Looking for ACTIVE players over 21+

  • Hello! We are looking for new and ACTIVE faces in The Fellowship Guild. We are at distinction one, and ofcourse heading higher up. And we are active near enough on a daily basis. To join us you gotta make sure you can take some bad humor & alot of laughs. If you end up being inactive or not suitable for the guild, you will be removed.

    We are a Discord guild, and we want to be able to communicate while playing. So make sure you have it before applying.
    Are you our new member to our shin-dig?

    Feel free to contact us.

    Gandalf, Guild leader - Gandalf GBR
    Discord: Gandalf#1572

    Mammabearofrivendell Guild Leader - Mamabear22cubs
    Discord: mammabear23cubs#8758

    Angelhell93 Guildleader -Angelhell#4507
    Discord: angelhell93#4507

    Sea you! :D

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