Another server with only Brigantine, gallion and a bigger ship (highest seas by example)

  • We know the regular servers are Sloop, Brigantine and Gallion. (with max 4 players at one ship), Is there any possibility that there could be another server were only the Brigantine, Gallion and a bigger ship could take place?
    I ask this because I usually play with max friends while someone else would have to play alone because there is no more room on the gallion.

    Could this be an update for in the future or isn't it possible?

  • 8
  • So you want a server without sloops?

  • Solo Brig servers!
    He wants to be the brig that bullies solo brigs.

    Dead server request.

  • @th3-tater
    He said an even bigger ship than galleon added.
    What he fails to know is:
    The servers are so unstable we can't even get a full galleon server due to a player cap.

  • @gran-canaria-1 That'd just be arena but with no boundry or pvp. (Since there was an all galleons mode.)

  • i think some underneath, don't understand the concept: its all about, if you play with friends but someone or other friends have to play alone. that person than has to play alone can't play with the gallion in the same server.

    A bigger ship causes that there will be a higher seas server (+) another server on the seas from Sea Of Thieves. Where only the brig, gall & a bigger ship by example 6/... people can sail on. the sloop can't be in that server cause thats than way to difficult.

  • @burnbacon
    yes, cause if there ever will be a bigger ship. Than would it be very hard fight each other in the amount of people by example

  • I think it mainly comes down to the processing power needed for all the ships' sounds, meshes, physics, particles, and other behind-the-scenes scripts—not just the player count. The lag is already noticeable when you’re near the Galleon and Burning Blade event ships or on them during fights with other players, so adding another large ship would likely require disabling other ship slots or features just to keep things stable.

    The player limits on the Sloop, Brigantine, and Galleon also keep gameplay balanced. Increasing these could make certain ships overpowered or worsen performance. So, for now, it’s probably not possible to add another large ship or adjust player counts without major rebalancing.

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