Voyage to the Thieves' Haven in Season 13 of SoT

  • In previous seasons, Larina sold the Voyage to the Thieves' Haven adventure. After changing the travel mechanics, using the ship's table, I can't find this adventure. Please tell me where to look for it and is it still in the game?

  • 4
  • My friend and I often liked to dig up treasures on this island, despite the fact that loot was not always decent. But this vibe has always fascinated us and sooo exiting. So the same question: where is journey, Lebowski?

  • @sel1kk, @duskcidertime

    It's no longer in the game unfortunately.

  • but why? it was such a nice and cozy island and a way to spend time with friends. now this island stands lifeless in the middle of the sea of ​​thieves. is it possible to leave a request somewhere to return this trip or Rare did not leave such an opportunity? :)

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