Please nerf bone callers.

  • I was unaware of how much of a problem bone callers were until today. We were having an hourglass duo fight and winning by a landslide. I am a level 400ish helm and my friend is a level 600 cannon so we are not exactly bad at the game. Both ships were mast down and we had a lot of cannon pressure on them. They decided to shoot 2 bone callers at us, one from each pirate, making us have 10 or so skeletons on our boat. The biggest problem was the body blocking, they would make it impossible to move around your boat because the would keep blocking the stairs, stopping us from bucketing, ladder guarding or cannoning, basically completely shutting us down. Even after killing them they shoot another 10 skeletons at us, managing to completely remove pressure from their boat as well as send a boarder who we were unable to guard.

    This bring me to the second problem. Along with the insane damage that multiple skeletons do, we were unable to hit the boarder due to their continuous body blocks. Making it so that you can have more than 5 skeletons on one boat at a time is absurd not to mention the ability to spawn more immediately after they are defeated.

    The other problem is that the sword is the only defence against this which forces you to play sword against people with many bone callers. Even then it is still very difficult to play against. With Rare adding so many different tools to the game I can't imagine they want a single item to be able to force you into a playstyle you don't enjoy.

    Sunk twice to players significantly worse than us today and I felt that I needed to mention this. Call it coping if you like because it is. Please add some sort of cooldown before more skeletons can be spawned or at least make it so a ship can only have one bone callers worth of skeletons on at a time.

  • 21
    feedbackwindows 10question
  • 6 skellies, 3 per person per bonecaller. You're right though they shouldn't stack on same ship it is overkill.

  • @hiradc I think the best fix could just to make it so you can't shoot them out cannons, making them a boarding tool and not a get out of jail free card.

  • Why is bone caller only a problem when used in hourglass. But everywhere else it a fun tool

    Seems players need to figure out how to combat this instead of nerf

    Sword dash, instant death
    Lure dart, avoids you
    Firebombs, fast death

    Idk it just seems we have the tools but nobody wants to use them when they are stuck in the meta combat.

  • @burnbacon You will lose in hourglass if you are not using meta against good players, I am sorry that it just the way it is. Also even if you kill them, it still wastes time just for them to spawn in more, which is more than long enough for anyone half decent to get out of a situation they should not be able to get out of. Also I really doubt that it would be a fun tool if a Gally or something shot you with like 4 of them.

  • @burnbacon I see where you are coming from though, you are right that they are easy to counter with a sword but the main problem is the lack of any sort of cooldown after they are killed and can just be shot again. Often switching to a sword in time is quite difficult when you are trapped in places by the skeletons. But yes to be fair if you know the person has bonecallers and switch to a sword premeditated then you should be good. But often, all it can take is one unsuspecting bonecaller to completely turn the tide of the fight. Also about the comment I made about meta, I was definitely being overdramatic about it being an instant loss, however the pressure of a sniper rifle to reduce cannon pressure and the knockback of the blunderbuss in boarder defence are important against experienced crews and you are at a rather big disadvantage without them, obviously not unwinnable though.

    Having someone sit in the water with 5 bonecallers who simply respawns new ones every time you kill them would waste so much time or force you to take a risky ego kill. All you have to do in a tough situation is send your crewmate with all his bonecallers to shut down the other crew long enough to either escape or get them in the losing position.

    I am sorry my butthurt self made the previous comment 🙏

  • @burnbacon I really don't get it lol. PvP crews/players have touted the whole "tools not rules" mantra for ages (usually when it comes to defending the use of animation cancels/techs).

    But when it comes to the actual tools provided by the sandbox (cursed cannons, blunders, firebombs, and now apparently bone callers), it's all the sudden a problem, and they cherrypick what is/isn't okay etiquette in Hourglass lol.. I love it. They don't get it both ways, imo.

  • @valor-omega Blunder bombs got nerfed and now they are balanced and not complained about. You can’t say “but you wanted new things” if the new things are unbalanced.

  • @mioxity I'll disagree there haha - I've had several crews whine on open mic how it's "unskillful" and "unsportsmanlike" to blunder spam, but that's besides the point.

    They're really not that unbalanced. The only way of reliably obtaining Bonecallers is from the BB event. Otherwise, they're decently few and far between - if a crew has a good amount of them, it's because they took the time to supply up, and were more prepared. That's really the bottom line - they used the tools they took time to collect, that were available to them from the environment. Nothing is stopping your crew from doing the same.

    I'm also a bit confused where you're getting your numbers in your main post, as well, honestly. A single Bonecaller spawns three skeletons at any given time - so you had at most 6. Now, I'll give you partial credit - 6 skeletons on a sloop, in a hectic encounter can be annoying. But as someone above mentioned, a single sword lunge will kill them in one shot (which I guess if you're using two guns, would take a bit longer, but I digress).

