Season 14 - State of Play Update 2

  • @raumillomen

    But it requires positioning sso you can grab any of those and you do that before the action....
    You do not only cancel the penalty, but you cancel the sword lunge itself.
    I understand, you still remove the penalty, but it is different because you had to act positioned and suddenly before it happens, and you got zero advantage from the whole move, just lost time.
    You are guys comparing apples, with cars... :D

  • "In my opinion it is far from Fair to calling Quick Swap an "Unintended feature" or worse, a "Bug" as it was a pretty forseeable "Feature" to be introduced with the
    aimed "Animation Canceling" update for 2 guns as at the time there was no hard cap "Aim Down Sights" timer between 2 shots."

    @coo1ngboot You can think whatever you want and whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day the devs are the one who choose how people play the game, not the players. Quickswap IS an unintended feature, a bug, an exploit. Just like cancelling the dig animations, yet I don't see PVE people cry about it's removal all the time, even if it didnt give any advantage in combat. People just accepted the devs decision and moved on, and you should probably do the same, because QS is not coming back.

    "This is why players are trying to find quick swap methods. They are not doing it for an "advantage"- they want gun fluidity and quick swap enabled that."

    @it-sundae Best joke of this entire thread. You're totally delusional if you think people are not doing it to get an advantage in combat 🤦‍♂️

    You people need to either accept the intended way to play or just move on to another game if you don't like the gunplay. Plenty of FPS with gun fluidity to play, stop trying to turn SoT into another one of them because this is not a FPS.

  • @laikaivanova said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:

    @sparkdakirin said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:

    @ii-stealy-ii Bypassing animations by exploiting window frames in different tools to get past the set limitations on time between shots, swaps, and reloads vs taking the time to learn how to properly shoot, turn, aim, and fire a harpoon at an item with all of these features not inherently being counter-productive to each other?
    That's pretty standard and easy to understand friend. The crouch swap is at least a very small difference, so I'm not horribly upset that it's back, so long as it doesn't get so bad you're under COD style bullet barrages.

    That explains quite well why QS is considered problematic.

    Back during S1 there wasn't a delay between switching weapons and shooting.
    They added the delay for the prime reason to not turn the game into an ADHD-fest CoD title and actually have fights be interesting.

  • @towershieldv I'm not hand-waving any concerns, so my apologies if you interpreted it like that. I meant to say it is literally their IP and as such they have the ultimate say.

    However if I remember well, I seem to remember they said at one point that they evaluate these on a case-by-case basis to see what fits and doesn't fit their "tools not rules" philosophy, which is why sword lunging was allowed in, but directing your trajectory when cannoning out wasn't. And more recently, the cases of quickswapping not being allowed but allowing players to grapple an item when shooting out of a cannon will (at least for now) be kept in.

  • @lord-budstep said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:

    Just like cancelling the dig animations, yet I don't see PVE people cry about it's removal all the time, even if it didnt give any advantage in combat. People just accepted the devs decision and moved on, and you should probably do the same, because QS is not coming back.

    As a dominantly PvE player back in the day, it wounded me greatly when dig canceling became collateral damage to the removal of bucket canceling.......but I indeed understood and moved on.

    Still stings a bit though lol

  • @sonicbob

    I didn’t see anything about Hanging or Traps? Are they still currently disabled?

    Will they be returning in the next season or possibly sooner with another hot patch?

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:


    I didn’t see anything about Hanging or Traps? Are they still currently disabled?

    Will they be returning in the next season or possibly sooner with another hot patch?

    From the patchnotes:

    Stealth Features Temporarily Disabled
    Some of the new additions to the sandbox announced in the recent Season 14 Content Update Video have been temporarily disabled following the discovery of issues with potentially high player impact. These include disguises, traps and hanging from ledges.

  • With the new patch today Oct 31st I've already encountered a bug where the crouch stopped working after being pressed. I was jumping around the ship crouching when landing. Then it wouldn't let me go back into crouch position. Leaving the server and rejoining fixed the issue. I was able to replicate the issue by jumping, crouching and hitting food on the keyboard. At that point taking a mermaid back to the ship allowed me the use of crouch again.

  • @habiki Oh trust me, same ! 😅

    I was so used with it, and I still think about it sometimes when I play in a galleon and it takes me 5 minutes to dig up a chest haha

  • Ahoy,

    Keg launching was going to make naval combat a “who can blow up the other ship first” fight lol. Great idea keeping options open for skilled grappling.

    You’re already at a disadvantage w/ the grapple gun so they might as well be able to pull off a spiderman move like that lol!

    Crouching is by far the crispiest addition alongside disguises and such. I’d love to see other variations that we could get!

    I really can’t wait to see what Rare has in store for us because tbh this update was a bit botched but if it was perfect it woulda been perfect.


  • @ii-stealy-ii
    Because a pirate flying through the air while holding a keg that may manage to deck shot and blow a keg is hilarious if they manage to pull it off,. There is nothing fun in the game about someone able to kill you within a couple of seconds by switching to two different weapons. That’s just my opinion though

  • Using an ammopocuh to replenish your darts is borked, when empty you only get four fire darts, no poison or lure darts.

  • Hey Everyone, jumping back in here after getting caught up with discussions.

    I wanted to give complete clarity and transparency here though on the topic of Quick Switching. This iteration of Quick Switching by using Crouch to fire faster than intended is going to be fixed - it's non negotiable.
    The team are working on a clean implementation of this for Crouching behind the scenes, I got hands-on internally with this today and apart from a few areas of polish outstanding it's feeling great - We're currently targeting Novembers update to bring this Live.

