PvP - grinding allegiance with looses

  • Someone told me it's actually faster to level up with doing the instant looses as long as you don't scuttle. It did sound like bs, but I checked the theory. It kind of looks like loosing grants something around 1/5 of what a win grants at the moment (more or less, I don't know exact number, it just 'feels' like it when I look at the meter).

    Assuming that you are quite an average player who is not very good at boarding and your average fight consists of resetting, repairing and doing naval over and over again... it is actually true when you have a 50% win ratio when actually fighting. You can get a loose every 3-5 minutes very easily, even faster depending on loading screens and matchmaking times.

    If your average fight takes 20 minutes and more (which is not uncommon for me as well, even though I tend to go high risk), it's faster to just instantly loose over and over again. It blows my mind.

    This is an issue and I think battles when player sinks almost instantly should grant no alliegiance at all and it could scale up with time for the full allegiance after couple of minutes... maybe even give small boost when battle is longer.

    Edit: Maybe add some kind of requierments which cut rewarded alliegiance in half if not met... like hitting enemy ship with cannonball at least once...

  • 86
  • I'm gonna test it out to see. But I can't imagine doing this until lvl 100 exclusively, just mindlessly loosing and loosing without ever trying to win, as it would not make sense....How can you kill one that has no life ? ^^

  • @zig-zag-ltu You could watch netflix or something while mindlessly doing this I guess xD. I don't think it's healthy for the game at all.

  • @adara-haze But you still need to spawn, raise anchor, sail to open seas, you can't be afk, so even if you put some emote and alt tab once in a while, you would need to rinse repeat all this and make sure you dont get logged off for inactivity. So some sound must remain on. I just could not do it this way until a 100, you still need to have a lot of attention for the game.

    I'm very close to level 18. I will probably try it this way tomorrow to reach 20 and mark down how long it took me and then sometime reach 22 normally. If I get lucky, then perhaps to 24 where I would see consistent normal losses as well.

  • @zig-zag-ltu I think the higher the level, you need slightly more allegiance.

  • @adara-haze Yeah I think that's true, but as far as I heard from people here, that cap is way above 20s or 30s. I think it kicks in past 50 or 80, but someone who has done it would need to confirm

  • I think it's closer to 10-12 losses per win if you ask me, but yea loss farming is definitely a sign that the system is broken.

    The theory behind it is that losing fast multiple times garners more experience than a long battle that you win. If we say a loss is 1/10 of a win, that means as long as you can lose 11 times before you can win once and lose once actually trying (if SBMM were working properly and Elo system will get you matches where your odds of winning are 50%), the loss farming is more time efficient than actually trying. The secondary benefit is that losing intentionally lowers your match making rank (MMR) making future matches easier. Combine the two and it makes loss farming a very powerful tool to average players in a system that heavily favors the highly skilled and win streaks.

    The real challenge is that Rare can't reward less allegiance for a loss, they already listened to the community and bumped loss allegiance in the last update. If they rolled that back there would be a mass exodus from the game mode. Which is bad, because SBMM systems only work when there is a large population and everyone can be matched with someone relatively close to their MMR. A friend of mine with a dual degree in Digital User Experience and Digital Design who is a UX researcher at a major digital firm once told me, "if you punish players for participating in an activity you don't intend they'll resent you, but if you reward players for participating in an activity you do intend they'll love you." The answer isn't to punish loss farming, it's to reward good faith PVP participation.

    There have been many threads discussing how to best reward good faith PVP and IMO these are the two best ideas:

    • Daily/weekly/monthly deeds that reward hourglass activities like first win and multiple wins (5/10/20). This will encourage people to participate in good faith PVP inside of hourglass.
    • Daily/weekly/monthly deeds that reward hourglass participation, i.e. 5/10/15/20 matches. This will increase player participation in general, which raises the player pool which will increase the odds of people finding fair matches.
    • Rewarding more allegiance for a loss, suggestions range from 1/4 of a win to equal to a wins worth of allegiance. This will respect the players' time investment so that players don't feel punished when the lose those 20-60 minute battles.
    • Rewarding PVP activities such as cannonball hits, masts dropped, holes repaired and food eaten by opposing crew, each up to 5 times per match to encourage good faith PVP activities whiles discouraging farming these activities.

