Introducing: Mimic Dart

  • With the recent reveal video of the mimic dart. Player thoughts?

    Mimic an Enemy player appearance. That all.
    Frankly it’s a miss tool from what they described. Much like Lure darts.

    First off: voice chat can’t mimic that
    Second: open crew already a messy subject. Picture a lot of reports of players who think there own crew is being toxic when it just enemy player doing the deeds.
    It just a tool nobody will really use for what Rare wants them to use it for.
    (But that just my two Pennie's and it could change between now and release)

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  • The entire season leans pretty heavily into experienced players/content creators messing with inexperienced players and players that just tune out and don't care about getting robbed/messed with.

    I don't really have a strong opinion on it, I think I'll rarely see it used.

    Blow dart gun in general is probably in my top 5 best things they've added from an adventure pve/pvp point of view but for me, mainly just for the poison and the boom booms.

    I like that they trying new tools out but mimic dart is mostly outside of how I play the game.

  • It will either be useless or harmful.

    If it copies the gamertag: harmful
    If it doesn't copy the gamertag: useless, because people will just look at the gamertag. Even if it copies the title, or changes the color of the whole nameplate to green, it just wouldn't work on anyone other than noobs in open crews. Noobs in open crews have it rough enough, I think.

    In any case, I'd rather it be useless than harmful.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Introducing: Mimic Dart:

    It will either be useless or harmful.

    If it copies the gamertag: harmful
    If it doesn't copy the gamertag: useless, because people will just look at the gamertag. Even if it copies the title, or changes the color of the whole nameplate to green, it just wouldn't work on anyone other than noobs in open crews. Noobs in open crews have it rough enough, I think.

    In any case, I'd rather it be useless than harmful.

    Excellent points. I know for a fact it won't copy their gamertag, as that would cause a world of problems with people being wrongly banned for things they didn't do, which makes it more inline with your second option, and you hit the nail on the head there as well. New players already have it rough as it is in this game, and this is just an instrument to troll them, with money, time, and resources spent on it. It's going to frustrate their newer playerbase, and might not be worth using as we don't know how long the dart's effect lasts. With disguises already a feature, this just seems useless and pointless.

  • It will mostly be used to infiltrate alliances / open crews where players are unfamiliar with each other's voices and gamer tags. It will be less about confusing the cremates of the person being mimicked but all of the surrounding folk.

  • More useless stuff that will be used just long enough for commendations?


  • Think we still need some more info, whether gamertags are replicated. I'd hope most crews would recognise that their own crew can't kill them, also bear in mind they presumably are in some form of comms with their own crew

  • I could see it being used for what its intended quite a bit considering tucking is still a major aspect to many players.

    Its not supposed to be a flawless replica that the crew wont see through ever, its supposed to be a cheeky trick.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Introducing: Mimic Dart:

    The entire season leans pretty heavily into experienced players/content creators messing with inexperienced players and players that just tune out and don't care about getting robbed/messed with.

    I don't really have a strong opinion on it, I think I'll rarely see it used.

    It feels to me S14 would of been best suited in the earlier seasons of Sea of Thieves when it was a bit more populated with players and when tucking was a pretty big theme back then.
    It feels like this season was just tacked on half-bothered just so they could say they ticked that box out of things they want in the game.

    Yeh I don't see mimic dart being used that often and just feels like an open crew grief feature more then anything.
    Good for Content creators like Flotsam, PhuzzyBond etc.
    But I feel like it's going to be kept in the dust..

  • The only thing that it might be useful for, is Sot Shots.
    Other than that its just a tool to maybe mess with your own crew and have a little fun.

  • Usless daleyed stuff that Rare try to sell as new super duper feature. Kinda pathethic.

    It's like open crew grifing weapon when most players comms via discord.

  • @burnbacon I don't think it would cause problems in that part for you because the game would do something to minimally identify that it's not someone from your crew there.

  • @burnbacon said in Introducing: Mimic Dart:

    With the recent reveal video of the mimic dart. Player thoughts?

    Mimic an Enemy player appearance. That all.
    Frankly it’s a miss tool from what they described. Much like Lure darts.

    First off: voice chat can’t mimic that
    Second: open crew already a messy subject. Picture a lot of reports of players who think there own crew is being toxic when it just enemy player doing the deeds.
    It just a tool nobody will really use for what Rare wants them to use it for.
    (But that just my two Pennie's and it could change between now and release)

    Last night, after we sunk a galleon, a friend of mine on our ship noticed my nameplate changed to a white name, that wasn't mine. He took a screenshot, and I'm submitting it as a bug report.

  • Also I just used this on a skelly npc it transformed me but they still attacked me so this dart has zero use in the game it really is the most useless tool what we're they thinking with this

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