some qol idea

  • 1 buyable ammo crate

    2 change fire bomb crates to bomb crate can carry 40 bombs starts with 20 fire bombs 20 blunder bombs when bought at merchant

    3 buyable rowboats basic rowboat 5k harpoon and cannon 15k

    4 crate bundle lowers price of crates than buying them one at a time

    5 allow you to buy as many resource crate and resources as you can afford

  • 4
  • What do these solve?

  • I'd like a special treasure chest where you can put all the small items in to, so when you sell, you don't have to bother with them. Just sell the chest and say, 25 small items stored inside get sold.

  • @ulfur-gaming we allready live is seas of supplices.

    Inflation of supplices is so hard allready and you want just shovel more of them.

    I personaly miss the pre-capitancy time when gathering supplices during adventure was something that give and edge in even fight.

    Now crew who knows more supplices explioits have advantage.

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