Attention Pirates! The Wolfpack is recruiting!

  • The Wolfpack is always looking for more people to play with, maybe that’s you?

    We do everything from HG to fishing, we’re chill and we just love to have fun in the game!
    We have all levels of players ranging from fresh and new to double gold curses.
    Currently we have 21/24 spots but the discord server is open for more!
    Guild is level 136 as we speak, and we’re looking to increase that.
    If YOU are chill, 18+, girl/boy/non-binary, doesn’t matter, please send me (the guild leader) a message on either Xbox or discord. My tag is MsGolo both places.

    You can even rock the Serpent sails!

    Hope to hear from you,
    Happy sailing!

  • 5
    windows 10xbox onecommunityjust for fungeneral
  • Sent message on Xbox app

  • Yo would love to join the guild! Im a pretty active player who loves to fish hope i can join. My gamertag is CapteinNiklos

  • I’d like to join!

    Gamer tag: Salty Baz

  • Hey there, I sent you an invite on discord. Without being friend it seem that we can't have MP, even if we are sharing a server.

windows 10xbox onecommunityjust for fungeneral
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