    There is a lot of room for improvement, keep the ideas coming!

  • I know that the third point there is quite controversial. If you reward more allegiance for a loss, you will see more loss farmers and more curses. This is sadly true in the short term, but in the long term it will be healthy for the game mode. Players feel punished when losing long battles. They get 1/10 of a win's allegiance for actually putting up a good fight for 60+ minutes. Many players have voiced this opinion and left the game mode because they just don't feel their good faith participation is rewarded proportionally to their time invested. We need to encourage good faith participants to return to the game mode so that SBMM works, and for those people it means rewarding even more allegiance for a loss.

    I've not encountered a single person that doesn't agree hourglass thrives with more pirates participating in it. The number of players who left for this reason is not insignificant, and if letting some of the casuals who want to loss farm the curses do so to make the game mode more enjoyable for good faith participants, well, that's a compromise I'm willing to make. If we don't bring those good faith participants back then hourglass will slowly decay until it reaches the 3% player time spent that arena had when it was shut down. Anyone who likes PVP or wants to participate in hourglass even only occasionally should not want that to happen.

  • Hell no bro we need to get rep when losing. Otherwise it's pointless in doing the mode

  • @lordqulex I agree. It's too dang stressful. I just want the curse and enjoy the mode. But at this stage I just want the curse then I'm going back to sinking pvers

  • @steppingfish438 said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    @lordqulex I agree. It's too dang stressful. I just want the curse and enjoy the mode. But at this stage I just want the curse then I'm going back to sinking pvers

    Here's the problem: it takes me 60 seconds to grab planks from the barrels, lower the sail, raise the anchor, pull sups from my barrels, load my cannons, drop hourglass, and drop map. It just took me 2 minutes to find a match (dive time + tunnel time). Sailing out of bounds takes a little under 4 minutes, so 6m minimum to get a loss' allegiance.

    The major complaint is that in even matches, which an Elo based SBMM system will try to get you, pirates are complaining about matches taking 60-120 minutes! I could lose 9-18 matches in that time, and as we've already established losing is not 1/18 of a win, so losing many times quickly is much more efficient that losing once in a long time. That is why loss farming is happening: because fair matches don't reward the loser for their time as much as loss farming. That is the problem that needs to be fixed!

    The easy solution is to just reward much, much more allegiance for a loss. The better solution is for loss reward to scale up with time to the allegiance of a win. The obvious observation is both of those solutions can be cheesed to farm allegiance. And that is the game designer's dilemma: you cannot create a system that cannot be exploited in one way or another by bad faith participants. It simply can't be done, not in a game like this. Stop trying!!

    Simply reward pirate's time investment, reward pirate's good faith PVP, let the PVP haters cheese the system to get their curses and get out as quickly as possible so the rest of us can enjoy the matches we're signing up for on demand PVP to get!

  • @lordqulex I agree with this. Bro like I'm a pvper but not like the sweats. I'm casual pvper that just loves to steal loot

  • @zig-zag-ltu Cap is at level 100. You need 17 560 XP to progress from level 99 to level 100. After level 100 you need 12 600 XP per level, 1,260,000 XP per 100 lvls. You need a little less for 1 - 100, but for simplicity, let's say it's 1,260,000 XP too.

    You would need 1800 losses to gain level 100. And believe me, I thought I would do that, but it is tedious. It looks like it would be easy in the beginning, but around level 50 you already need 20 losses per level and it only goes up.

  • @ondrejbakan Yeah.... I think I'll pass on that... I guess I'll get that 105 level curse by 2025 ^^

    Good thing tho, the older I get, the quicker the time passes ^^

  • It is all a mater of perspective. Being on a good crew getting high streaks is faster..... If que times are reasonable. Not sure if they are better now than they were. There are multiple factors at play. How skilled both crews are at either fighting or just running (if you can call running a skill) the problem is there is no compensation for match duration. Which could work out 2 fold. An enemy spawn camping you out of bounds is a slower loss than if you let them sink you right at the start. So they could make it so the amount of exp scales with the match duration. Could encourage the losing side to put in more effort but could also similarly make them sail themselves out of bounds to get a bigger chunk of rep. The issue is when both sides are fighting their hearts out and a match lasts 1 hour. You could have lost 10 matches in the time. Or even won a few. But to only gain progress for what essentially should be a 5-10 min battle is insanity.

