Bone callers

  • Please remove bone callers from hourglass. The bone callers are ridiculous in hourglass, people who are not good at the game just spam these on your boat. The bone callers cause lag and makes any PVP on the boat very luck based. They have no reason to be in hourglass because it should be a 2v2 or 3v3 not a 2v4 (sloop example.) just because a player boards you with bone callers. There is no skill with these items and I shouldn't have to sink the burning blade or loot a bunch of islands just to feel like I have a chance of winning in hourglass with people who spam bone callers. If I wanted to fight skeletons I would do a FOTD or fof no reason for me to be fighting them on my boat in a hourglass match. Thank you

  • 18
  • Please remove bone callers from hourglass.

    They are part of the game, Open World.

    The bone callers are ridiculous in hourglass, people who are not good at the game just spam these on your boat.

    Same can be said with Chainshots, Scattershots, Curses & Firebombs. But they are part of the kit.
    If your struggling, you need to figure out how to counter them. (you have tools)

    The bone callers cause lag and makes any PVP on the boat very luck based.

    Really? Might wanna send a Support Ticket and see why.

    They have no reason to be in hourglass

    As above, neither should the curses...

    There is no skill with these items

    Nor skill required to remove/defeat them.

    What your take on a Third party ship sailing into your fight and using BC? How do you stop that.

  • First time huh?
    They need to fix the duplication cheats so they go back to normal population.

    No one had any issues with these before the cheat. Also, get good.

  • @th3-tater a dit dans Bone callers :

    First time huh?
    They need to fix the duplication cheats so they go back to normal population.

    No one had any issues with these before the cheat. Also, get good.

    Then no! Duplication of resources has always existed in the game, and this has been particularly noticeable since season 8. It has nothing to do with “cheating”.

    Regarding the initial post, it's simple: if you can't beat a few skeletons, then don't go for allegiance.
    Cursed cannonballs, ALL cursed cannonballs, are part of the game whether you like it or not.
    What's more, in my experience, I rarely, if ever, come across a crew that spams bone-calling cannonballs.
    The fact that you have lags with these cannonballs, I think it's mostly down to you. I've done several, I don't have any lag.

  • Duplication is cheating.

    No one complained about bonecallers until the traps were released...

  • Nope , they are my friends ...

  • Hourglass is just pvp on demand, the equipment you do or dont bring into it should not restrict others. You dont have to use them if you really dont want, but just because you dont like them does not mean others should be restricted from playing how they like. If its a matter of "fairness" when the enemy summons them on your ship, summon your own to even the odds, you arnt restricted from doing so by anyone except your self.

    Never once heard of bone callers causing lag, i run the game on a potato and never had a single issue with them.

  • I agree with OP they shouldn't be in hourglass but unfortunately are. It's not a skill issue when you can hang off ladder and be body blocked guarding, unable to even throw a blunderbomb to knock the player off. It's just a free board and when your double gunning you can't waste ammo on the Skelly's and stay alive with any competent player. For solo Sloopers specifically there shouldn't be more than 1 Skelly let alone 3. And for adventure having a galleon potentially sending 12 on your ship at one time with multiple boarders it is simply not balanced in adventure or hourglass and a rework is necessary.

    For those saying just send your own bone caller obviously haven't noticed that your own Skelly's body block you and your bucketing and ship navigation and is worse than having none of your own to combat the enemy Skelly's. Some have said to run a lure dart and a sword but unfortunately that won't suffice against any competent player with the slightest of pvp skills.

    At least make it based on crew size. If as a solo I send a bone caller against a 4 man crew it should spawn 4 Skelly's, whereas a galleon shooting at a solo should only be 1 unless all 4 player shoot a bone caller to make it 4. That to me is balanced.

  • bone callers should be removed from hourglass. It breaks any fight and only brings negative experience.

  • If they can't be in hg, they shouldn't be in the game at all.

  • @cainbong thank you for actually having a brain and realizing it's not just part of the game and I should get over it. Cursed cannonballs don't spawn entities on your boat and are harder to come by. I'm glad someone else agrees.

  • @burnbacon none of those take were valid if you actually play hg and I also think third parties shouldn't be a thing for hg. Either spawn us somewhere in the red sea or put a barrier around our pvp zone. Curse balls don't spawn literal entities on your boat and get in your way of everything including pvp. Also cursed balls aren't as easy to find.

  • Cursed cannonballs don't spawn entities on your boat and are harder to come by

    Really? Sleep, dance, lower, lock barrels, raise sails, drop anchor. Screaming balls that pop you with 5 holes or more, ghost fire that seems worse than firebombs.
    All these curses easy found on rowboats and funny raids/world events.
    Meanwhile bonecaller just spawns easy to avoid three group skeletons. You can ignore them if you wish or set them ablaze and move on.

    Curses last to long and change the tide of battle so much more. They may not spawn stuff but left uncheck they can ruin your day.

    Same falls with firebombs. Easy to load up on, heck you can BUY them. They set your ship and player on fire. Making one have two choices, deal with it or die.
    Unlike skeletons, fire doesn’t get put out by itself XD

  • @burnbacon

    You don't play hourglass and apparently don't solo sloop in adventure. Either that or you actively avoid pvp or come across complete Swabbies.

    Firebomb your own ship and use a lure dart while defending a boarder(s). Are you trolling? You think this works against competent players?

  • You can really tell who's not good lol.

    "This and that and this and that shouldn't be in pvp"

    It's called adapting. You're bad because you can't (more like won't) adapt to new weapons and balancing so you can feel superior for intentionally handicapping yourself amd then demand it be taken out.

    Y'all are gonna cry about traps next?

  • @th3-tater

    I must be bad double gold a year ago with multiple 30+ streaks solo and 260 days played. Clearly it's about not adapting. Again, tell that to Sponge who lost to a swabbie spamming bone callers. Gotta be skill issue there and not adapting?

    Btw you have 18 days and 11 hrs played total so maybe you are right and it's easy to tell who's not good

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