Thanos guild is recruiting chill mature active members

  • We are looking for active members that are 18 +. We do have a discord and are building a gamer community. If you are interested, please reach out to my Xbox gamer tag Sketchblack17 or my discord Sketchblack17. I'm looking forward to hearing back. All systems are welcome as well.

  • 9
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  • Hello and thanks for the invitation.
    My PSN tag and SOT name is Bodeco80
    Please allow access to your Discord channel.
    I do use a headset and mic when playing.
    I have only been playing a short time but do own a Sloop as well as a Brig.

  • @bodeco80 I sent you an invite on PSN. The name is Ty Houmard.

  • @bodeco80 I also accepted your request on discord as well and sent you a DM

  • @bodeco80 your very welcome 😊. Welcome aboard Thanos 😀 hope you have fun out there 😀

  • alt text@sketchblack17 said in Thanos guild is recruiting chill mature active members:

    We are looking for active members that are 18 +. We do have a discord and are building a gamer community. If you are interested, please reach out to my Xbox gamer tag Sketchblack17 or my discord Sketchblack17. I'm looking forward to hearing back. All systems are welcome as well.

  • Hey!
    Can I join?
    Discord: Luke_Rocks#4824

  • We are still looking for more pirates ☠️ if anyone is interested 😀

  • We're still looking for active members if anyone is interested hit me up😊

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