Too Good Not to Show Off

  • A few days ago, upon seeing khaleesibot's post with the Sea of Thieves templates, I decided to make a carving with a small pumpkin I had which would've been a boring old Jack-o'-lantern all over again. To make it a little bit more exciting, I picked the hardest of the three templates that were provided, and with a small knife, a spoon, and a whole lot of love, this was the end result.

    P.S.: Budgie for scale lol
    alt text
    alt text

    budgie for reference

  • 16
  • @assassinsking98

    Great work! Looks fantastic!

  • @assassinsking98

    This is awesome! Good work!

  • Thanks guys! Can't seem to get the budgie picture in though, what a shame...

  • @assassinsking98

    It was in there a few moments ago. I had seen it.

  • @capta1n-cr0ss strange, not coming up on my screen at all. Well you get the idea 😂

  • @capta1n-cr0ss ok finally got it working lol, bit of a struggle

  • @assassinsking98 Nice work! Very intricate :)

  • looks cool :D

  • @assassinsking98 Wait, why didn't I get the m**o? I always thought the meme was Banana for scale. When did we get the budgie upgrade? 😆

    Nice job matey, and happy Halloween. ;)

  • @assassinsking98

    These are FANTASTIC!!! They have turned out really well.

  • @assassinsking98 Great Pumpkin 🐳

  • @wargrym a banana would be too big so I used a budgie instead 😂

  • Nice work! Also budgie is adorable

  • Ha...

    Brill 👍

  • @p0gue-mah0n hahaha I see you noticed the fish in the background too

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