    It's the reason I never wanted to grind arena. The fact that ONLY first place made progress... In terms of pirate legend progress anyway. Just felt like a huge waste. Add to that the inconsistency between the achievement of needing 100 wins and the cosmetic unlock requiring 240 wins and match lengths being 24 minutes with an upto hour long que..... no thanks. Rare has never been good at respecting players time or understand why the players view time as a valuable commodity. This is a game it's supposed to be fun and relaxing yet they keep adding goals that feel like you're pounding your head against a wall. Yes this stuff isn't meant to be earned over night. But equally nothing should require 10 years to accomplish. Most games don't even stay active that long.

    So the issue isn't that people are farming loses as wins aren't rewarding enough for the effort put in. There is no scaling to the system outside of streaks. Which if I am being honest even those feel a bit weak at times. Like a 20 streak feels like it should move the rep a bit more. So yea if we are looking at reputation per hour technically speaking you could probably at least get to 100 faster by losing than winning, added bonus the sunken ship merging screen is sweet. The victor doesn't get a cool victory screen. Add to that farming losses is pretty stress free. As where grinding a high streak could possible give you a heart attack.

  • I will add I don't think its in bad taste to do my original method. I would spend the opening few minutes of a fight not repairing my ship. Gauging the other players ability with canons and such. If I thought the battle was going to take too long and be a waste of time I would let myself sink. If it seemed like I might be better or at least on the same level I would then decide to put in some effort to try and get a win but still not repairing until I was certain I could win. I've spent far too much time in this game to waste 1 hour on a single pvp match. Especially as someone who hates pvp. That being said I have had some great battles but the mode is still very flawed. For example I would adjust my sails to half at the start of every match. Those are precious seconds needed to actually steer the ship. Which if you solo slooping every second is even more vital. So them forcing us to adjust the sails. It's much faster for us to lower them than to raise them so starting us at full speed seems silly. Like they are trying to save us time and having this fast head on charge into battle... I would prefer sails at half. Or let you adjust them in the tunnel but forcing you to be full sail out the gate? If it was full sail or no sail I would rather have no sails at the start than full.

  • I mostly Solo sloop and most of the last few matches I took part in lately have dragged on longer then 30 minutes (fighting better or equally skilled players, people that try to play keep away for 20 minutes before fighting, and getting 3rd partyed) and by the time I finish for the day I've only got 2 or 3 matches done. So I can see the appeal for loss farming when comes to time they can comment to the HG especially if the XP you get for losing a 30+ minutes is the same a 3 minute match, not to mention the other factors that could kill your PVP mood or slow down progress like losing a win streak to a bigger ship that isn't even doing the HG the moment you finished a matched.

  • @bigbadshadowman Exactly this. If you have 5 matches and your winrate is around 50% you would win 2, loose 2 and loose one more due to third party. If all of these took half an hour (and you never know how long the battle will take)... you would actually get as much allegiance with just farming looses as fast as possible in this time... and maybe even more. And this is guaranteed, no risk, no stress allegiance you can farm while watching something.
    This is my problem with it. It should give less if you sink instantly and proportionally more the longer the battle goes on.

  • IMO, you might as well get some cannon practice in and just don't repair your ship and only bucket or something. It'll end pretty quickly and you won't fully be that guy.

    But...do what you want...Games are supposed to be fun...I can't imagine loss farming this stuff...like...it's not supposed to be a job...it's a game

  • I'm just picturing the curse cutscene. We need champions like y...oh, you're one of them 😅

  • @adara-haze said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    @bigbadshadowman Exactly this. If you have 5 matches and your winrate is around 50% you would win 2, loose 2 and loose one more due to third party. If all of these took half an hour (and you never know how long the battle will take)... you would actually get as much allegiance with just farming looses as fast as possible in this time... and maybe even more. And this is guaranteed, no risk, no stress allegiance you can farm while watching something.
    This is my problem with it. It should give less if you sink instantly and proportionally more the longer the battle goes on.

