Ship Submerging Lag Glitch

  • Can ANYONE help me please!!

    I keep getting a random glitch where my ship will submerged straight down for a second then return back to normal a few seconds later

    Ping is around 60 and jumps to 314 when the lag happens

    FPS is around 130/160 mark

    Thanks in advance

  • 8
  • Are you using WiFi to connect to the Internet?

    Usually what you’re describing won’t occur unless your internet connection drops for a short period of time.

  • @jimmiduke007 since all ship orientation and movement calculations happen server side if there is a severe amount of lag or even dropped connections then your game client will just remember the last instruction it received from the server. Since the client doesnt do anything with that but show it to you this means that if said instruction had downward momentum this means your ship will submerge

  • @callmebackdraft Hi, Thanks for the feedback. so how do I combat the lag?

  • @jimmiduke007

    What system are you playing on ?

    Xbox one, xbox series x/s, pc, ps5 ?

    How is your system connceted to your router/modem ?

    Wired/wireless ?

    What kind of internet connection do you have ?

    Cable, Adsl/Vdsl, Fiber, Starlink, mobile data ?

  • @callmebackdraft

    Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.

    I am running SoT on a PC

    Currently connected via WIFI (300meg, fibre)


  • @jimmiduke007

    Then i am going to bet that the wifi connection is the main culprit at this time.

    Wifi connections are great however at any given time something can cause a decrease of connection stability, this can be anything from a car passing by to a microwave turning or something like that.

    For regular internet use (watching video, browsing the web etc) this is not a major issue because even a 10’s of seconds long interruption is not a big issue because of data buffering.

    However with something like an online game like sea of thieves that needs a constant data stream it will be noticeable

    I do have to add, lag spikes are sadly not uncommon in the game but usually not so extreme that they submerge your ship

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