    We've stated this before that Quick Switching within the current game balance reduces the TTK for ranged weapons below a level we are comfortable with and is not an accepted part of our experience.
    I appreciate that this topic will always be a polarising one though and I know at it's heart the feedback is with good intent for the experience itself. I wanted to validate that we've seen the feedback here though and that we are fully aware that our implementation has unfortunately resulted in some clunkiness being introduced into the combat experience over time. I'll make no firm commitments here, but trust that this will be an area of the experience we'll return to when the time is right.

    Appreciate the constructive feedback here and folks sharing their feedback!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

  • @sonicbob That is all we wanted to know! I really appreciate the effort in stating what you have. And gave us the "We heard you, friends."
    Thank you, genuinely!

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  • @sonicbob said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:

    Hey Everyone, jumping back in here after getting caught up with discussions.

    I wanted to give complete clarity and transparency here though on the topic of Quick Switching. This iteration of Quick Switching by using Crouch to fire faster than intended is going to be fixed - it's non negotiable.
    The team are working on a clean implementation of this for Crouching behind the scenes, I got hands-on internally with this today and apart from a few areas of polish outstanding it's feeling great - We're currently targeting Novembers update to bring this Live.

    We've stated this before that Quick Switching within the current game balance reduces the TTK for ranged weapons below a level we are comfortable with and is not an accepted part of our experience.
    I appreciate that this topic will always be a polarising one though and I know at it's heart the feedback is with good intent for the experience itself. I wanted to validate that we've seen the feedback here though and that we are fully aware that our implementation has unfortunately resulted in some clunkiness being introduced into the combat experience over time. I'll make no firm commitments here, but trust that this will be an area of the experience we'll return to when the time is right.

    Appreciate the constructive feedback here and folks sharing their feedback!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

    Such a shame. Was actually having fun in SOT again. Really is a fun mechanic.

  • @sonicbob

    We've stated this before that Quick Switching within the current game balance reduces the TTK for ranged weapons below a level we are comfortable with and is not an accepted part of our experience.

    The issue for a lot of us is the mixed messaging on the subject. It's "not an accepted part of our experience" yet it can be used with impunity until November's update?

    In August's Sea of Thieves News Dev Update, you seemed to take a much harder stance on exploits and warned that actions would be taken against players who used them. That was following a lot of players exploiting the Rituals during the Burning Blade event. A lot of us were happy that Rare was finally taking that harder stance on exploits at the time.

    But, now, you're taking a much softer approach when, arguably, the issue is far more like cheating than the Rituals exploit was. It's very frustrating for players who try to play fairly when we get on the seas that we have to put up with others who continue to cheat in order to gain an advantage, it's even moreso when we have no recourse other than simply to not play the game.

  • @sonicbob thanks for dropping back in to follow up and re-affirm the official stance on quick-swapping.

    The forums were getting rowdy lol

  • @sonicbob said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:

    We made the decision to leave open the small timing window after the player is fired from a cannon, where skilled pirates can potentially grapple items from their ship into their hands while flying through the air

    How in the name of sanity is that a "tool". That's completely opaque. And I'm going to guess it is 100% impossible on a gamepad. Tools are designed. This is an exploit you're not fixing

    I have to be honest, stuff like this is really stopping me from getting back into the game. Is this a fun approachable pirate sandbox, or is it a sweat-fest where the TTK is under 1s

    How can I introduce friends to this game when I'm constantly having to explain players using exploits, and even basic bugs like Meg AI having been consistently broken for what feels like 3 seasons at this point? What's got to happen?

  • @sonicbob

    You guys doesnt seems to understand that this fast ttk Is searched by players to counteract the pineapples spam,expecially now that you decided to remove 1 shot on blunder.

  • @il-truth-li said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:


    You guys doesnt seems to understand that this fast ttk Is searched by players to counteract the pineapples spam,expecially now that you decided to remove 1 shot on blunder.

    If the solution isn't going to be searching for a fast ttk, are you proposing that maybe... we have less food available for battle survival? It's not like it's a bad idea in the slightest, since they probably aren't going to restore the blunderbuss, but is that a good solution? Or is there something else you want to attempt to suggest?

  • @nex-stargaze

    Yes,the food Need a rebalance as fast as possible and everyone Who Is Active in pvp know why.

    Instead of Just stopping on "peoples uses exploit=need Fix exploit" the developers should try to find the core of this insane search of a faster ttk "why are peoples keep trying to exploit our delay? What we should do to lower this Absolute Need?"

    What happens when you are demasted and you have a boarder baiting you while everytime you hit him he goes underwater to heat his pinepalle? You want to kill It quickly,before he eat so you can deal on bailing/fixing mast/suppress Fire on enemy ship Who Is currently spamming cannonballs at you.

    Quick swap Is a wrong exploit to use but would be nice IF developers Will start to knowledge that peoples Need to be able to deal with boarders QUICKLY. (Traps are not,they can trigger trap Jump in water or run while eating pineapples)


  • alt text

  • Just sailing on a rowboat while my real ship sits at a random outpost. Got to do something silly and mischief while I wait for Chest disguise returns. :)

  • @sonicbob said in Season 14 - State of Play Update 2:

    When assessing this fix, however, we made the decision to leave open the small timing window after the player is fired from a cannon, where skilled pirates can potentially grapple items from their ship into their hands while flying through the air

    that sounds like a real fun way to get loot off the ship to sell, imagine mastering that in safer seas, park at the right position to blast yourself to the different shops and being able to grapple the loot

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