    I agree but only so far... We already see loss farming and dice rolling. I encountered ship this morning whose name was "Idle Doing Housework." I'm not turning down a free sink, but man, people really don't want to participate in this play mode... Putting the curses behind PVP is really bringing out the worst in people, and my concern is that if there were a linear relationship between match length and allegiance gain, people would just sail around the biggest island in the bubble gaining allegiance. Thankfully I think Rare may be convinced to label that "trolling" and be banable, until/unless two like minded people find each other and decide to fish for three hours collecting allegiance...

    I actually detest loss farming, but unfortunately hourglass is the perfect environment to foster that behavior. It's a system with a match making rank that rewards consecutive wins. So it is hugely beneficial to lose repeatedly until you can turn in champion streaks with ease. But that is not unique to this game, it is a problem in any game with MMRs—and rewards. Games like DoTA have an MMR, but there is no advantage to tanking because there is no benefit for winning. The way to eradicate loss farming is equalize the allegiance gains for wins and losses. It's a terrible solution, but it works. The standard objection is that doing so would encourage more loss farming, which is only true for a fraction of the loss farmers:

    Some of the loss farmers are farming losses because they just don't want to put forth the effort/accept the stress of PVP to earn the curses. That group doesn't matter because they're going to loss farm their curses no matter what changes are made to the system. It will just give them the curses faster and get them out of the game mode faster, which again doesn't matter because they're not good faith participants in the game mode anyway. It doesn't devalue the curses because the curses already hold no value; between the streamers that are level 2000, the players who bought levels off Ebay from China, the cheaters, and the loss farmers that already have the curses, when you encounter a curse on the seas there is absolutely no way to tell what their skill level is. All you see is a shiny/boney pirate and gamble on whether to engage or not. I've already seen more than one in adventure mode that runs away from PVP. 🤣🤣🤣

    The other group of loss farmers are the protestors/MMR tankers. The protestors would stop loss farming because now they are rewarded equally as the winners for their good faith PVP (minus the streak bonus of course), so boom, that group becomes good faith PVP participants. The MMR tankers now have less of a reason to tank their MMR: losing hard fought battles isn't punished as you get the same reward the winner gets. Everyone is equally rewarded for a hard fought battle whether it lasts 30 or 120 minutes. It of course wouldn't stop all tanking, there are still insecure pirates that like to thump bunnies to stroke their ego, but trollers gonna troll and we're not gonna stop it.

    Rewarding the same allegiance for as loss as a win is a terrible idea, but it's the only idea that converts a healthy contingent of loss farmers into good faith PVP participants. Unless someone here can give me a better way to convince people to stop farming losses. (And no, awarding no allegiance for a loss is not the answer; it would only encourage more people to tank their MMR to get easy wins.)

  • @sweetsandman said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    IMO, you might as well get some cannon practice in and just don't repair your ship and only bucket or something. It'll end pretty quickly and you won't fully be that guy.

    But...do what you want...Games are supposed to be fun...I can't imagine loss farming this stuff...like...it's not supposed to be a job...it's a game

    Many years ago in WOW Alterac Valley had an issue where one side always won (it was a map issue). The other side didn't even bother to leave the starting cave, we are talking 40 players, just waiting to lose. There was even an addon to play trivia while they waited.

    Players tend to make the best of bad situations.

  • @hiradc a dit dans PvP - grinding allegiance with looses :

    I'm just picturing the curse cutscene. We need champions like y...oh, you're one of them 😅

    Well they don't explicitly mention the "many ships sunk" must be your opponent's 😅

  • @jolly-ol-yep when half the fights or more are same faction anyway that whole battle for sea of thieves lore has gone out of window 🤷‍♂️

  • @lordqulex said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    [ ... ] Rewarding the same allegiance for as loss as a win is a terrible idea, but it's the only idea that converts a healthy contingent of loss farmers into good faith PVP participants. Unless someone here can give me a better way to convince people to stop farming losses. (And no, awarding no allegiance for a loss is not the answer; it would only encourage more people to tank their MMR to get easy wins.)

    Really ? People would do less loss farming if losses would get more allegianace award ? Not sure what your logic is there, only that loss farmers would reach level 100 quicker and may stop then.

