Game ideas and suggestions

  • I have a few great ideas is love to share with you guys to make your game awesome and fun! 1. A ranking system for Hourglass and fair matchmaking . This would create a more balanced and competitive atmosphere in HG! 2. An active bounty system for toxic players. Example you get sunk by a toxic crew! You should be able to place a bounty on said pirate to get paybacks. Active bounties wouldn’t have a money limit and wouldn’t disappear untill the bounty has been claimed. The pirate would be marked so other players can hunt bounties in every server. This could also create a whole new faction in the game 3. Re tooling the kraken. This has been a joke since the beginning. The most notorious creature in all of sailors lore and its lackluster. After defeating the krakens arms the body should surface for secondary fight and much more loot spawns upon its defeat. 4. Sunken kingdom islands should surface to create a new world event Called A Coral fort marked with a floating coral skull. You guys get the rest of this idea as it’s straight forward. 5. Spanish AI gallions to seek and destroy pirates trying to acquire loot. These would be the same thing as skeleton ships just reskinned and made a bit more aggressive hunting pirates 6. Adding one off cosmetic pieces via bottle quests. Example at the beginning of every season announce special cosmetics that can only be found through a series of quest starting from a bottle. Also placing a limit on the amount of quests given per season would create a frenzy with players who are into collecting trophies like me. Wouldn’t that be cool to be one of 5,000 pirates to have one off cosmetics skins all because they took the time to find them These are just a few ideas I have cooking please let me know what you think

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  • ranking system for Hourglass and fair matchmaking . This would create a more balanced and competitive atmosphere in HG

    Explain. How is it fair for someone who is ranked 100, able to create a new account and fight against lower ranks. Or lose on purpose just to dominate lower ranks.

    This game isn’t built around competitive play. No matter how players feel about it. Everyone is equal in the sea. As the code says.
    I can fight someone better or worse than me. You will never know how good someone else until the ship sinks. Firsts.

    An active bounty system for toxic players. Example you get sunk by a toxic crew! You should be able to place a bounty on said pirate to get paybacks

    How would you judge toxic players tho? Someone sinks you while you’re doing a voyage. Is that toxic? How would you go about this system that won’t turn itself into a toxic one. Bounties should be “fun” for both parties not punishment

    Wouldn’t that be cool to be one of 5,000 pirates to have one off cosmetics skins all because they took the time to find them

    Sorry but you seem to have missed the amount of players who demand time limited stuff. Nobody will be happy.

  • Why should double gold cursed pirates be able to que up against someone who just started? That doesn’t seem fair for new players. Plus most of the top pvp players all run in the same guilds making it tough for those who are not apart of said guilds to get levels. The bounty system wouldn’t matter because the player would use their own gold to place said bounty. If that player want to put a bounty on said pirate to hunt or have hunted would be a fun aspect of the game. It’s a rough idea

  • @taint3dnation said in Game ideas and suggestions:

    Why should double gold cursed pirates be able to que up against someone who just started? That doesn’t seem fair for new players. Plus most of the top pvp players all run in the same guilds making it tough for those who are not apart of said guilds to get levels. The bounty system wouldn’t matter because the player would use their own gold to place said bounty. If that player want to put a bounty on said pirate to hunt or have hunted would be a fun aspect of the game. It’s a rough idea

    In a few words you want to punish players for being experienced and to do this you propose the same bounty system that made GTA online a toxic environment.

    Tough as it is to play against better players, personally I prefer this challenge rather than punishing others for playing SOT.

  • Not really a punishment.but we’ve all ran into crews who are out rite toxic and deserves to be punished by other pirates. Thanks for your feed back and I have considered how toxic this system could actually be

  • Why should double gold cursed pirates be able to que up against someone who just started?

    What does having a curse even mean? They played longer/ Won more/Lost enough to earn it. Same with other curses, they played and did stuff to achieve it. Doesnt mean they are better.

    That doesn’t seem fair for new players.

    It fair. It like jumping into the deep end of a pool to learn to swim. :P
    Besides, New players shouldnt really jump into Hourglass "Looking for pvp" if they dont know how just yet.
    ...what happens if they dont use hourglass and STILL encounter these same players in the open world? Can't hide behind hourglass for that.

    Plus most of the top pvp players all run in the same guilds making it tough for those who are not apart of said guilds to get levels.

    Losing earns Exp, Winning earns Exp. No matter what, you earn Exp...and later levels. So....what is that excuse?

    The bounty system wouldn’t matter because the player would use their own gold to place said bounty.

    And? Gold is like finding a penny on the street, easy to come by.

    . If that player want to put a bounty on said pirate to hunt or have hunted would be a fun aspect of the game. It’s a rough idea

    Rough Idea yes. Needs more feedback and work. It a tricky requirement that hasn't really seen much development that doesnt end with "Punishing players for X and X" or just doing it to troll players.

    We’ve all ran into crews who are out rite toxic and deserves to be punished by other pirates.

    Define "toxic" in SoT first. But then again...nobody deserves to be punished by other pirates. As the mods would say: If you believe someone to be them.
    But if they are doing something ingame that is legit 'okie to do' that isn't toxic.

  • A ranking system would be awesome! They would need to have an end of year award/cosmetic, so you want to keep trying for a higher ranking and not creating alternate accounts. I also had an idea for Spanish ships, but the game needs more, it's pretty repetitive. Maybe have the ability to take over their crew and you can make a fleet in the server with a max of 2 boats (just an idea). They could also make a world event where we raid a city with different waves and objectives. 1 Attack the ships surrounding the city 2 Shoot at the tower and break them (Similar to legend of the vail) 3 move in on foot and raid the houses where the loot is scattered! It should also give the option to defend the city for commendations against other pirates! Think of the pirates of the Caribbean! Remember this is all an idea!

  • @officerotter511
    A ranking system sounds good on paper until you play Hourglass and realize it doesn't have the player numbers to support such rank.
    Maybe back when Hourglass started and you had a lot of teams/ crews playing it, but today? Nah.

    Not enough players supporting all 3 ship types and different brackets of MMR.

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