Easy Anti cheat - It barely even works on other games, why implement it on sea of thieves?

  • I had such high hopes when a anticheat was announced, then i seen it was "easy anticheat" and all my hopes died.
    Our very first crew we encountered after EAC was introduced had a blatant cheater on, they were running god mode.
    Hourglass is still unplayable due to cheaters.
    We also cannot report cheaters in game?
    LOL why??
    Does rare not want to hear about the cheaters?
    I do like this game and i have been enjoying streaming it but c'mon rare, if you're going to introduce an anticheat program at least get one that works.
    Easy anti cheat has a ruthless reputation of not working and generally being a useless piece of coding.

  • 8
  • @poppet-on-point

    All those "anti-cheat when?" posts.

  • If there is ever a topic to cut people some slack on it's security when they are clearly putting a lot of time, effort, and resources into it.

    Nobody was asking for specific anti-cheat they were just yelling anti-cheat at the clouds out of frustration.

    They said it is a part of their overall plan. It's early after being implemented.

    The game has a lot of serious issues going on right now, that's gonna put a strain on resources.

    The last thing people should be giving them a tough time about is not catching every cheater in a space where nobody catches all the cheaters.

    Turning every alleged or obvious cheat encounter into even more criticism doesn't help anything. People spend all day trying to find ways to cause trouble, it doesn't make sense to make it worse for the people that are actively battling against that.

    It is easy to be a troublemaker, it's far more difficult to be the ones trying to keep them out.

    • Why anti-cheat?
      Because folks have been requesting it for literally years, and it really became an issue in Season 8.

    • Why EAC?
      There may be many reasons... Because Sea of Thieves runs on Unreal Engine, and it may be more straightforward to implement. SoT also uses the EOS version, which means it won't affect SteamDeck verification and will run on Linux. In addition, Microsoft has a prior relationship with Epic, with EAC being introduced for Halo. It's also being used in conjunction with Azure's server side machine learning behavioral analysis.

    • Why isn't it working?
      If I had to guess, it's configured incorrectly (though I won't go into specifics about how). It's something I'm sure they can fix. Given what we know so far about the crashes happening on the MS Store version, this misconfiguration may also be causing those problems.

    • But EAC never works?!
      No anti-cheat is 100% effective, it's an ongoing war, and you only hear about the cheats that get through, not the ones it stops. Though it benefits the cheat makers if you believe otherwise. Why do we have police if there is still crime?

    EAC strikes a balance between being effective in the majority of cases (when it works) versus not being extremely invasive. It being kernel-level is a big concern, of course, but it only runs when the game runs, unlike some other solutions. Unfortunately, anti-cheat really needs to be kernel-level these days to be in any way effective.

    • Why can't I report cheaters in-game?
      Because you need to provide proof with your report and the game doesn't currently have any native way to do that.
  • @wolfmanbush

    Nobody was asking for specific anti-cheat they were just yelling anti-cheat at the clouds out of frustration.

    This is very true, personally i dont care what they use as long as it works, but it just saddens me to see that it not only doesnt work since it is not required, its made the game crash consistently on so many people, which is kind of heart breaking when something people were hopeful for ends up failing so much right away.

    I do hope they can fix the 2 main issues, but for the time being im just stuck waiting for a better game state to be able to play.

  • @goldsmen

    The game crashing on me was why I ended up here in frustration, I convinced my friend to buy the game to play with me and he has not even been able to experience more than 5 minutes of the game due to it constantly crashing and saying some type of beard.
    I really was happy when i heard a anticheat feature was being introduced as i was hoping to get into hourglass so i could get the ghost curse but it seems completely unobtainable for a newer player like myself.

    "If there is ever a topic to cut people some slack on it's security when they are clearly putting a lot of time, effort, and resources into it."
    The game has been out for about 10 years?
    Only just got an anticheat installed... thats not coming across as a lot of time or effort being put in the game.
    Lots of effort put in the paid for skins though...

    Its just a bad look when the only options to report in game are for offensive names and not being able to report a cheater.
    this was said above:
    "Why can't I report cheaters in-game?
    Because you need to provide proof with your report and the game doesn't currently have any native way to do that."

    errrrr Rust can pull it off, you press f7 and write your report and EAC takes care of the rest so why cant sea of thieves do that?

  • Easy-Antine cheat i maby the work antie cheat is been in the game Like i dosetn work when it sould cuz the scrit that pepole have made chest know the crsipt to bybase the antie cheat. So i feel SOT to investe in a much more powerful Antie cheat then a wekk one that anyone can bypas.

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