    You argue again and again that some people don't want to have longer fights and rather have quick way of getting a small bit of allegiance. With your proposal the gain will even be more, why would they put the effort in to have an actual PvP fight ?
    Why would people who don't particular like this kind of PvP mode and maybe aren't very good at it but currently do their best and might win some fights, try to win if the reward at the end of the fight is the same ?

  • @lem0n-curry said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    @lordqulex said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    [ ... ] Rewarding the same allegiance for as loss as a win is a terrible idea, but it's the only idea that converts a healthy contingent of loss farmers into good faith PVP participants. Unless someone here can give me a better way to convince people to stop farming losses. (And no, awarding no allegiance for a loss is not the answer; it would only encourage more people to tank their MMR to get easy wins.)

    Really ? People would do less loss farming if losses would get more allegianace award ? Not sure what your logic is there, only that loss farmers would reach level 100 quicker and may stop then.

    You argue again and again that some people don't want to have longer fights and rather have quick way of getting a small bit of allegiance. With your proposal the gain will even be more, why would they put the effort in to have an actual PvP fight ?
    Why would people who don't particular like this kind of PvP mode and maybe aren't very good at it but currently do their best and might win some fights, try to win if the reward at the end of the fight is the same ?

    I believe it is @jolly-ol-yep, @wolfmanbush, and @dragotech123 in another thread that have been discussing the reasons why people loss farm and what we can do about it. They may be able to help me recall this a little better, below is a summary of our observations and our conclusions. Do your best to read this in the voice of David Attenborough or Ze Frank, your choice.

    • The "bored" loss farmer. Maybe they don't like the stress of PVP. Maybe they find it boring. Maybe they're just lazy and just don't want to put in the effort and would rather listen to music or watch a movie while earning allegiance. I encountered this type of loss farming who named their boat "AFK Doing Housework." They will never ever be good faith PVP participants so questioning their motives and trying to convert them is futile. Admittedly this is the loss farmer that would benefit the most from increasing allegiance gains from losses; they will get the curse they want and never look at hourglass again. Increasing allegiance gains for this type of loss farmer doesn't matter because they're going to lose their way up to the curse whether we increase it or not.
    • The "troll" loss farmer. They probably already have the curses, or don't care about it. They are the ship you meet that sails around in circles baiting you to quit out of frustration. They're not in it for the curses, they're in it for the memes. They just want to waste your time because they think you're a PVP sweat and they want to ruin your hourglass experience just like you ruined their PVE experience. They see hourglass as a path to revenge and frankly don't really give two mangos about the curses. Increasing the allegiance gains for this type of loss farmer doesn't matter because they're not in it for the allegiance.
    • The "protest" loss farmer. They feel the system is broken because they've spent hours in a single match (sometimes up to three hours!), hard fought and trying their best to get a pittance of allegiance after losing. They don't feel like their time commitment is being respected and are loss forming as a form of peaceful protest. They believe that streak bonuses should be the only reward for winning and there should be an even amount of basal allegiance just for playing so that every pirate's investment is treated equally regardless of skill. Increasing the allegiance gains for this type of loss farmer will get them to participate as good faith PVP participants in hourglass which should be the developer's goal.
    • The "beardy" loss farmer. Cold and calculating, the beardy loss farmer has crunched the numbers and is loss farming with a purpose. They understand that in an Elo-like skill based match making system they can squeeze out allegiance efficiency by intentionally tanking their MMR. By grouping their losses in farming runs, they drop their MMR to make future matches easier, resulting in later grouping their wins together to earn the streak bonus. They have done the math and understand that losing 20 times in an hour earns more allegiance than winning or losing once in that hour. They are loss farming only for the mechanical advantage. Increasing the allegiance gains for this type of loss farmer will significantly reduce the advantage that they garner from loss farming, making it more efficient to be a good faith PVP participant than to waste time farming losses.

    Essentially, for every reason to loss farm increasing the allegiance gains from losing either doesn't matter at all to them, or will turn them into good faith PVP participants. Bored loss farmers will quit when they get the curse, increasing the proportion of good faith PVP'ers in the player pool, which is good for hourglass. Protest and beardy loss farmers will become good faith PVP participants in the player pool, which is good for hourglass. Trolls gonna troll, suck it up this will happen every once is a while...

