When you enter the radial to select which cannons to shoot whilst on a cannon, traps show up (I assume cause they are treated like a throwable) but you obviously cannot shoot them (I've tried). They should be removed from the cannon radial selection menu to remove clutter, image provided
Remove traps from cannon radial
I agree regarding the traps being selectable in cannon radial.
now, if we could shoot them:
- hitting another pirate could slow them down (for a short time) and deal some minor damage
- hitting the ship's cannon could slow down (or lock?) cannon aim (for a short time)
- hitting the wheel could slow down (or lock?) the turn speed (for a short time)
- hitting the ship's hull below the waters surface could slow down the ship due to resistance (for a short time)
@acnologia1403 said in Remove traps from cannon radial:
What they need to do is make every cannonball throwable as well
10+ bits of extra ammonution won't at all be OP ...
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