    That said, the area I'd suggest change for, for Bonecallers is a hard cap on skeletons per ship, at any given time. I'd say 4-5 at most, regardless of how many unique players throw them onto the ships.

  • @burnbacon comon dude you've been called out on this before. Sword dash does not kill bone called skellies. At least try out some of the tactics you throw around when pretending that you pvp.

  • @hiradc Wait is doesn't?? That's crazy if thats true

  • @mioxity try it, always verify yourself.

  • @hiradc said in Please nerf bone callers.:

    @burnbacon comon dude you've been called out on this before. Sword dash does not kill bone called skellies. At least try out some of the tactics you throw around when pretending that you pvp.

    They're having fun spreading misinformation.
    It's a little problematic when people on here are quoting this misinformation while trying to make a point about how easy it is to deal with certain features.
    Are they even playing the game 😂

    Bone Caller skeletons are 1-shot to Sniper, Blunderbuss (up close), Double-Barrel pistol charge shot, Throwing knife, Heavy Attack with throwing knife, Poison dart and Black Powder dart.

    They are 2-shots to Sword lunge, Pistol and Double-Barrel pistol single barrel shot.
    3 regular sword slashes. 5 throwing knife slashes.

    The problem isn't killing the skeletons itself, but the fact that you can have multiple players throw 5 bombs each in less than 1 minute, spawning 30 bone caller skeletons (if you're on a sloop) in that short time frame, basically freezing your ship and crew entirely from doing anything but killing skeletons, while getting blasted by incoming cannons and potential boarders.

    Blunderbombs got nerfed because there was no way for you to properly stop them from turning your ship. Even if you were anchored, blunderbombs fired from cannons was able to turn ships 180 degrees and constantly popcorn you off your ship at the same time.

    While you can counter Bone Callers by killing them, you aren't being rewarded by doing so. You're actually being punished.
    Spend time killing skeletons, instead of returning fire on your enemy. Enemy gets out of the situation, and the second you've killed the skellies, they shoot another batch. Rinse and repeat.

  • Just setup a Hourglass and had this very fight.

    Shot 3 lure darts and set my own ship on fire, those skeletons didnt last the second they spawned, End up winning the Fight because I shot cannons.

    We got the tools. No need to ruin a fun weapon that isn't simply to find by nerfing it because players stick to DG or can't better prepare.

    If anything, im surprised nobody complains about Firebombs, how easy they are to buy mass amounts and set a ship ablaze. You either let your ship burn/take damage or stop fighting just to handle it. All the while...the enemy boards your ship or continues to pop holes in you.

    Weird choices.

  • @burnbacon

    Where did you place the lure darts?

  • @burnbacon

    You had time to shoot 3 lure darts and reload each one, AND set your ship on fire. You are playing an actual NPC if they didn't board you in that time. If you can't kill 3 skeletons by the time you've reloaded 3 lure darts, you are doing something wrong. Wanna set up a 1v1 sometime and I'll send some bone callers? Won't ever call you out again on the forums.

  • @cainbong

    The guy is keeping the lure darts tech to himself. I guess it's a secret 😊

    I was wondering where on a ship he is able to place lure darts where they don't get destroyed by cannon splash damage.

    No spot on a sloop is safe. So unless you are fighting brand new players with their TVs turned off -missing every single cannon shot, the lure darts will be long gone by the time they spawn the bone callers.

  • @kashmero

    Bone caller + deckshot I'm sure he would ask nicely for the other pirate to give him a minute so he can shoot the darts off and firebomb his own ship before engaging in combat with his unloaded Blowdart/sword combo. Same goes for boarding with a bone caller, I'm sure he just kindly asks for them to wait on ladder well he prepares his skeleton decoy before boarding.

    It's also not just a problem in hourglass, it's not "fun" to have a Gally keep pressure well double boarding and dumping 6,9,12 bone callers st the same time. Meanwhile a solo player can send back a total of 3. I'm not sure how fun that is for anyone but the larger crew

  • @cainbong Only 12 bone caller skellies? No problem. Just sword lunge them once, throw a couple firebombs after lure darting your own map table. Then prepare to die to the 3 boarders currently climbing up your ladder that you couldn't guard, for obvious reasons.

  • @burnbacon

    You’ve called for nerfs and supported the blunder nerf if I’m correct lol and have stated that “pirates hate 1 tap weapons” on another

    You lightly PvP and try to talk to crews like you are gold skelly, gold phantom cursed out of your mind.

    Now I’m not supporting a nerf to bone callers or anything (except the sword) just pointing out the irony of your responses

  • Maybe the problem isn't tactics but cheaters who are simply duplicating bone callers? Surprised no one has mentioned this yet.

    Please don't nerf their spawn rate!
    Pirates who play fairly (not using a duplication glitch or cheats), just don't see that many of them. Outside of HG, we just don't see them often.

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