    Increasing allegiance gains from losses will increase the odds of being matched with an equally skilled, good faith PVP'er, which ultimately is what good faith PVP'ers want when they vote on the hourglass. It's win/win.

  • Essentially, there are two types of pirates. Those that will continue to play hourglass after they obtain the curses, and those that will not. Of those that will not, some of them are loss farming. The faster we get them out of the queue, the faster we all get paired with equally skilled, good faith PVP participants. Which is what we're voting on hourglass to find in the first place!

  • @lordqulex a dit dans PvP - grinding allegiance with looses :

    Essentially, there are two types of pirates.

    Those with loaded guns and those who dig.

    Sorry I just couldnt resist 😅 (and it's so true...)

    Apart from that I pretty much agree to everything you just said above (farmed both curses solo and legit, now protesting by losing in same faction fights until it's "fixed" cos' I'm going for comms, personally - or give us new comms about those fights with new cosmetics attached)

  • @lem0n-curry said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    @lordqulex said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    [ ... ] Rewarding the same allegiance for as loss as a win is a terrible idea, but it's the only idea that converts a healthy contingent of loss farmers into good faith PVP participants. Unless someone here can give me a better way to convince people to stop farming losses. (And no, awarding no allegiance for a loss is not the answer; it would only encourage more people to tank their MMR to get easy wins.)

    Really ? People would do less loss farming if losses would get more allegianace award ? Not sure what your logic is there, only that loss farmers would reach level 100 quicker and may stop then.

    You argue again and again that some people don't want to have longer fights and rather have quick way of getting a small bit of allegiance. With your proposal the gain will even be more, why would they put the effort in to have an actual PvP fight ?
    Why would people who don't particular like this kind of PvP mode and maybe aren't very good at it but currently do their best and might win some fights, try to win if the reward at the end of the fight is the same ?

    Oh, about that, let me explain why I think it would actually be a good a change. At first glance it looks like increasing loss xp would make loss farming a more efficient way to progress than trying, but there are still plenty of reasons to still fight and go for the win:
    • Not losing hourglass value - A player who loses will get 0 gold, a single sink destroys the value of an hourglass
    • Not losing an emmisary grade - Sinking makes the ship lose the flag, the emmisary bonus is lost and the player would have to start from Grade I all over again
    • Not losing extra supplies - Once a ship sinks the new one respawn at the outpost with the stock supplies, so those who have collected rare cursed balls or an increadible huge ammount of supplies would try to not lose them and go back to the default supplies
    • Not losing a streak - Obviously streaks are broken after a single sink, so in order to keep that number players must keep their ship afloat
    • Not losing collected flags - Like supplies, the flags are lost after a single sink, and for some players every ammount of additional xp count for them
    • Winning would still be more efficient than loss farming - Even if wins and losses were the same, winning would still be a better option because wins are also affected by streak multipliers, loot grades, emmisary flags, and everything that affects the ammount of winning xp.
    • Losers would not be discouraged - Some players are still in the learning process and they still can't win very often, so this would alleviate the frustration of giving a good performance but still sinking.
    • Winning is more satisfying than losing - Well, actually fun is subjective, but I'm quite sure we all agree that we prefer to see the streak number increase by one and the hourglass get some coins instead of watching our beloved vessels at the bottom of the ocean.

    I guess it depends on the perspective of each player, but these are the reasons why I believe it would be a positive change with less negative impact than what it looks like. But primarily I would prefer that instead of giving flat ammounts of xp depending exclusively on the outcome of the battle, the game could actually recognize effort, performance and time invested by each player and give them an increased ammount of xp related to their actions during battle.

  • @dragotech123 said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    • Losers would not be discouraged - Some players are still in the learning process and they still can't win very often, so this would alleviate the frustration of giving a good performance but still sinking.

    This is the biggest point and should be the headline. We need to encourage good faith PVP participants of all skill to stay in hourglass. Those first few matches, before your MMR is determined, can be absolutely demoralizing for new players. If they gained like 20 levels in their first 10 matches, they would not feel so worthless for losing. They'd feel rewarded for losing and keep playing.

