last night since being away for a few weeks.

    Ill check back to the forums every few days to see if they will do something or if this is the end for SOT.

    They could do it just to flag this stuff

    Not saying that's what they should do but in theory they could set requirements that wouldn't be difficult for them to flag on alt accounts engaging in this

    It's not really difficult to detect suspicious account activity in that scenario.

    The question becomes how quickly would they ban it or limit access

    which is the same issue this anticheat stuff would have that everyone is always pushing, anticheat isn't nearly as immediately effective or even overall as effective at stopping cheating in its tracks as people seem to think it is.

    "anticheat" would do largely what already exists, detect the public stuff, the poorly created stuff, and there would be a delay in action that really doesn't change much in a game like this as the damage already gets done (ruining the experiences of others and getting their clips)

    "add anticheat" is just a commonly pushed narrative without much substance behind it

  • @wolfmanbush Is it forbidden to sell your account? Pure question

  • @faceyourdemon said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @wolfmanbush Is it forbidden to sell your account? Pure question

    Yes it violates xbox TOS and typically any TOS in the space where account selling isn't specifically built into the game/product

  • @wolfmanbush Huh, ok thank you

  • Had a guy fix his mast almost instantly today, but he was terrible otherwise and was trying to lure me into a fort or something, before I somehow sank him from a mile away shooting 3 pointers. bit off topic, I know.

    P.S. Just a genuine tip, if you dare to claim someone is cheating, having your own accolades presented before the claim would do wonders. There is a huge difference between:

    Arena level 50, Guardians/Servants level XXX with X000s of hours saying someone is cheating and someone who has 300 hours in the game.

    I'm not disputing, but from experience I have doubts from what you just posted and my personal experience. 0 Cheaters encountered in 800+ hours in the game and about 30-40 battles in season 8. You can tell I'm not a sweat or very good at pvp from what I just wrote, but I would need something really really blatant to call someone cheating. So once again, not disputing that someone was cheating in your game, but impossible to say from what you wrote either.

    P.S. Being called cheater when you don't cheat is the ultimate compliment in pvp in any game.

  • Some cheats can be eliminated by fixing the holes in the server that allow them to be possible. For example, the ship restore is only possible because they are leveraging the existing ship restore feature that should only be accessible from the shipwright with your ship nearby. The same thing with the invincibility - they are somehow initiating a glitch that makes your character invulnerable which can happen accidentally during normal gameplay; AFAIK they can't use weapons while doing this and they probably have bottomless pockets if it's the same glitch.

    The tricky ones will be the ESP and aimbot. They would need a client side anticheat to possible detect these, but even then they aren't going to catch everything with the speed at which cheat makers will just change the signatures once detected. This one will be ongoing forever.

    The hardest one I think might be the teleporting/flying. They seem to be making the game think they are falling, which gets them passed the sanity checking that is done on players when they are running around. Trying to detect this one would likely need to be done server side, but also would need to make sure they aren't flagging or yellowbearding players who are slipping down rocks or get bounced off rocks or otherwise getting knocked around by the normal physics.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    they are somehow initiating a glitch that makes your character invulnerable which can happen accidentally during normal gameplay; AFAIK they can't use weapons while doing this and they probably have bottomless pockets if it's the same glitch.

    they must not be able to because they always seem to be doing goofy stuff in the clips I've seen of it

    like just holding the wheel of an opponent's ship for example

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @d3adst1ck said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    they are somehow initiating a glitch that makes your character invulnerable which can happen accidentally during normal gameplay; AFAIK they can't use weapons while doing this and they probably have bottomless pockets if it's the same glitch.

    they must not be able to because they always seem to be doing goofy stuff in the clips I've seen of it

    like just holding the wheel of an opponent's ship for example

    They're always naked with no hair, tattoos or scars equipped. I'm almost positive they are able to use the existing glitch on command, which means it should be able to be eliminated by just fixing any way to get glitched.

    They can't change their own health or modify weapon damage, because this is server controlled.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @d3adst1ck said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    they are somehow initiating a glitch that makes your character invulnerable which can happen accidentally during normal gameplay; AFAIK they can't use weapons while doing this and they probably have bottomless pockets if it's the same glitch.

    they must not be able to because they always seem to be doing goofy stuff in the clips I've seen of it

    like just holding the wheel of an opponent's ship for example

    They're always naked with no hair, tattoos or scars equipped. I'm almost positive they are able to use the existing glitch on command, which means it should be able to be eliminated by just fixing any way to get glitched.

    They can't change their own health or modify weapon damage, because this is server controlled.

