The odyssey by homer tall tale

  • A really cool tall tale that would pretty much be the odyssey where you go throught the same things that happen in the mythology

  • 7
    story & lorejust for fun
  • It's a good story, but very unlikely we'll get to see that in the game

  • If not the Odyssey tall tale, the idea for popular pirate or sea faring stories as tall tales seem awsome. Like moby dic and we can hunt a meg that looks like the whale in the book

  • @h0b0jo0e said in The odyssey by homer tall tale:

    If not the Odyssey tall tale, the idea for popular pirate or sea faring stories as tall tales seem awsome. Like moby dic and we can hunt a meg that looks like the whale in the book

    Jason and the Argonauts!

  • They'd have to allow a word to do ol' Cap'n Ahab lol.

  • @h0b0jo0e Agreed, I would enjoy some new tall tales to add to the game, no matter how hated they are

  • @gamed36 said in The odyssey by homer tall tale:

    @h0b0jo0e Agreed, I would enjoy some new tall tales to add to the game, no matter how hated they are

    tall tales really aren't hated overall they just aren't as popular in feedback areas, which are a small part of the overall community.

    the only reason they seem unpopular outside of that is because they don't have the same status grinds that get implemented into other content. People get tired of the action content quickly too, there is just the status thing built into the rewards.

    Tall tales are like fishing, not for everyone but def for some. Especially now that they have been doing the instanced stuff/safer seas.

story & lorejust for fun
页数 6/7