  • @lordqulex

    "Beardy" loss farmers won't still lose purposely for a few matches because then they will get easier fights ? I wouldn't expect them to turn into good faith PvP participants - they might want those easy wins for the milestones.

    "Protest" loss farmers become loss farmers because they spending hours & hours ? I think those long stretched fights are far between; sure they'll happen but their sparsity shouldn't be used to justify such a big change.

    There will be an increase in loss farmers, people who don't partake in it now because they lack the confidence of winning enough to get the curses or don't want to spend a long time gaining allegiance will put up the Hour glass and not become a good faith PvP participant.
    There will also be people who currently try to win but are mostly unsuccessful that will join the loss farmers - why spend 10 minutes fighting for the same reward as you get when you sail to the edge of the circle and sink.
    People who hate the supplies gathering and just start a fight, perhaps fire some of their starting cannonballs and then give up.

    You can make up the names for these types if you like.

  • @lem0n-curry said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    There will also be people who currently try to win but are mostly unsuccessful that will join the loss farmers - why spend 10 minutes fighting for the same reward as you get when you sail to the edge of the circle and sink.

    From my perspective it would be the other way around, the loss farmers would become the losers who are now trying, and without the preassure of a loss being so punishing they might even feel more confident into going for a win as they would have less to lose. As I said earlier, winning would still be more efficient. So why spend 10 minutes fighting for the same reward? Because there is the possiblity that winning will get that boost that is more efficient thanks to loot grades, emmisaries, and streaks but if they lose then they didn't waste time after all because they got a good portion of xp, and that would be less frustrating if they lost once again.

  • @lem0n-curry said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:


    "Beardy" loss farmers won't still lose purposely for a few matches because then they will get easier fights ? I wouldn't expect them to turn into good faith PvP participants - they might want those easy wins for the milestones.

    "Protest" loss farmers become loss farmers because they spending hours & hours ? I think those long stretched fights are far between; sure they'll happen but their sparsity shouldn't be used to justify such a big change.

    There will be an increase in loss farmers, people who don't partake in it now because they lack the confidence of winning enough to get the curses or don't want to spend a long time gaining allegiance will put up the Hour glass and not become a good faith PvP participant.
    There will also be people who currently try to win but are mostly unsuccessful that will join the loss farmers - why spend 10 minutes fighting for the same reward as you get when you sail to the edge of the circle and sink.
    People who hate the supplies gathering and just start a fight, perhaps fire some of their starting cannonballs and then give up.

    You can make up the names for these types if you like.

    I hate supply gathering before joining fights. I've rarely lost a match due to supplies, that's how wide the skill gap is in both directions. It's just not worth the gold frankly. If I can't beat you with default supplies, I may as well go on to the next match. It's more efficient.

    I am a bored/beardy loss farmer. I can idly farm losses during meetings to drop my MMR so when I play after my kids are in bed I get easy matches. Turned in 8 wins yesterday, gained a half dozen levels, it was great. If winning wasn't so much better than losing, I'd do something much more entertaining while on work calls. Currently back into No Man's Sky. I'd be playing my switch instead of farming losses.

    Am I the typical loss farmer? Probably not. But I assure you [pokes myself in the tummy to be sure] we do exist. If losing offered more allegiance, it throws off the equation. Turning in a 4 streak gives less allegiance than a win but probably close to 8 losses. If losing give me half the allegiance of a win, then two losses give the allegiance of turning in a 4 streak, reducing the mathematical advantage to artificially manufacture streaks by back-stacking wins via loss-tanking your MMR.

    As I mentioned above, yes, it would give the curses to other styles of loss farmer faster. But no good faith hourglass participant should want any variety of loss farmer in the queue. People already bought the curse from China on Ebay, or loss farmed it, or cheesed it. It hold no intrinsic value whatsoever. It does not "tells other players that these pirates have suffered through the hellish War of the Sea of Thieves and managed to triumph a reputable champion among their ranks, might have a lot of know-how to guide newer faces on the Sea of Thieves, or make inexperienced/weaker crews tremble and panic at the sight of them." It's an utter roll of the dice. I've seen cursed pirates run from PVP in adventure mode. The curses mean nothing.