    I did see one on a stream that was wearing the ghost curse while doing it. I think they were switching it on and off to shoot but when it was on that is when they were just hold the wheel

    that's the one that puzzled me because of the curse being on while clearly being invincible but also didn't seem to be able to use weapons while they had it on.

    unless curses can still be worn during it I dunno

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    I did see one on a stream that was wearing the ghost curse while doing it. I think they were switching it on and off to shoot but when it was on that is when they were just hold the wheel

    that's the one that puzzled me because of the curse being on while clearly being invincible but also didn't seem to be able to use weapons while they had it on.

    unless curses can still be worn during it I dunno

    It's likely not the Ghost Curse, as there are probably no particles being presented as the character is moving, but it is your appearance on the Ferry of the Damned, a form that shouldn't be accessed outside of that area. Likely chances are Rare only tried to band-aid one of the issues that took place during the launch of S8, where players that were on the Ferry while queueing would then get teleported onto their boat while rising out of the waves, and in turn, were completely invincible. They cannot brandish weapons or use throwables, cannot take damage, can eat all the food they can get their hands on, can hog up one of the many functions of the ship, and, what tends to happen when most get onto the ladders of a ship, especially the Galleon, is flip/roll them while they're on the ladder.

    Cheaters somehow have access to this on a dime, showcasing a clear vulnerability that probably needs to be addressed in a less-scheduled fashion.

  • Maybe it’s not cheaters in ghost costumes. Perhaps it’s crew members of the Ferry of the Damned who have escaped the Ferry, and are now wreaking havoc across the world. 😱😆

  • @pumpa-cat said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    Maybe it’s not cheaters in ghost costumes. Perhaps it’s crew members of the Ferry of the Damned who have escaped the Ferry, and are now wreaking havoc across the world. 😱😆

    Those dang phantoms.

  • Can you please limit matchmaking to pirate legends only as a temporary workaround

    So that won’t solve anything. You do know very dedicated players can be PL within 24hours or less

    PL title is pretty much pointless title that doesn’t mean anything.

  • Couldn't they just toggle PL on through a cheat?

  • @alienmagi said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    Can you please limit matchmaking to pirate legends only as a temporary workaround until we get some anti-cheating software?

    Because there's not enough content locked for new players yet? Again this seems to be a fix which is taking things away from legitimate players to deal with cheaters, if the playtime hours ruined by cheaters is greater than the playtime hours ruined by non PL players having a major new feature locked away then that seems to be enough of a problem that the whole mode needs to be taken down. I mean, much as people talk about how easy PL is to get, less than 1.8% of steam players have it. Locking the new mode off for 97.2% of players seems like a cure worse than the disease.

  • @personalc0ffee

    Progression is all sever side I believe, I don't think it would be possible for a cheater to simply elevate their level to PL without getting caught very quickly.

  • @chronodusk said in Cheating is getting out of control.:


    Progression is all sever side I believe, I don't think it would be possible for a cheater to simply elevate their level to PL without getting caught very quickly.

    Hey hey, do you remember the bug year 1 that could happen where sometimes it would just keep auto levelling you all the way up?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @chronodusk said in Cheating is getting out of control.:


    Progression is all sever side I believe, I don't think it would be possible for a cheater to simply elevate their level to PL without getting caught very quickly.

    Hey hey, do you remember the bug year 1 that could happen where sometimes it would just keep auto levelling you all the way up?


    I absolutely don't remember that being a thing personally.

    What was the context? When into year 1 was this?

  • @tre-oni said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @personalc0ffee said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @chronodusk said in Cheating is getting out of control.:


    Progression is all sever side I believe, I don't think it would be possible for a cheater to simply elevate their level to PL without getting caught very quickly.

    Hey hey, do you remember the bug year 1 that could happen where sometimes it would just keep auto levelling you all the way up?


    I absolutely don't remember that being a thing personally.

    What was the context? When into year 1 was this?

    First few weeks of launch. There was a bug where it could just keep going all the way to 50. It was insane, happened to a streamer live and one of my friends.

  • Is there no way for Rare to do IP bans and VPN blocks like almost every minecraft server? I know that may seem drastic but cheating literally kills games. Look at what happened to cycle, that game was amazing but became absolutely unplayable two weeks after it came out because it was completely overran by cheaters. I'd really hate for the same to happen to SoT.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @tre-oni said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @personalc0ffee said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    @chronodusk said in Cheating is getting out of control.:


    Progression is all sever side I believe, I don't think it would be possible for a cheater to simply elevate their level to PL without getting caught very quickly.

    Hey hey, do you remember the bug year 1 that could happen where sometimes it would just keep auto levelling you all the way up?


    I absolutely don't remember that being a thing personally.

    What was the context? When into year 1 was this?

    First few weeks of launch. There was a bug where it could just keep going all the way to 50. It was insane, happened to a streamer live and one of my friends.

    I remember when the progress would go from 1 to whatever level you were plus what you just sold if that would get you a next level for a few sessions. Not that it would just give you levels to 50. Then again, I missed the first few weeks.

  • @wolfmanbush

    If you die whilst entering HG - when you spawn back in, you spawn as a ghost character from the ferry (not the ghost curse).
    You have no access to weapons, and you can only interact with basic objects.
    So you can "hold the wheel" or "lower the anchor" etc...

