storm sale achievement incorrectly

  • Ahoy! Achievement of the storm sale must be changed. 250 is too much.

  • 16
  • thankfully its a commendation not an achievement. but yea i would argue 50 would even be too much considering how rare they are to find ive just added this to the list of things that are unacchievable

  • "To reach Grave V you must sell 250 Horns of Fair Winds"

    Atm, Its not impossible, since...You arent expected to reach 250 in a couple of days. That and the Horn spawning is 'broken' at best and needs only a buff.

    I hope they dont nerf it because, What is your purpose of playing long term if you unlock everything quickly?

  • @burnbacon said in storm sale achievement incorrectly:

    "To reach Grave V you must sell 250 Horns of Fair Winds"

    I hope they dont nerf it because, What is your purpose of playing long term if you unlock everything quickly?

    The issue as I see it;
    Many players already completed the Shrines & Treasuries. These are largely shunned by solo players, as you have to spend a large amount of time away from watching your boat. Introducing a grind of 250, whilst also based on RNG, seems excessive to me too.

    Still haven't seen one in the wild, so they're still in Shrouded category for me. I have been looking....

  • @ixxxoloff said in storm sale achievement incorrectly:

    Ahoy! Achievement of the storm sale must be changed. 250 is too much.

    When looking for them, we did 15 in a 3.5 hour session. its not that bad. now hitting 500 scattershot on megalodons, thats an issue.

  • @captain-coel You got a horn every 14 minutes? This seems extremely unlikely.

  • @raziel-cruentus if you know where to look and how they are spawned, you can take advantage of it and have infinite horns!

  • @raziel-cruentus They spawn fairly consistently in shrines.

  • Hard agree. Here we thought 30 breaths of the sea was bad haha. Real talk though, some of these warchest commendations (especially this one) are completely out of proportion. Even compared to captaincy milestones when they just came out, which were nerfed after. You get a cherished trinket for defeating 150 sharks and here are you being expected to kill 250 with a specific weapon in a commendation group that was traditionally meant as a casual way to introduce new content. Back to topic, i dont even really know why selling horns is a commendation at all. Seems counter productive for people to actually use them as rare wants us to. I was expecting 25 horns which is plenty challenge enough even for commendation grinders, especially noting this is merely just 1 of the warchest comms.

  • From my personal observations, the probability of finding this item on a shipwreck is 1/10. I.e. for a normal player to fulfill this achievement he will need to find 2500 shipwrecks. I don't think that's possible.

  • If you make underwater fortresses on average will need to pass 750, because this item appears on 2 of 6 shrines.

  • the way the horns spawn currently is that each server randomly selects two shrines and tgese two will ALWAYS spawn a horn every 15 minutes. i think treasuries also always have one but they take longernto regenerate. shipwrecks are just luck. but shipwrecks with reaper chests have higher chances.

    so if you server hop until the shrine of flooded embrace has the horn (which is the easiest because you can instantly dive all the way down to the horn) you can get 4 horns per hour, aka 62.5 hours of ONLY doing this. 62.5 hours of brainlessly farming this item in a cheesy exploited way is ridiculous. 50 horns is what it should be.

    but i have to say, the whole warchest commendations are absurd. i think 500 scattershots on megalodons is the most crazy one of them all.

  • @ixxxoloff The only effective way to get them is to have people sitting on top of the shrines that carry them (2 per server) with a rowboat and have em dive down to retrieve the horn every 15 minutes. Not sure why Rare thought that 250 was a good idea with how hard they are to find and even harder to get in quantities. Should arguably be no more than 100 for grade 5.

  • @i-slxshie-i said in storm sale achievement incorrectly:

    @ixxxoloff The only effective way to get them is to have people sitting on top of the shrines that carry them (2 per server) with a rowboat and have em dive down to retrieve the horn every 15 minutes. Not sure why Rare thought that 250 was a good idea with how hard they are to find and even harder to get in quantities. Should arguably be no more than 100 for grade 5.

    I'm pretty sure the way they are spawning is a bug. If they were spawning normally with an even distribution across all shrines, getting to 100 would still be bad.

  • I feel like adding a new mermaid statue with the horn would be a good way to make it more accessible. The model for the statue would be the horn holding statue in the shrine.

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