    The only reasonable argument I've heard not to do this is all childish gatekeeping of the curses for ignoble reasons. Anyone who wants to participate in on demand PVP wants to meet other people who want to participate in on demand PVP, not loss farmers. Kick the loss farmers out of the play mode by just giving them the curses so we can move on to shooting each other with cannons and stuff.

  • @dragotech123 said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    @lem0n-curry said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    @lordqulex said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    [ ... ] Rewarding the same allegiance for as loss as a win is a terrible idea, but it's the only idea that converts a healthy contingent of loss farmers into good faith PVP participants. Unless someone here can give me a better way to convince people to stop farming losses. (And no, awarding no allegiance for a loss is not the answer; it would only encourage more people to tank their MMR to get easy wins.)

    Really ? People would do less loss farming if losses would get more allegianace award ? Not sure what your logic is there, only that loss farmers would reach level 100 quicker and may stop then.

    You argue again and again that some people don't want to have longer fights and rather have quick way of getting a small bit of allegiance. With your proposal the gain will even be more, why would they put the effort in to have an actual PvP fight ?
    Why would people who don't particular like this kind of PvP mode and maybe aren't very good at it but currently do their best and might win some fights, try to win if the reward at the end of the fight is the same ?

    Oh, about that, let me explain why I think it would actually be a good a change. At first glance it looks like increasing loss xp would make loss farming a more efficient way to progress than trying, but there are still plenty of reasons to still fight and go for the win:
    • Not losing hourglass value - A player who loses will get 0 gold, a single sink destroys the value of an hourglass
    • Not losing an emmisary grade - Sinking makes the ship lose the flag, the emmisary bonus is lost and the player would have to start from Grade I all over again
    • Not losing extra supplies - Once a ship sinks the new one respawn at the outpost with the stock supplies, so those who have collected rare cursed balls or an increadible huge ammount of supplies would try to not lose them and go back to the default supplies
    • Not losing a streak - Obviously streaks are broken after a single sink, so in order to keep that number players must keep their ship afloat
    • Not losing collected flags - Like supplies, the flags are lost after a single sink, and for some players every ammount of additional xp count for them
    • Winning would still be more efficient than loss farming - Even if wins and losses were the same, winning would still be a better option because wins are also affected by streak multipliers, loot grades, emmisary flags, and everything that affects the ammount of winning xp.
    • Losers would not be discouraged - Some players are still in the learning process and they still can't win very often, so this would alleviate the frustration of giving a good performance but still sinking.
    • Winning is more satisfying than losing - Well, actually fun is subjective, but I'm quite sure we all agree that we prefer to see the streak number increase by one and the hourglass get some coins instead of watching our beloved vessels at the bottom of the ocean.

    Ofcourse winning will get you more and things faster, but these reasons are not really of consequence for loss farmers are they ? They get the number of wins necessary to get the curses and stop playing the mode. People who are now not participating and want the curses might join the Hour glass battles for two weeks or so, or spend a session a week loss farming &c.
    They might only get a win or two in if the other crew is better at losing faster 😁.

    People who like the mode but want the curses ASAP will loss farm to 100 and only then have the good faith PvP.

    I guess it depends on the perspective of each player, but these are the reasons why I believe it would be a positive change with less negative impact than what it looks like. But primarily I would prefer that instead of giving flat ammounts of xp depending exclusively on the outcome of the battle, the game could actually recognize effort, performance and time invested by each player and give them an increased ammount of xp related to their actions during battle.

    Oh, that I can agree with the disagreement on the flat amount - to some extent. Only a slither of allegiance if all you do is sail towards the boundary and sink. The current amount if someone else does it for you if you also partook in the fight to discourage people asking others to set the course for their loss.
    A bit more for longer and active fights, but certainly not equal or even close to what a winner gets.

  • @lordqulex said in PvP - grinding allegiance with looses:

    I hate supply gathering before joining fights. I've rarely lost a match due to supplies, that's how wide the skill gap is in both directions. It's just not worth the gold frankly. If I can't beat you with default supplies, I may as well go on to the next match. It's more efficient.

    alt text
    Stolen from the SoT subreddit.

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