    Still, enough to really mess up an opponent in a fight.

    I see you comment alot in cheating posts, andits always the same - minimising the impact of cheaters.
    Cheating is rife at the moment, because barely anything is being done (Yes, Rare ban anyone they have sufficient evidence on), but when they can just make a new alt in under a minute - is it really doing anything?
    When all of these kids, see other cheaters, getting away with absolute murder day in and day out - they then get cheats themselves - and low and behold.... entire communities form.

    Yes - There is one cheat group out there that is small in numbers, but is exclusive.
    However there are HEAPS of backyard hackers running lower end hack systems in game.
    For you to claim, there is a minimal amount of them..... quite frankly... is mental.
    Unless you play only 1 to 2 hour sessions every few days.... and the best piece of loot you find is a cpatain chest.... then ok - fair enough, you're very unlikely to find anyone but a kid toggling on/off during fights. (Good luck proving that - even with a video, sufficiently to obtain a ban).

  • @chaarley81 said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    For you to claim, there is a minimal amount of them..... quite frankly... is mental.

    I've played this game more than just about anyone here

    ALWAYS taking risk for the reward, always fighting pvpers while pveing, more random combat than most over years of play.
    Played as a pve reaper during the mass hopping boom which had pvpers hopping in on me just about every session
    In a common region for pvp hopping
    I wasn't tucc'ing on pvers and hopping for pvers like most of the activity history of this game I was fighting pvpers for years.
    I was seeing combat outside of HG against people with the curses as soon as a week after release

    Cheating has never been a significant or common experience of mine.
    I've watched a significant about of streaming specifically to compare my experience to others and what I have said in these threads is accurate based on what I have seen and experienced.

    It would be inaccurate and flawed for me to post anything other than what I have in the threads. Likely macro use and random exploits here or there (not the over the top stuff people are currently seeing) is a different story, there may be quite a bit of that in pockets of pvp activity.

    Everything I have said about low activity, tiny stamp populations, repeat encounters, low interest, etc etc is not only clear as day for people to see I wrote posts that it would happen before season 8 was released, because all of the issues of season 8 had warning signs LONG before season 8 and I have been talking about them for years on the forums.

    That doesn't take away from the people experiencing obvious cheating or people stuck in unlucky stamps and low population areas, it's a terrible spot for them to be in, that doesn't mean it's more than what it is, it means we have a real activity issue in this game where people are getting stuck in tiny population areas where cheating and repeat cheating encounters become more of the experience for some. It also doesn't mean they shouldn't get the exploits patched up, I think everyone agrees that it should be a priority.

  • Im curious how are people getting into the ship not via the ladders?
    Im there waiting at the top dont see them climb on so think they missed and they are by the table. Are they getting in via the windows?

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    Im curious how are people getting into the ship not via the ladders?
    Im there waiting at the top dont see them climb on so think they missed and they are by the table. Are they getting in via the windows?

    Might just be exploiting what has randomly happened over the years where someone is going to board and randomly glitches in the ship

    That's been around a long time but I dunno if that's what they are doing.

    A lot of this stuff seems like they are just exploiting bugs that have been around randomly for a long time

  • @chaarley81 said in Cheating is getting out of control.:


    If you die whilst entering HG - when you spawn back in, you spawn as a ghost character from the ferry (not the ghost curse).
    You have no access to weapons, and you can only interact with basic objects.
    So you can "hold the wheel" or "lower the anchor" etc...

    Still, enough to really mess up an opponent in a fight.

    I see you comment alot in cheating posts, andits always the same - minimising the impact of cheaters.
    Cheating is rife at the moment, because barely anything is being done (Yes, Rare ban anyone they have sufficient evidence on), but when they can just make a new alt in under a minute - is it really doing anything?
    When all of these kids, see other cheaters, getting away with absolute murder day in and day out - they then get cheats themselves - and low and behold.... entire communities form.

    Yes - There is one cheat group out there that is small in numbers, but is exclusive.
    However there are HEAPS of backyard hackers running lower end hack systems in game.
    For you to claim, there is a minimal amount of them..... quite frankly... is mental.
    Unless you play only 1 to 2 hour sessions every few days.... and the best piece of loot you find is a cpatain chest.... then ok - fair enough, you're very unlikely to find anyone but a kid toggling on/off during fights. (Good luck proving that - even with a video, sufficiently to obtain a ban).

    Hes blinded or trolling just leave it alone.

    There is a group of 5 twitch streamer who openly toggle cheats and stream regularly.

    Havnt played in weeks dont care to ill always come back to see if they do anything or just lay down and accept its dying fast.

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Cheating is getting out of control.:

    Im curious how are people getting into the ship not via the ladders?
    Im there waiting at the top dont see them climb on so think they missed and they are by the table. Are they getting in via the windows?

    Did you have a rowboat ? Or did they bring a rowboat 😁?

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