Looking for a furry crew

  • I would like some furry crewmates. I like to play SoT but feel like like most of the people i crew with are just randos and not people i can call friends and i want to change that a bit.

    I'm US East, physically disabled so i have a lot of game time on my hands. I like bats and being a cuddly goober. I really like the OOS faction and would want the ghost curse if i had a choice in PVP curses i always thought the spanish ghosts were really cool as a new player. donnie060 is my discord tag. i'm always on it so its the best time to reach me. I feel most comfortable cannoning

    For Music I like Tom Cardy, Jazz Emu and IDKBTFM

    Media i'm always interested in animated shows. I enjoyed Vox Machina Invinicble, my adventures with superman.

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